The Death Knell

Chapter 2159 Saving lives and losing lives

While Deathstroke and his cousin were chatting and joking in the morgue about ten blocks away, Captain America and his party were under a lot of pressure.

With the appearance of the giant bugs, a large number of Zerg soldiers were pressing on everyone's heads like black clouds.

Even though a mysterious man repelled the living giant ship, the Zerg army that followed did not retreat. On the contrary, they launched an even more violent attack on the ground.

Even with the support of Falcon, Steve and the others were once again trapped in a building in the face of bugs that could almost fill the sky above the street.

And this time it was bad luck. Several small warships were also eyeing the building. They were destroying the building bit by bit with energy cannons like they were chewing sugar cane.

A group of people, plus some rescued survivors, huddled behind the furniture in the hall, either treating their wounds or discussing plans.

Steve was still struggling with the sudden death of those people in the bank vault. He didn't understand why the uncooperative people suddenly died silently. Who in the team was responsible?

Although the remaining survivors followed Deadpool and Spider-Man into the sewers and left safely, this was by no means Steve's intention. What he wanted to save was everyone, not Sunchang's death. The domineering game.

Who could have done it? Deadpool kept clamoring to kill those who disobeyed, but he made no move at all, let alone sarin gas. He spent a long time digging in his trouser pocket and took out the most threatening thing, which was a bundle of red detonators.

Agents of SHIELD? It doesn't look like Coulson, Natasha, Iron Cavalry, Sitwell, Crossbones, etc. are all old acquaintances. They don't have the ability to kill dozens of people in an instant and silently around them. kind of ability.

So will it be the X-Men? Even more impossible, Professor Charles is an absolute moderate, and it is impossible for him or his students to adopt such methods.

After thinking about it this way, all suspects have been eliminated.

However, it is not a coincidence that so many disobedient people died suddenly at the same time.

He felt that he was being manipulated and monitored by invisible black hands, which made his hair stand on end.

Although from a certain perspective, the other party helped him solve a problem and made the survivors comply. But he doesn't want this kind of help, the method is too cruel.

"Let's evacuate here and change to another block." Mysterio easily drew a portal full of slime tentacles, reached out to touch the tentacles and said to everyone: "Just use my hell border, and then come out. , it’s actually not as scary as you think.”

Of course, this statement might be more convincing if the tentacle did not squirm and spit out slime when she spoke, let alone a piece of bloody flesh.

X-Men is pretty good. After all, as classmates and teachers, we can accept some special external manifestations of abilities. Plus, don’t we have no choice now?

The Avengers and a dozen people from S.H.I.E.L.D. had no problem. Captain America trusted the X-Men, so they believed him, at least that's how they acted.

However, we have recently rescued another group of survivors, and there are discordant voices again. Some people would rather die than get into that disgusting-looking cavity, and even suspect that mutants and alien Zerg are in the same group. I want to trick them directly into the insect's stomach bag.

This again raised the issue of discrimination against mutants. People with broken minds accused mutants of being monsters and a threat just like aliens, and demanded that the 'Fs' present destroy mutants.

The atmosphere became very awkward, and Steve could clearly see that Wolverine had clenched his fists, wanting to kill someone.

"Logan? Don't take it personally, old man." The captain quickly pulled him aside to comfort him and smooth his hair.

Logan actually knew Steve during World War II, and participated in Operation Howling Commandos for a period of time. However, Steve later stayed in the European battlefield, and Logan was transferred to the Pacific as a member of the Canadian Allied Forces. The battlefield was later lost.

He knew Steve, but he had forgotten some of the things they had done together before, but this did not prevent Steve from understanding him. Wolverine and Sabretooth, brothers, were both ruthless men who would kill someone if they disagreed.

"Oh I'm fine."

Logan took a deep breath, walked to the door and squatted down, took out a cigar and smoked it. He wanted to calm down.

He is an X-Men now, not the same person he was back then, and he has to control his temper.

Of course, the current level of accusations and misunderstandings is not enough to make him go crazy enough to kill someone. He is just very angry.

Where have all these people's brains gone? If you want to kill them, wouldn't it be easier not to save them from the beginning? Wouldn't it be unnecessary to rescue someone and then kill him?

It's so stupid that it makes me angry to death.

Forget it, give the captain some face and don’t argue with them

Steve then breathed a sigh of relief, patted Logan on the shoulder and said a few more words to him. After all, he was the captain, and doing some psychological work for temporary players was also his specialty.

As a result, when he turned around, he saw everyone looking at him with complicated expressions.

"What's wrong?"

He frowned in confusion and held his shield tightly.

Coulson shook his head and pointed to the place where the survivors gathered: "See for yourself, Captain, that weird phenomenon happened again."

It turned out that just when Steve and Logan were saying a few words, in front of everyone, those survivors who were so sweet and unwilling to leave, and those who were the most enthusiastic about scolding mutants, all died bleeding from their orifices. On the ground, life was lost silently.

"How is this possible?" The captain strode over to check the corpses. Of course, there were no traces to be found. Apart from the fact that these people were indeed dead, there was no other discovery: "Did you see anything just now? For example An unusual shadow? Or some kind of beam?"

"No, nothing, and it's not magic."

Mysterio opened her eyes and told lies. She already knew that all these people died from Doctor Doom's blood magic, which caused the cerebral blood vessels to explode and died.

But she also knew that Doctor Doom did this because of the teacher's intention. Deathstroke had already informed her in advance. Anyway, Storm was flying in the sky. She was the only sorcerer here, so she couldn't just say whatever she wanted.

Lying, as the supreme mage of the second dimension, this is just a basic skill.

Colossus beside Mysterio nodded, and he said firmly in bear-like English: "My sister said no, then it really means no, she is a genius."

Hawkeye also came over and played with the corpses in a decent manner: "I didn't see anyone approaching them. They seemed to have died of disease."

"Is it a virus weapon?"

Steve didn't quite understand this. His understanding of biological and chemical weapons was still limited to the 'death spores' produced by the Sodium during World War II.

"No, if it is a biochemical weapon, there is no way to select the target so accurately." Falcon, a modern soldier, knows much better. He patted the captain's shield, indicating that now is not the time to think about that: "None of us have any adverse reactions. , indicating that we are not the target, and I even doubt whether they have high blood pressure in the first place."

Steve wanted to say something else, but at this moment, the bugs on the street were somehow stimulated. With the sound of shattering glass, they poured into the hall one after another, and fought with everyone almost at the same time. .

Wolverine, who was squatting at the door like a guard, was the first to bear the brunt. He didn't even scream before he was drowned by the overwhelming tide of insects.

The X-Men and Avengers, SHIELD agents and the survivors they protected were immediately put into an extremely disadvantageous situation.

There were too many bugs, almost everywhere on the floor. Fortunately, Iceman was not satisfied with his reaction speed. He used his ability to freeze the approaching bugs, and then cooperated with Colossus to start building a bunker with furniture and ice.

Mysterio also immediately put up a transparent jelly-like tentacle barrier, delineating a relatively safe circular area, but there were still many people who did not react and were left outside.

Of course, those who were thrown outside the shield were the survivors. They had never experienced a battle, and when they saw the bugs that had been staying on the streets pouring into the building, they immediately panicked.

Don’t bugs not come into the house? Do they think they are safe in the building? ! Why has it changed? !

The SHIELD agents did not remain stunned. They immediately began to drag the survivors into the shield in an orderly manner.

"Wow! Mom!"

At this time, Mei discovered a little girl. Her mother may have been one of the discriminators who died suddenly, which also caused her to be pressed under the body. She had not been seen before.

But now she made a sound, not only noticed by the heroes, but also heard by the bugs.

Many nearby Zerg soldiers made strange screams from their mouthparts, and then raised their weapons.

"Cover me!" Melinda turned and ran outside the shield. The distance was not far. She only needed a few seconds to catch the girl and bring her back.

But she obviously made a mistake, that is, she underestimated the intelligence of the Zerg soldiers.

Before they didn't enter the building, it was because of military orders. But the military order had just changed. The Insect King asked them to clean every building, and they would do it.

A human larvae? Is there a threat? not at all.

But they know that most creatures have the same desire to protect their young, just like them.

So those guns were not aimed at the little girl, but at the blank area between the girl and the protective shield. As soon as the cavalry broke out of the protective shield, several bugs shot at her.

Melinda realized something was wrong, but it was too late. Her brain could react, but her body's center of gravity could not be reversed.

"Are you going to die?" She tensed up.

She was about to be hit by the beam, but then a force came from behind, pushing her away from the place at the most dangerous moment.

Melinda escaped after being pushed behind the bunker. Panting violently, she hugged the little girl and turned around to see that it was Colson who had saved her.

But it didn't come without a price. He knocked Mei away, but ended up in her original position, which caused a big hole in his chest.

Coulson forced a smile and watched as Melinda opened her mouth and closed her eyes weakly.

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