The Death Knell

Chapter 2256 The scumbag who arrived in time

During the time Zatanna was thinking, the surrounding environment, which was originally a sea of ​​fire, had undergone earth-shaking changes. It changed from a purgatory to a magnificent grassland in the blink of an eye.

The sky was no longer thick smoke and blazing embers, but a sky full of beautiful stars. Soft grass covered the uppers of her shoes, and moist dew soaked the leather.

Flowers soon bloomed on the grassland, and butterflies that appeared out of nowhere also appeared in the field of vision. They flapped their shiny wings and spread their scale powder across paths in the air.

There is no doubt that this is all done by the Upside Down. This is its dimension, where it can change the environment at will, change all physical rules, bring down lives, and even reverse life and death.

It can make this place feel like hell, or it can make this place a fairyland. Everything is under its control.

This is undoubtedly the darkest and most mysterious magical power, which can change a dimension. It is also the best way to show power to humans, because the main way for humans to receive information from the outside is through their eyes.

Displaying mystery and appearing holy in front of others are all old tricks.

Once upon a time in the Age of Gods, those gods would always come to the crowds and exert their power to move mountains and seas, and in doing so make people kneel before them.

Translating these behaviors into language is - 'You can't do it, I can do it, so get down on your knees and beg me'.

Of course, the changes in the dimension in front of us are also a threat. The Upside Down showed his control over the dimension and even brought in Batman to prove an intuitive fact to Zatanna.

‘You can’t defeat me with force, and you can’t defeat Batman with brains. Now that we join forces, what can you do to resist the deal we proposed? ’

But Zatanna knew she couldn't agree, because from the moment she appeared here to the last glance she gave her father, Giovanni's spirit had been urging her to leave, shaking his head at her.

Do you believe in the father or the upside down man?

This has never been a problem...

Xiao Zha pretended to think, but he was actually delaying time and thinking about a good way to escape.

Many people say that magicians are often masters of escape techniques and can escape from a sealed water tank or a locked box under a chainsaw. But obviously, if she wants to escape from a magical dimension, she will have to use magic to hide her eyes. It's definitely not going to work.

what to do?

Just when her face was calm and her heart was getting angry, a pillar of fire actually shot out not far away.

It was like the space was torn apart, the dimensions were broken, the ground there was twisted and shapeless, white flames were sprayed out, and it hit Batman accurately, even the Upside Down Man could not stop the blow.

The pointed-eared figure disappeared in the white light, and the black material could be seen being decomposed and torn, and then turned into blue smoke.

"Hey, are you busy lying to others?"

A mean voice came, and a man in a brown trench coat walked out of the hole. He waved casually with the hand holding the cigarette, saying hello flirtatiously.

It was Constantine who arrived. At this time, his hands were covered with strange scriptures, and the shining white words seemed like his bones were glowing.

He shook his head and came to stand next to Zatanna, vaguely blocking her behind him.

"Did you kill Batman?"

The witch had a dazed look on her face, and she couldn't close her mouth.

The white flames gradually dissipated, and Batman's body was gone. Even the surrounding grass was cleared, revealing a large paper-like blank, like the home plate area of ​​a baseball field.

"Bat? No, no, no, don't tell me you really believe in the trick of turning people upside down?"

Zha Kang smiled and shook his head, but his eyes were fixed on the upside-down white-scaled monster, answering his ex-girlfriend’s question:

"Batman will not be wiped out so easily by a magic. The real Batman will take out the N-metal folding shield from his belt to show off his tricks. In addition, even if he really formulates a plan to counter Deathstroke, it will not I will tell you, think about your relationship with Diana, and then think about the relationship between Xiao Dai and that Deathstroke, understand?"

There are too many horseshoes exposed. In addition to the two mentioned points, Constantine can find a lot more.

For example, Batman believes that magic is dark and dangerous. He himself will not even step into the underground hall of the Dark Zhenglian. The entire sorcerer team's operations are all managed by Diana.

Do you think Batman like this will enter the Upside Down dimension? Or in the form of an out-of-body experience? Constantine didn't think Batman would give the Upside Down that much trust. He once wanted to ask Bat to help decorate the House of Mystery, but he didn't even go.

Furthermore, now the real Batman is suffering from "Joker's disease". This fake talks too much without laughing, and does not show symptoms of split personality. You must know that madness cannot be controlled, not even by a bat.

Constantine actually arrived for a short while. He just opened a small hole in the dimension and peeked into what was going on inside, because he also wanted to know what tricks the Upside Down wanted to play.

Is this the result? A bit tender.

What was destroyed was a phantom, a piece of soulless flesh and blood, something fabricated by the Upside Down to deceive Zack. It was not the real Batman at all.

In this dimension called the ‘other world’, it can fabricate the image of anyone.

"By the way, why do you all like to bring Batman out to play? There are enough bats in our world." Constantine flipped up his blond hair, put the cigarette back into his mouth, and said through gritted teeth: "You may be able to deceive the upside down man. She can’t fool me, to be honest, I’m an expert at playing matchmaking dummies.”

"Constantine! Why do you want to ruin my business!"

The Upside Down was no longer calm, and a purple dark witchcraft light lit up on it. Although it only had one mouth on its face and no expression could be seen, you could tell that it was furious just by listening to its tone.

"Well, I often lie to others, so I understand you. You betrayed Deathstroke out of envy and hatred, but you still left the fear of him. The red and black weirdo doll in your hand proves it."

Constantine put his hands in his pockets, tilted his head and raised his face, and replied with a smile:

"So you are eager to find another smart person to cooperate with, and want to rely on the wise man to deal with Deathstroke who wants to kill you. You must have looked for Batman, but he took advantage of you instead and kicked you away. So You want to change your direction and blackmail me by controlling Zatanna, right? I'm quite honored. It's a good plan, but she was just a little bit fooled."

As he said that, he took out his hand and showed the length of it, which was not just a little bit.

Constantine knew Xiao Zha very well. Although she did not see through the conspiracy of the upside-down man, she must also know that this monster is not trustworthy.

Since it dares to betray that terrifying death knell from another world, then it can betray anyone. Why does it still want to find smart people to cooperate?

Who would be a smart person to step into such a trap! This reason alone is enough to refuse.

Zha Kang felt that if he were the Joker, he would be laughing so hard that he couldn't stand upright by now. The Upside Down has been following Deathstroke for half a year, and what he has learned is all superficial, which is too far behind.

The Upside Down didn't want to talk anymore, he directly launched an attack, maybe out of anger, maybe he planned to keep Zha Kang behind directly through physics, because its overwhelming magical energy gathered into a giant purple hand, like a butterfly fluttering It just jumped down from the air.

“The seventh angel blew his trumpet, and there was a loud voice in heaven saying, The kingdoms of this world have become the kingdom of our Lord, and He will reign forever and ever!”

Constantine was well prepared. He held a cigarette in his mouth and recited a spell loudly and quickly. On his raised hands, the strange symbols glowed brightly.

Although he often likes to use hell magic because he can avoid paying the price by fooling the demon kings, this does not mean that he does not 'do business' seriously.

As long as the price is paid, the magic scum Kang of the heaven type can also be used, and the authority is very high.

Archangel Rachel is the so-called seventh. His "Book of Angel Rachel" records 1,500 magical arts and mysteries. After being taught to Adam, that is, human beings, Judaism was also derived. A powerful ritual like Kabbalah's Tree of Life is a super secret method that leads directly to 'infinity'.

Hundreds of years ago, the dying Madam Xanadu used the "Mystery of the Tree of Kabbalah" to activate Tarot cards, saw "death", and modified herself to have an infinite lifespan, at the cost of "eternal loneliness."

Even so, it also shows that even the Endless Family wants to give Heaven face.

The Upside Down is pretty good, at least stronger than Hecate, but it also depends on who he is compared to.

As Constantine's spell fell, the entire magical dimension was instantly split in half by a white light beam. There was only a patch of snow-white in sight, and a large number of feathers fell from the sky.

Accompanying the beam of light came an army of angels. They looked a bit out of place. Their eyes were all glowing red and they attacked the Upside Down. They kept shouting words like "Obey my Lord". , swarming towards the monster like moths to a flame.

The Upside Down was like being surrounded by a dense swarm of flies, even his magic was interrupted, and his vision was obscured by endless wings. He could only deal with these obstructive angels first.

The power of heaven interfered with its control of the dimension, as evidenced by the white beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth. This was a dimensional invasion war.

Who told it to enter this multiverse with its own dimension? Once you come in, you have to play according to the rules of the game here.

"Come on, Xiao Zha, let's run away quickly." Constantine took out a key from his pocket, waved it in front of his ex-girlfriend, and bent down like a thief: "Go on your stomach, crazy angels won't Attack animals crawling on four legs first.”

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