The Death Knell

Chapter 2261 Multiple Gods

"It's the church again. I think this is probably the most successful chain brand in the multiverse."

On a bright moonlit night, Harley squatted next to the death knell with her hammer on her shoulder. She secretly watched a church in the distance through the bushes in front of her.

The town of Annville is just an ordinary American town, but the church here seems a bit too big and does not meet the standards.

The church looks dilapidated and in disrepair from the outside. A crooked-necked tree in front of the door has long since withered to the point where only a few leaves are still hanging on the branches.

In an era when faith was scarce, everyone cared more about their own interests. Coming to church was seen as a waste of time. No one put coins in the donation box, so those who opened the church naturally had no money to repair it.

If there is no money for decoration, no one will come. This is a vicious cycle.

"You are wrong, crazy woman. People only go to church when they want to worship God, but when they want to kneel down and worship the devil, they have more choices. They have many choices, including basements, garages, abandoned buildings, and deep forests at night. Any place without light will do."

Bobo squatted on the side holding his knees. He was fiddling with a tree branch with his hands, and he habitually quarreled with Harley.

Harley curled her lips, put the handle of the hammer against her chin, and said lazily: "In many cases, it is better to ask for help from others than to ask for help from yourself, and to ask the devil to do something, it is better to put the person you want to solve in the dark and kill him. If you can't solve it, The problem should be solved by the person who caused the problem, huh? You seem to be asking me questions?"

The twin-tailed woman stuck out her tongue, slowly licked her lower lip, and smiled maliciously at the orangutan.

"I didn't, stop talking nonsense, Slade?"

Bobo's denials were distorted three times in a row, and he finally turned his attention to Deathstroke for help.

"You said you couldn't beat her, so what are you doing to stoke the fire?" Su Ming put his arm around Harley's shoulders speechlessly, telling her not to hit the orangutan's head: "Gideon can't see the future of this world, which means that Our next actions are all dangerous, so don’t expect the Legends of Tomorrow who are on standby on the spacecraft to come to the rescue.”

Bobo lowered his voice, as if he didn't want the people in the church to hear, even though it was still far away, he asked: "I still don't understand why Gideon is malfunctioning. It seems that other earths are good. .”

Deathstroke plucked the bushes with his fingers, then withdrew his fingers and let the dead grass bounce back into the distance: "There is a God on this earth, and this is his earthly kingdom. No matter how high Gideon's technology is, facing that level of Mysterious is still too far off.”

"One God? And a second one?"

Harley blinked. It sounded like there were many Gods. This heresy sounded quite exciting, and she became excited again.

You know, the Christian religion claims that there is only one true God in the world, but now this trip proves that he is not the only one?

Su Ming slowed down his breathing and shook his head at the woman. It was not such a simple question.

In fact, this earth used to belong to the V agency's world view, and was later sucked into DC. At that time, a series of chain reactions occurred that cannot be explained clearly now.

"You just need to know that the Gods in certain pluralities are not the same person, just treat them as different clones. The brains I let hang in Gotham of the Pale Knight proved some of my conjectures."

Bobo took a breath, and Mao seemed to have a mask of pain on his face: "You are actually trying to catch God's attention, so why don't you let the Flash return to Earth 0? If he is not here, we don't even have the final insurance."

Yes, there were only two of them and one monkey hiding behind the bushes at this time.

Surrounded by the Gobi Desert, the church was extremely deserted within a few miles. Dry tumbleweeds rolled past from a short distance away, and the moonlight turned its shadow into a ball of black smoke.

"Don't worry, everything is under control. The God of this world... I'm afraid it will be beyond your expectation." Su Ming smiled meaningfully at Bobo, but did not rush to explain, but pointed. Pointing to the other side of the grass: "Look, someone is coming out."

Bobo suppressed his words with a flat mouth, stood up on tiptoes and poked his head out from behind the grass, looking in the direction pointed by Deathstroke.

The church opened in the middle of the night. Under the pale moonlight, a mustachioed man wearing a black priest's robe with blood stains all over his body dragged a body out.

He seemed to have little strength, and it was very difficult to drag and lift him. When the body passed the steps of the church door, the brains were knocked out of the head.

"It's great. The last time I saw the priest kill someone was last week. I miss him so much!"

Harley commented with a smile, but still lowered her voice very restrainedly, she behaved very obediently.

The mustachioed priest dragged the body to the foot of the big tree, then turned back to the church, and after a while he dragged out another body.

The two corpses, one short and fat, the other tall and thin, were disemboweled and died. It didn't look eerie, but just funny. This is very strange, because even Bobo feels a little want to laugh, this corpse seems to be able to affect people's emotions.

"So we're just here to watch the priest dig holes and bury corpses?" The orangutan rubbed his forehead, his brows furrowed, and there was almost the word "king" written there: "Is this priest our target?"

"He is the fuse of everything. Our target is not here. It's just that there are no reliable sorcerers now, so we can only use stupid methods." Su Ming answered the orangutan and patiently watched the priest find an iron and lift it under the tree. Dig a hole.

Harley's eyes lit up: "So the corpse is our target?"

"Yes, these two are both angels. How can I put it, they are not dead, just this body has been abandoned." Deathstroke took out a bottle of soda and took a sip: "In this universe The angels are immortal and cannot be killed. Every time one of their 'human bodies' dies, a new body will soon be transmitted from heaven."

The priest in the distance took off his black robe and worked shirtless under the moon, sweating profusely.

"The cannibals will definitely be happy after hearing this." Harley looked at the two dead bodies next to the mound: "If they can come infinitely, wouldn't it mean an unlimited supply of meat."

"...Strangler agrees with your opinion." Su Ming shrugged, and the black bean sprouts came out and rubbed Harley's face, then retracted: "But unless it is a last resort, I usually Don’t eat intelligent creatures.”

"Stop talking about that, just talk about the plan."

Bobo rolled his eyes. This earth gave him a bad feeling. It seemed to be darker than Earth 0.

This is animal intuition.

"There is another vampire in the church who is cleaning the house at the moment. I will attract their attention. You and Harley will take the opportunity to steal the body. I want the angel body to be useful. I hope their heads haven't been knocked to the ground. '."

Su Ming laid out his action plan, then patted his chest, and Strangler immediately began to transform, turning him into a handsome and elegant vampire youth in the blink of an eye.

That's right, just like the hero of the Twilight Saga in the host's memory, sometimes a good face can save a lot of things.

Then he threw out the magic floating cloak and asked it to find a hospital to steal some blood bags. If you want to fish, you always need bait. The priest is not easy to deal with, but the vampire's weaknesses are much more obvious.

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