The Death Knell

Chapter 2182 Sea Blindness

"Spore? I seem to have heard this word somewhere. What does it mean?"

Neptune was placed on the top of the tower, holding a harpoon and starting to scratch his head.

He had heard of this term, but the strong man with only a primary school education and whose specialty was "talking to fish" had his shortcomings exposed again.

Deathstroke took off his mask. This distance was still safe for the time being. Besides, Atlantis could also rely on hard water to form a barrier for protection. It was also necessary to observe the spread range and speed of the spores here.

If the situation goes bad, I will take Harry to the Forgotten Bar to avoid it.

"You often swim around in the sea, and you must have seen Gelidium, right? This algae actually relies on spores to reproduce. Recently, people are cultivating Gelidium spores in large quantities to obtain agar, which is used in everything from food additives to medical research. aspect."

Su Ming gave a common example to Arthur. Red seaweed is widely distributed on the earth, and he must have seen it.

Arthur grinned and squeezed the water from his beard with his palm: "I think I understand, by the way, what is Gelidium?"

"..." Deathstroke blinked, a little speechless. He asked Strangler to fish out a piece of kelp from the seawater on the edge of Atlantis and put it in front of Arthur: "Do you know what this is? ?”

"Seaweed." Arthur replied quickly without thinking.

Strangler fished some sea calamus from the bottom of the sea and placed it in front of Arthur. The thin green leaves were very beautiful.

"What about this?" Deathstroke asked again.

Neptune held the steel fork and his eyes widened: "It's still seaweed."

Well, Su Ming finally figured it out. Arthur could recognize various types of fish, but all underwater plants were collectively called seaweed.

This is normal. His father is a lighthouse keeper and part-time fisherman. If he catches seaweed and can't sell it for money, he will naturally send Arthur away with just "weed".

"Forget it, I can't explain it to you. You just need to think that the spores are the seeds of mushrooms that are so small that they are invisible." Su Ming was too lazy to play the piano anymore. Arthur needs to start from junior high school knowledge. The difference is too far. : "Let's go to the third ladder to contact the Justice League first. It's best to ask Martian Manhunter to come over."

Martian Manhunter can change his form, which is similar to that of an ooze monster, and he is not an earth creature at all. These spores should not pose a threat to him.

"Ron and Hawkgirl are not here. They took Sean to the main star of the Senagan Empire." Neptune looked down at the tower to see the height and jumped down: "You know, during the battle with the Legion of Destruction, Senagon's wingmen also suffered heavy losses, and the queen over there is still the reincarnation of Hawkgirl, so we strongly urge them to go over and provide help."

Su Ming floated down with Harley in his arms and landed next to Arthur: "I understand, they think the Justice League owes those aliens."

"Maybe?" Arthur walked on the wide street, and the residents on the roadside greeted him, and he responded enthusiastically.

"The universe is a ship. If Peppertua destroys the ship, no one on the ship can escape." Su Ming replied calmly. His point of view was completely different: "The Senagon people want to protect themselves and protect themselves." The Human Alliance, but now that the Dark Mother of Diversity is dead, it is unreasonable for humans to make up for their losses in the war.”

Arthur squeezed the water from his hair with one hand and walked quickly to lead the way: "I don't know very well. Anyway, during the meeting, everyone said that it was to expand the scale of trade. They wanted to exchange the earth's materials for Senagon's N Metal."

If it's trade, it's not a big loss.

Earth's craftsmanship, even if Vulcan gets started, can only achieve simple use in processing N metal, that is, to create a black weapon like the Deathstroke Night Sword, which can resist magic and energy attacks, and can be used when necessary. Acts as an anchor between metals.

But Senagang's own technology can mold N metal into a kind of golden anti-gravity substance. That is considered a special skill. If he can exchange infrastructure supplies for golden N metal, then it will be worth it.

It seems that the period of time when Ron was captured by Luther made him sober up. This decision was not considered dizzy, but the timing was just not good.

"Okay, let's not mention Martian Manhunter, Cyborg and Superman should be here, right?" Su Ming moved his arms, and Harley hugged him a little too tightly: "Don't tell me that the Justice League is taking a break recently, and the Hall of Justice is only second-tier. Hero duty or something.”

"It's true to take turns." Arthur smiled sheepishly: "After Peppertua was killed by you and Batman was away, everyone has been under a lot of pressure recently and everyone has their own things to deal with, so …But don’t worry, Green Arrow is now in the Hall of Justice, and he has a plan.”


Su Ming had been to Atlantis several times before, but he either went directly to the restaurant or to the Egyptian theme park. After the city was completely rebuilt, this was the first time he entered the depths of a palace.

The overall circular hall is made of white marble, with some corals and oversized shells as decorations. Luminescent pearls serve as light sources. There are also pieces of water directly leading to the sea between the palaces. When the city is on the sea, they It is a beautiful pond.

The sunlight shines on the water with colorful lights, and these light spots are reflected to the ceiling, making everything look beautiful.

As the master, Arthur and Deathstroke walked across the long covered bridge to the throne room. On the throne was Mela. She was leaning on the throne holding the trident with one hand, and tapping the throne with her other little hand. The armrest seemed to be waiting for her husband to report the situation.

When she saw Deathstroke and Harley, she stood up to greet them, also looking very enthusiastic.

She had basically never interacted with Harley, but Deathstroke had saved Arthur more than once, and she had to show her gratitude:

"Death Knell from another world, long time no see. Welcome to Atlantis again. I welcome you on behalf of all the people."

Su Ming smiled and shook hands with her, and took out a large alcohol gift bag from his pocket as a meeting gift: "I haven't seen you for a month, Meila, so there's no need to be so outgoing. Although I also want to accept the hospitality, there are still some serious things to do now. , can you use the communication equipment of Atlantis? I need to contact the Justice League, but I don’t want to go to them one by one."

Mela naturally knew what happened on the coastline, otherwise she wouldn't have let Arthur go check it out.

Seeing the appearance of the death knell, she understood that things might not be simple, so she responded to the request to borrow equipment:

"Of course, please follow me."

The communication equipment was placed in the war command center below the throne room, connected to the palace above through a secret staircase. After passing through a secret passage made of coral, everyone entered a hall full of soldiers running around.

But before Meila could operate the machine, the screen had already lit up, and Green Arrow's mustached face appeared on the screen.

"Slade? Is that you?" He was stunned for a moment when he saw Deathstroke, but Harley, who was blowing bubble gum next to him, recognized that this was Deathstroke from another world, so he immediately smiled: "You are there too Atlantis, that would be great, we need some help.”

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