The Death Knell

Chapter 2234 Return to No. 11

Alfred was not surprised by the twisted desire for control of the black and yellow mercenaries. To be honest, Cindy and his lady were both control freaks, but their methods were different from the death knell named Slade.

"I won't interrupt your conversation, miss and gentlemen." Afu took out two coffee cups like magic, poured a cup for Deathstroke and The Flash, and then politely walked to the elevator: "Dinner will be served in half an hour. , there will be steak.”

Watching the figure in a tuxedo disappear from the cylindrical elevator, Su Ming waved to Bliss and said hello:

"Long time no see. How is the situation on Earth minus 11 lately?"

"It's calm." The woman raised her hand to brush her long black wavy hair, tapped the keyboard a few times, and showed Deathstroke the global surveillance picture: "There is no sign of the Laughing Bat's invasion, and there is no possibility of threatening the survival of the world. crisis, similarly, Qi Xia and Sea Queen are no longer a problem for me."

"It's really good." Barry took a sip of coffee, smacked his lips, and said with an expression of appreciation on his face: "I mean, both the coffee and your world are very good."

"But I won't let down my guard." Bliss changed her position and leaned on the chair, turning it around: "So, what are you here for? Barbatos's escape from prison? The reorganization of the Dark Knights? Or Is Perpetua resurrected?"

Deathstroke also took a sip of the coffee and clearly tasted the money in it, but since this coffee came from the digestive tract of some small animal, he was not prepared to drink more.

"It's still the same old question, coming from the Laughing Bat. I need to know how you did the things you entrusted to you before?"

Bliss, who was wearing pajamas, stood up and walked to the locker nearby to change into her uniform. It was a set of sealed metal cans with many small robotic arms inside to help her get dressed.

A few seconds later, she put on the tight black clothes with the bat logo on the chest again and came out. While tightening her gloves, she answered Deathstroke's question: "The Legends of Tomorrow team is having a good time these days. I raised them well." , of course, the design and technology of the Waverider are also very helpful for my research on aircraft, which is a mutual benefit."

With that said, she touched the hidden button under the console again, and suddenly a beam of light fell in the Batcave.

You can see that there is an extra platform not far away, and under the light pillar is something familiar and yet unfamiliar, that is, the bat flying machine.

Compared with the Bat Flyer of Earth 0, its lines are tougher and sharper, and it is considered more "feminine" for Earth Minus 11.

Although Bliss was still expressionless, there was an almost unnoticeable pride in her tone, as if she was very satisfied with this new toy. After all, she had seen all kinds of new equipment after going to Earth 0, which greatly It broadened her horizons.

She personally thinks that her design is perfect.

"What are you doing in uniform?" Barry took a sip of coffee, which seemed to contain spices he had never tasted before, making his body warm: "Didn't Mr. Butler say that dinner will be served in half an hour? I I ate some chocolates and snacks along the way. I really need beef now. It’s not that I don’t feel guilty, but you have to have strength to work.”

"I still remember that you once stated the principles of airplanes to me, Barry, and you are a scientist." Bliss grabbed Xiao Shen's arm, lifted him up from the chair, and walked towards the aircraft: "So I plan to take You go out for a spin, and you help me check its status in flight. This is my first time building an aircraft, so I need a professional eye to check it."

"You want me to accompany you on the test flight?" Barry looked embarrassed and forced a timid smile: "Um, has your plane been equipped with an ejection seat and a parachute?"

"What is that? I haven't seen it on the Waverider." Bliss swung her cloak and dragged Little Flash on board: "But logically speaking, no matter what the equipment you are talking about, it does not affect Isn’t it flight performance?”

From a certain perspective, the Waverider can be regarded as a slightly different spaceship. Of course, there will be no ejection seat or parachute on it. What is the use of such things in outer space?

The ceiling of the Batcave slowly opened, and the platform on which the aircraft was parked slowly rose. Moonlight and fresh air poured in from the outside world at the same time.

Breathing, well, it's still the dark smell of Gotham.

"Slade, save me!"

It's useless, the sound insulation performance of the Bat Plane is very good.

Barry stretched out his hand to scratch the cab glass in vain, his face also pressed against it, looking so desperate.

But Su Ming didn't seem to notice. He bent down and found something good under the cabinet, the crystal ashtray from when he came last time. Then he sat back on the sofa, took out cigarettes and wine, and rested leisurely.

Well, that’s right, this aircraft also has vertical take-off and landing, and the propellers’ fire-breathing is pretty cool too.


The female version of Batman is also Batman, and her control of time is even more wonderful.

At the same time that Ah Fu walked out of the elevator pushing the dining cart, the two people who went out for a drive just came back without wasting any time.

Of course, it was obviously just an excuse for Bliss to take Barry for a ride. She was probably not trying to avoid Deathstroke and ask the simple Flash some questions.

It doesn't matter. With Batman's suspicious character, this behavior is understandable, and Su Ming is too lazy to expose it.

The things that Barry knew were limited, and the things he told him were basically positive, and Flash's character would not pay special attention to the things in the dark.

So when the two of them got off the plane, Bliss still walked like a breeze, but Barry seemed to have been squeezed dry, and his legs were weak when walking.

The hood that half covered his face was taken off, hanging softly on the back of his neck, and the two small wing-like 'lightning ears' were drooping and swaying behind his back.

Returning to the dining table that had just been covered with white cloth and temporarily transformed from a workbench, Barry drank the remaining coffee and took a long breath: "It was too fast, it was really too fast, she was half It took me one full circle around the earth in just one hour, and it was still outside the stratosphere.”

Su Ming shook his head in amusement: "Isn't it too slow for you?"

"But I have never run at such a high place. There is no parachute, and her cloak is not modified with a paraglider. Do we have to rely on a grapple gun?" Barry's forehead was pressed against the table, looking exhausted.

Or are you too guilty to watch the death knell?

"Okay, let's eat first. After dinner, we'll go find the Legends of Tomorrow team. Next, I need you to help me get the Waverider's shipboard AI 'Gideon'. We're going to use it for a long trip."

Su Ming no longer looked at the simple Barry, but picked up the knife and fork and began to attack Ah Fu's works.

I have to say that Butler Man's food is even better than Xiao Wang's. It's as delicious as cheating.

Barry secretly breathed a sigh of relief and didn't hear clearly what Deathstroke said. He nodded in agreement and started to taste the appetizers.

Bliss changed out of her uniform, put on her silk pajamas again, and sat across the table. She looked at Deathstroke and asked in a deep voice: "Where do you want to go with the Waverider? You always told me to do it." What does it mean to leave them in my world and in this time?"

"It means that the Laughing Bat wants to play dirty tricks with me, so I'll give him something more dirty to play with. It's that simple." Su Ming raised his head with a smile and wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin: "There are some people he can't see. Unexpectedly, the Waverider that traveled through another multi-dimensional system 'DCCW' is the key to it."

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