The Death Knell

Chapter 2180 Mushroom Crisis

In fact, Su Ming had already noticed the figure when he stood on the rooftop. He had been standing there for five minutes.

Generally speaking, there are only two types of people who want to jump off the rooftop. One type is crying and screaming, and the other type is silent.

The former often want to live. They are unhappy and aggrieved, so they adopt extreme expression methods. It is not a big deal to save them casually.

What about the latter? They are often determined to die and have no attachment to life. Even if such people are rescued, they will be devastated and will come back next time.

As a bystander, Su Ming didn't know what people who wanted to die went through. If the cancer was really terminal, the family was poor, they were tortured every day, and they were deprived of the right to seek death, wouldn't it be too miserable?

Don't persuade others to do good without suffering others' suffering. This is Su Ming's point of view. People should have the right to make their own choices and bear the consequences themselves.

That's why the man stood on the rooftop for so long. Dark Death Knell only paid attention to him at first, and then started talking to Harley and the lieutenant.

But now, Harry looked like he had discovered a new world, and she pulled him to push through the crowd and run down the building. She didn't know what she was trying to do.

Sometimes she is a little bloodthirsty lunatic. She probably wants to bathe in brains and blood. This really won't take too long. According to Deathstroke's experience, as long as the police and negotiators are present, such a person who really wants to die will die. If you want to jump, you must be there before the fire brigade prepares the air mattress.

It's not that you can't die with an air mattress. On the contrary, the American police sometimes do some tricks, such as shooting someone to death on the spot to prevent him from committing suicide. That's not pleasant at all.

It's okay to be hit in the head, but it would be too painful to die if you were hit in the lungs or liver.

However, this time, being dragged downstairs by Harry and crowded in the crowd of holiday guests wearing floral shirts to watch the fun, it was quite different. Su Ming hasn't had contact with ordinary people for a long time, so it's good to be grounded like this.

He raised his head and glanced at the people on the rooftop. Because he heard the sirens, he was ready to pay homage to the watermelon before it was smashed to pieces.

But this time at a glance, he found that it didn't look like a person at all.

The man was wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase in his hand. He looked like an office worker.

The suit is not custom-made, but it is also a famous brand. The material and workmanship of the briefcase are very good, and the tie buckles are all platinum, which shows that he is also a middle-level person in the company.

It is known that his occupation is not a manual laborer, and judging from the aging of the skin on the back of his hands, it can be inferred that this person is probably under forty years old.

Because there is no pigmentation and the keratinized layer of the skin is not thick, men rarely take special care of their hands. When you can't see your face, you can look at your hands to infer your age and height.

Yes, you can't see the face. The biggest problem with the jumper is his head.

It almost didn't look human anymore, but looked like a piece of rotten wood in the forest, covered with all kinds of mushrooms.

There are poisonous mushrooms with red background and white spots, as well as yellow mushrooms that look delicious. There are probably dozens of species, all crowded together.

The man's eyes no longer existed, replaced by two large mushrooms, and enoki mushrooms emerged from the ears on both sides, with sticky brains dripping down from them.

The skin on his face was as dry as sandpaper, and the bones of his head were completely destroyed. This was not what a living person should look like.

"Oh, could it be that 'Death' is also missing? How come these living corpses with mushrooms were released?" Deathstroke whispered in Harley's ear, her golden hair on the temples gently swing.

Harley squinted her eyes, but the person on the edge of the rooftop was facing away from the light, so she couldn't see clearly with her eyesight.

"Mushroom Man? Did he run away from Super Mario Bros.? Haha!" Harley shook Deathstroke's arm, her pale face occupied by a big smile: "I've never seen a mushroom fall from the sixth floor. What will it be like, hey! Jump quickly!"

Everyone around him came to watch the fun, but some people still cast disdainful glances at Harry, probably because they thought it was disrespectful to urge others to dance quickly.

The little lunatic licked the corner of his mouth and stared back at everyone not to be outdone.

She doesn't think there's anything wrong with her. If that person really wants to live, urging him to jump can actually stimulate his rebellious psychology and save him.

On the other hand, if that person is determined to die, will he still be affected by other people's words?

Before you die, you can perform for everyone and do charity services to let everyone have some fun. It's not a waste of time for you to come to this world, right?

But just when she was using her psychological skills seemingly crazy, the head of the mushroom man on the rooftop exploded.

The whole body of the strange corpse did not move, still standing firmly on the edge of the rooftop, but his head, which was crowded with various mushrooms, exploded like fireworks.

"Tch! Damn it! The police sent out snipers again. They shot him to prevent him from committing suicide. It's so annoying. Why are there so few soft-handed policemen like Gordon?" Harley rolled her eyes, showing no interest. Ready to leave.

If she wanted to see someone get shot in the head with a gun, wouldn't she kill the person herself? It's rare for a mushroom man to jump off a building...

"Hold your breath and hold on to me."

Su Ming was not as optimistic as her, so he covered her mouth and nose and quickly backed away.

In the blink of an eye, the two people hugging each other were hundreds of meters away, standing on the roaring sea.

Because after the head exploded, there was a new discovery of the microscopic perspective of strangulation. The head was not blown open by the police, but it exploded on its own initiative.

The brain that was originally deformed and broken by the mushrooms was not empty. Instead, there were many spores, which were difficult to see with the naked eye. With the airflow of the explosion, these spores were moving towards the head like smoke and dust under the influence of gravity. Falling in front of the crowd of onlookers.

A mushroom that could live on a person's head would not be a good thing, and it would be even worse if it showed explosive propagation properties like puffball mushrooms.

Sure enough, just ten seconds later, the onlookers began to show strong itching symptoms.

Everyone began to scratch their heads crazily, and pieces of scalp with hair fell off automatically, spreading all over the floor. Some people took out their eyeballs because they were itchy, threw them on the ground and stomped them, causing screams.

Chaos broke out instantly.

Colorful mushrooms began to grow wildly from their skulls, and mushrooms of various sizes struggled to get out of everyone's seven orifices, stretching their faces like colorful balls.

However, there are no mushrooms growing on other parts of the body, which shows that these unique fungi probably feed on brain plasma.

"It's strange. They look like common mushrooms, but their growth rate and characteristics are completely different." Su Ming took off with Harry in his arms again. It must be at least higher than the Marine Department building. Any low-altitude streets are unsafe.

Su Ming has strangulation protection, and these spores are harmless to him, but Harley cannot.

However, instead of being afraid, the protected person laughed loudly and took out his mobile phone to shoot: "I have to record a video for Xiaohong to see. She is a botanist. I hope she has research on mushrooms." .”

Well, although she acted a little crazy, she had a clear mind. Even if she didn't take the initiative, Su Ming originally planned to let her contact Poison Ivy.

"These mushroom people look like a type of zombie, probably a variant of South American zombie fungi." Watching those people with mushrooms on their heads throw themselves into the street one by one, and then stand up one after another and become like wood. As stiff as a pile, he felt something familiar: "Little Jelly Bean, have you ever fought a zombie?"

"Ah, I've dealt with Resident Evil several times before. Do you know the Elvis zombies? There is a large group of people who turned into walking zombies after Elvis died. When they hear other people's songs, they will go into a manic state and destroy all music playing. The kind of weapon."

Harley talked about her experience with a smile. She did encounter those ghosts, but those zombies would dance as long as they heard Elvis' songs, perform side lunges or crush cigarette butts, etc., which were not considered at all. Threatening, more like funny.

"Okay, then they can probably be considered zombies." Su Ming shrugged and gestured to the ground with his chin: "The police are here, and these mushroom zombies have reacted. Look."

"Yes, I saw it. They are biting people, as if they are eating the intestines." Harley nodded, her twin ponytails swaying: "It spreads quickly, and the bitten policeman also grew mushrooms, ugh! It really happened again It’s Resident Evil. Last time I turned into a fish man, this time I turned into a mushroom man. It’s really interesting.”

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