The Death Knell

Chapter 2204 How to crack it

Black water flowed on the huge heart. Zha Kang and Zatanna walked onto the bridge made of rotten bones. The light behind them disappeared and the passage was closed behind them. The smell of rottenness in the air instantly became dozens of times stronger and so spicy. People can't open their eyes.

In addition, they all felt a sense of thirst, and even wanted to lie down on the ground and drink from the mud below. Even on the shore of the small lake, all kinds of monsters were constantly coming. Climb out.

"The entire space is beating with the beating of the heart, and it is intoxicated with the thirst for death." Zatanna looked behind her, and there was no way out. She could only keep up with Constantine's rapid advance: "I heard it all Madame said that death is a girl who always smiles, and I suspect she may have put her dark side here."

"No." Constantine ran towards the huge heart. The closer the distance, the bigger it looked. From a few hundred meters away, it looked like a skyscraper, with a disgusting pulse: " There is no distinction between light and darkness in death. It is one of the purest concepts. You cannot look at it from a human perspective. Death is both the end and the beginning, and it does not exist or require any emotions."

Zatanna jumped over a section of the bridge. The rotten bones under her feet were not strong, and the rotten flesh made her soles slip. At the same time, she had to be careful not to get the high heels of her boots stuck in the gaps between the ribs.

"Isn't it? I thought the beating heart meant life, and everything decaying around it meant death. It was a cycle."

"Things that move are not necessarily alive, and things that don't move are not always dead." Zha Kang took off the cigarette butt in his mouth, recited a spell and threw it out. It burned to form a wall of fire, separating the He caught the monster in the water and wanted to climb up the bridge: "I can't explain the details now, but you have to remember that the Kingdom of Corruption is closer to the Kingdom of Dreams, followed by the Kingdom of Death."

The wizard recited a spell to levitate and move faster.

"Is this a dream?"

"That's right, the rotten dead also have dreams."

Although Constantine is a lung cancer patient, he runs very fast. Now he has reached the bottom of the suspended giant heart:

"You must have heard of near-death experiences, right? Those who almost died described what they saw when they were about to die, the only luminous exit in the darkness, and everything in their lives was like a movie. The film flashes back in front of my eyes like that."

Xiao Zha, who fell beside him, suddenly realized. She looked up at the rhythmic black heart and said:

"I understand. No wonder Deathstroke said he couldn't find Xiao Dai. If she enters a dream space, she will indeed be given the attribute of nothingness and become an intermediate state between 'existence' and 'non-existence'."

"But if you die here, you will be completely dead. Be careful." Constantine warned, and he took a rare moment of seriousness.

Zatanna nodded and looked over his shoulder. Suddenly, she discovered something:

"Is that a green plant?"

Yes, the black water flowing out of the heart formed a small puddle on the island directly below it, and a vine snaked out of it. It climbed on the heart above, and it seemed to be a support. Holding this giant black fruit.

Constantine's eyes were always fixed on the plant. He showed a sultry smile and refilled himself a cigarette and lit it.

It was just that he had a little difficulty breathing, and he took several puffs before he finally finished the cigarette.

"Yes, you know this thing, but you may not have seen a complete plant. This is the vine of death. It's interesting. The green of all things penetrates so deep into the black territory of decay. I always think that the Queen of May is It is the most intelligent, it is compatible with almost every will in the Parliament of Life, and it can attach itself to anyone."

Just like what he said, the vine covered with sticky black sap only looks a little dirty, but it is undeniable that it still thrives in places without sunlight.

"Death Vine, I know that African shamans use its leaves for divination or channeling. I used to think it was just a plant that grows in cemeteries and clings to tombstones."

Xiao Zha looked at the plant curiously. She didn't like necromancy very much. Her father taught her to be careful of dead people since she was a child.

Constantine squatted down and looked at the plants with a strange look: "Those circulating in the world are all monkey versions with poor medicinal effects. Only this one is an authentic medicinal material, growing in the deepest part of the rotten country." ,Effect"

As he spoke, he stretched out his fingers with black mud under their fingernails and scratched the clean areas on the vine a few times with his nails.

The green skin was scraped off like powder, and it looked a bit like Japanese matcha powder. Before Zatanna could raise any objections, he quickly stuffed his fingers into his mouth and slurped happily.

"The effect is great!"

He sucked so hard that the black mud under his fingernails was sucked clean, but he didn't have a disgusted expression at all, but instantly entered a state of madness.

His eyes lost focus and the blue of his pupils turned to black. He saw a world that no sane person could see.

"Uh, I don't think you should do that." Zatanna curled her lips. She didn't think eating the food here was slightly unhygienic.

"Haha! Xiao Zha, this is really useful. I know how to find Abby!" Constantine laughed to the sky as if he had gained the knowledge of a madman, then grabbed more vine branches and started chewing.

The helpless witch sighed. She felt that she always sighed or cried when she was with John, which was not a good memory.

"I guess I won't like your approach. As always, you show up, cause damage, and then let others clean up the mess." She looked at the front man who was climbing on the huge vines, eating leaves and canes like a goat. Boyfriend, at the same time, she also heard messy footsteps coming from the bridge.

The monster is approaching.

"Things may get a little weird, but buy me some time, dear." Constantine burped and recited a spell with a mouth full of grassy taste. Then, his whole person became ethereal, like They were like bubbles or clouds, gradually fading and floating upward: "Don't let them get close to me, definitely not."

Then, like a ghost, he merged into the black heart in a flash.

"Sure enough, the medicine is more effective. This is not the soul leaving the body, but the energy of matter." Zatanna turned to look at the bridge, raised her hands and prepared to fight the monster: "This should be the ultimate pursuit of drug addicts. , live in a drunken dream, and then throw all real troubles to your girlfriend or ex-girlfriend."

All said and done, although Zatanna didn't know what Constantine's plan was, she would not let the monsters get close to the island in the middle of the lake.

She crossed her hands on her chest, made a rare magic handprint, faced a large group of monsters swarming towards her, and shouted loudly:

"Thunder and lightning!"

Dazzling white lightning instantly shot from her hands to the sky, and then turned into thousands of silver snakes and chopped down on the bridge, illuminating everything as bright as day.

The black monsters were all wiped out by the powerful positive energy attack, but at this moment, she heard a girl screaming from the mysterious passage on the other side of the lake:

"Hateful, who suddenly turned on the lights! People can't see!"

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