The Death Knell

Chapter 2263 The knocker in the middle of the night

After midnight, the interior of the church was dark, with only the faint moonlight filtering through the holes and wooden boards in the windows, squeezing into this place where even mice didn't want to come.

There are signs of repairs on the benches, and the paint on the icon on the cross has even peeled off, exposing the mottled iron parts on the inside. From the side, it seems that the Bible on the podium is missing many pages, which must be because there is no toilet paper. But Jesse used it when he had a stomachache.

There are spider webs in the corners of the ceiling, and there is a large pool of blood in front of the altar. At this time, a skinny figure with thorny hair is cleaning up with a mop.

Not only the blood had to be cleaned up, but the stuff in the intestines and stomach also flowed everywhere and seeped down the gaps between the floors. It was the hardest thing to clean up the smell.

"Oh, what bad luck. My nose is so good, I always feel the smell." The man was still talking to himself, swallowing hard: "I'm a little hungry after working... .No, I can’t hunt, I want to be a good person.”

He is Cassidy, a vampire who came to the small town after his plane crashed. Because he didn't have a dime, he could only spend the night in the church and stay with Jesse.

The priest was drunk every day, and most likely he didn't know his identity as a vampire, but aside from that, it could be said that the two of them had similar odors, so this vampire became a gatekeeper.

It's a bit ironic to say that the church is the sacred residence of the Lord, but it turns out that there are murderers and vampires here, making it a mess.

"Oh, my waist." Cassidy straightened up with a painful look on his face, and hit his back a few times with his backhand: "These two angels are here for Jesse, and they want to disembowel him. What’s going on?”

He muttered while working, and seemed quite happy, but no matter how hard he wiped the floor, the smell of blood in his nose did not get lighter, but became stronger.

Sniff sniff...

He discovered that the smell was not coming from under the floorboards, because the blood of angels was not drinkable, they were industrial products made from the water flowing up and down from heaven, and the blood tasted like kerosene.

But now this smell was the fragrance of virgin blood. As a knowledgeable vampire, he quickly became intoxicated.

His feet felt like they were stepping on cotton. He twitched his nose and closed his eyes to follow the smell. Soon he hit the wall.

It turned out that the sweet smell of the girl's blood came from outside the back window of the church, and Cassidy was immediately confused.

Why does there smell of human blood behind the church at night? You know it's a cemetery...

But if an injured girl really comes to your door, should you suck her or not? This is a problem. Logically speaking, if you want to be a vampire, you shouldn't hunt, but the more you smell this smell, the hungrier you get!

Confused, very confused, he walked around the window, and the footprints on the floor quickly formed a chrysanthemum shape.

He finally opened the window and planned to take a look outside.

If someone is really injured, then bandage them and send them home, then come back and lick the ground yourself. As long as you go back quickly, the blood will not evaporate so quickly. Although this is the Gobi Desert, it is still possible at night. It's quite cool.

It turned out that the window outside the window was not an injured girl at all, but a pale, handsome young man with short black hair and a sexy butt and chin.

Seeing Cassidy push open the window and stick his head out, the other party shook the opened blood bag in his hand and greeted him with a smile:

"Hey, brother, do you want to compete?"


Cassidy turned into a question mark with black face. Why was there someone selling DVDs at the back door of the church with a bag of blood at night?

No, the key issue is not this.

He quickly shook his head. The other person was obviously a vampire. It could be seen from the pale skin, the pupils that glowed in the dark, and the fangs exposed in his mouth when he smiled.

This is the same kind of people coming to your door.

"Who are you? What do you want from me?"

He couldn't help but be on guard. There were many vampire families, each with their own ways of doing things, and they often were at odds with each other.

But the biggest contradiction often comes from the dispute between the 'vegetarian faction' and the 'blood food faction'.

The former believes that vampires should integrate into human society and earn money to buy blood to survive. The latter believes that humans are lower animals and the vampires only need to hunt and kill them.

Cassidy is a little person in the vampire clan. He doesn't care about the position of the big guys above. For him, he just wants to survive.

When he has money, he will buy blood, but occasionally when he encounters bad guys or people he doesn't like, he doesn't mind opening meat and drinking a few hot drinks.

"Don't be nervous. I'm a vegetarian, and I'm not here to cause trouble. Well... you can call me Edward Antonio Mason Cullen." The handsome young man said a long list of names, and then He pulled off the black cloak on his body and showed off the blood bags hanging on his body, as if setting up a stall: "My purpose here is very simple. I just want to ask you if you want to buy blood? I have good products here."

Cassidy always felt that the other person's name was made up, at least because he had never heard of any Cullen family nearby, but he still swallowed when he saw the blood bags dangling on the lining of the cloak.

Want it, but don't have enough money.

Look at what they are doing in this business. Not only does it look rich, but it is also well maintained. A ghost who is hundreds of years old looks like he is eighteen or nineteen, especially the aristocratic demeanor that cannot be imitated.

What about yourself? His hair was withered and yellow, his eyes were dull, he was as skinny as a stick, and his mouth was full of rotten teeth.

The low self-esteem left Cassidy speechless. He swallowed, looked away, and whispered: "I have no money."

"Don't have money? This is going to be difficult." The vampire who called himself Edward did not show any discriminatory expression, but just smiled awkwardly and politely. He suddenly seemed to remember something, and his eyes lit up under the moonlight: "By the way, I haven't seen you in this town before. Are you new here?"

"Well, I used to live in New Orleans." Cassidy smiled sheepishly.

"Well, if you are willing to invite me in and sit for a while, I can give you a few bags of blood for free as a welcome gift to welcome you to the town." Edward came up with a good idea and pointed to the back door of the church. , because for old-school vampires, if you want to enter other people's homes, you have to be invited.

Cassidy hesitated because this was not his home, but God's home.

But the other party had already taken out blood bags from under his cloak, one bag, two bags, three bags...

"Please come in, be careful. There is a thorn on the door handle. Yes, that's right there."

His stance immediately changed, and he smiled warmly, welcoming the other vampire to the church.

"Thank you, friend." Edward walked into the back door in an aristocratic manner. He looked around at the place full of debris without making any comments: "I haven't been to this town for some days. I remember that this place should be It must have been abandoned. I originally planned to come here to spend the night, but why did it reopen?"

"Oh, you're talking about Jesse, right? The priest of this church used to be his father. He died decades ago. He only inherited this place recently. Maybe the church doesn't know what happened here. Anyway, it appears in the paperwork. Just go to Father Custer."

As he spoke, his eyes were still on the three packets of blood in the other person's hand, and he kept licking his lips.

Edward smiled. He handed Cassidy the opened pack of blood from a girl with high blood sugar and asked him to moisten his throat: "Let's sit in the hall for a while. There is too much dust here, which is not good for my skin and hair." .”

"Okay, come with me."

Cassidy put the blood bag on his mouth and sucked it like jelly, then he vaguely agreed and turned around to lead the way.

He was quickly intoxicated with the pleasure of eating blood and made a sound like a wild beast. He didn't even notice the strange smile on the face of the 'comatriot' behind him.

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