The Death Knell

Chapter 2217 Concealment and Trust

"Adjutant, teleport us to Orpheus I in the ghost universe."

Not far from the dense forest, through Strangler, I saw Diana and the others boarding the shuttle cabin and disappearing again with a loud noise. Deathstroke also contacted Sepurk through the communicator to transmit.

We need to talk to the May Queen, but we can't talk in its base camp. The plant types here are too complex, and just seeing flowers nearby won't do.

Harley was held in his hands, her legs still moving, looking unhappy. She still wanted to explore in the rain forest.

"Why don't you tell Xiao Dai your guess?"

Bobo held his pipe in his mouth and made a melancholy gesture, his expression looking very deep.

"I believe Diana, but the witch in her body can't believe it. Although Zatanna is unconscious, she may be the Upside Down's eavesdropping device. Abby is one of our own, but wherever she is, there is the blackness of decay. Then I’m not a friend. To sum up, what do you want me to say?”

Su Ming shook his head and was bathed in a faint beam of light. Even the plants in the rainforest seemed unable to block this light. It came from another dimension.

The next second, the two of them arrived at another planet full of green. This place was once full of poisonous gas and poisonous creatures, but now, after endless transformation by Brainiac 21, some areas can be for human beings to survive.

The orangutan detective sighed. He took out the small wine bottle and took a sip. The wine stained the black hair around his mouth. There was no sun in the ghost universe, and the only thing he could see when he looked up was Sepurk, which was emitting red light.

He asked again: "Are you saying that everything related to witchcraft is no longer credible? If so, we have lost a lot of help."

Deathstroke put down Harley in his hand and let her play around casually. This is a modified small island where your plants are harmless to humans.

"Not necessarily, my hairy assistant." Su Ming stayed away from the coastline and walked aside to look for something in the grass: "The sorcerers of Maia use fairy magic, and their survival lies in your hands, so they It's believable. Constantine and Arabelle's power comes from Hell and Lucifer, and the Upside Down can't intervene, so it's also believable. And Raven, her power comes from the Demon of the Three Houses. In this case, the Three Houses Will stand on the same front as us."

Bobo nodded, then paused for a moment before continuing to fill his pipe with tobacco: "Actually, you have a few more that you haven't mentioned yet, right? If the Upside Down wants to dominate the family, then the Lord of Order and the Lord of Chaos are both I will object, Naboo and the Demon Boy should be within safe range.”

"I'm just worried that you won't be able to accept it when I say it, because a month ago, we were still enemies fighting each other to death, but now we have changed and our positions are consistent again." Su Ming took off his mask and revealed his face: "So It makes it look like Swamp Thing and Blue Devil died in vain.”

"You don't have to worry about my feelings, Slade." Bobo interrupted him and climbed onto his shoulders on both hands and feet, lowering his head: "This is not my first day in the magic world, orangutan, this dark and chaotic world. In this world, there are no eternal enemies, only eternal interests. I will be sad for their sacrifices, but I will not think that their sacrifices were meaningless at that time. Now that we have saved the world from Perpetua, the situation is better. Quite a few, this is all due to them, isn’t it?”

After saying that, he looked at the death knell with wide eyes, trying to get some recognition.

Both Blue Devil and Swamp Thing died at the hands of Naboo and the Lord of Order behind him. In terms of contribution, Deathstroke felt that their deaths were worthless. One was tricked to death by Zha Kang, and the other was dragged to death by Maia. And these could have been avoided.

But he couldn't say that. He smoothed the orangutan's hair with his backhand and smiled on his face: "Yes, they sacrificed for the world and the magic world. Their achievements are indelible and their names will last forever."

After hearing this answer, Bobo also smiled with relief and jumped off the ground with satisfaction: "So if you want to cooperate with the Lord of Order, you don't need to worry about our feelings. If anyone else in the team feels uncomfortable, I will help. You convince them.”

The sound of the sea waves was still there, and skeleton-shaped work ships flew past in the distant sky. Those ancestral ships of Brainiac's lineage, their metal tentacles baring their teeth and claws as before.

It seems like nothing has changed.

"No, it doesn't matter if you confuse people, order or chaos, plus angels and devils, they are all the same thing." Su Ming shook his head and found a vine that looked like a sweet potato seedling from the grass. He dug it up along with the surrounding soil: "I can be an ally for a while, but sooner or later I will betray you again because of interests. I will not fall twice in the same pit."

"Then what are you going to do? Do you hope that Arabelle can find Lucifer? That King of Hell really has no desire, just give him a nightclub to play in." Bobo actively made suggestions. To be honest, he was not happy when he heard the death knell. Even though he planned to cooperate with his enemy, the Lord of Order, he was secretly relieved.

He said it was easy to let go, but he still felt uncomfortable in his heart. Bobo originally planned to make concessions for the sake of the overall situation, but now it is obvious that he no longer needs to.

"I have a ghost universe. As you know, it can now be regarded as a passage. I haven't taken you to play on the other side of it." Su Ming held the vine in his hand and patted the green soil on its leaves. : "But I am the Supreme Mage there, and there is a powerful demon group supporting me behind me. They are a little more credible."

Bobo bit his nails and thought for a while before saying, "You want them to come over and help? Is that possible?"

"If you completely let go of the ghost universe and cancel the valve mechanism to completely connect the two sides, it can be done." Deathstroke nodded and glanced at Harley, who was not far away and was about to take off her clothes and play in the water: "But that means the integration of diversity. The risk is very high. There can only be one Earth in a single universe. Do you understand this truth? Before I think of a way for the two Earths to coexist, I can only borrow the power of Weishan Emperor to a very limited extent. They You can stretch out a feather or a tail, that's the limit."

The orangutan finally understood. Barbatos broke through the sky-blood layer and created the fusion of positive and negative universes. To put it bluntly, it was a kind of multi-dimensional fusion. It was a big crisis that would destroy everything.

I don’t know what the other side of the ghost universe is like, but merging Earth 0 with the universe where another Earth is located is undoubtedly on the same level of danger.

Fortunately, Deathstroke is not a crazy bat. He is actually thinking about the survival of the universe, and that is enough.

Feeling that the topic had become a bit too serious, Bobo took a puff of cigarette and joked: "Unless you think that tail is strong enough to be used as a lever, it's best not to use it to move the earth."

"Lever balance? Maybe your suggestion is good." Su Mingxiao rubbed the orangutan's head, carrying the vine seedlings towards the deserted reef beach: "Go and watch Harley, don't let her swim too far, my side and Wuyue The queen will tell you something and it will be fine in a moment."

Bobo, who was wearing a tweed suit, knew that Deathstroke was trying to distract himself, maybe he was discussing some backup plan with the May Queen, but what could he do? He is just a weak and pitiful orangutan. In this dark world, it is good to be alive.

So he meekly turned away and walked to the seaside with the trust of the death knell on his shoulders, leaving a string of barefoot footprints on the beach.

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