The Death Knell

Chapter 2267: The transaction turns into a gangster attack

It is too easy to search for strangers in a small town. After all, angels have no legal status. They come down to the world for business trips and can only live in places that do not require registration.

There is no subway station in town, so it's a no-brainer.

Angels use human money, so they can live in places that cost money. Their bodies created by God are not much stronger than humans. They also need to eat and rest, so just ask the cloak to check the brothels in the town. Places like prostitutes, motels, movie theaters, and fast food restaurants will do.

There is no doubt about the speed of the magic floating cloak, it is just slightly slower than Barry, but it has an advantage that Barry does not have, that is, it is particularly sensitive to energy.

Like a dog sniffing the same scent as the corpse's energy, it quickly locked onto the two angels in the motel and lay on the window to eavesdrop on their conversation.

Then it returned to Deathstroke and drew what it heard in writing on the Supreme Mage's back, as well as the hotel's telephone host number and their room number.

Anyway, the Supreme Mage who communicates with Strangler will also know, there is no difference.

"Okay, now that we know the location, go to the street and make a call." Su Ming pointed to the other side of the woods, where you can see the edge of the town and the public phone box next to the road: "Who has change? Give me 20 cents.”

Bobo threw over a few coins, which were his pocket money: "You actually go out without any money?"

"Mobile payment has become popular in my world. Who still goes out with coins? It can only be said that this earth is too backward." Su Ming grabbed the two of them and flew to the phone booth, looking like a strange bird in the dark: " On the other hand, you still carry steel when you go out, your style is quite old-school."

At night, on the street, a pipe-smoking man talks to a public phone with a mysterious expression. This is the beginning of a standard detective film.

Bobo shrugged nonchalantly and rubbed the corner of his clothes: "I came from a circus, which is not much different from a strip club. People always throw change at me, so I pick it up and save it. After all, it is money and time. Over time, I developed the habit of carrying coins on my body.”

He said it indifferently, but it didn't sound like it was that simple.

You must know that he has the same intelligence and self-awareness as humans, but he is locked in a cage for people's entertainment, naked on the stage and played by actors...

Bobo has a good nature and a strong will without turning into a villain.

"Oh, poor little orangutan, you suffered so much in the past, and I was too mean to you in the past. From now on... I will definitely tell you about the three beauties in the bar, and ask them to take good care of you in the future. hey-hey!"

Harley deliberately pretended to be sympathetic, but in the middle of her words, her face suddenly changed and she laughed strangely.

Don't expect any sympathy from her, all she hears is amusement.

"You know? For just a short moment, you made me believe that you still have humanity." Bobo pointed his middle finger at Harley and turned away with an unlucky look. He seemed very speechless: "I don't want to quarrel with you. , now we are doing business."

"A little bit..." Harley shook her head and stuck out her tongue, laughing.

"You're right, Bobo, you are indeed the most reliable." Su Ming touched his head firmly, landed next to the phone booth, walked in, took out the phone, inserted coins and dialed the number, then handed the phone to the orangutan: "You Come talk to the angels, tell them you have the cookie box, and ask them to come over and trade.”


Don't tell me, although trading with a cookie box sounds unreliable, the other party really agreed.

Ten minutes later, the two parties met outside an abandoned fast food restaurant. It looked like it was created in the 1950s and 1960s. It was located in a corner of the town. Even the store and the parking lot outside its door were overgrown and deserted. Severe erosion.

The moon was hidden behind dark clouds, cold wind blew through the open area, darkness enveloped the earth, and the atmosphere between the two sides was even more eerie.

"Where's our goods?"

The fat and thin angels said in unison. They looked at the orangutan standing in the front, but the pair of men and women in strange clothes behind it were ignored.

"You may not have brought what I want."

The orangutan is a detective, and among other things, he knows very well how the gang deals, and he subconsciously spoke out the dialogue in the movie.

"As long as you hand over the box, we can forgive your disrespect for God."

The angel held his own, hoping to get rid of the wolf with nothing. After all, they only saw one orangutan and two mortals.

But this time they were wrong again. This was no ordinary orangutan, and the two men and women at the back were no ordinary men and women. Can the dark gang from DC Earth 0 get used to their problems?

Bobo sighed, moved away from his position and shrugged at Deathstroke: "They are not cooperating. It seems they even want to try your set meal. Just like you guessed, they have extremely low intelligence."

Su Ming didn't say anything more. He took out two guns from his pocket as fast as lightning. With the same gunshot, the two angels were shot in the eyebrows and fell down.

In the next second, the two angels rushed out of the ruins of the roadside fast food restaurant. Their original bodies were still lying on the cold ground of the parking lot, but their new bodies arrived again.

But it's useless, an angel that can be killed by ordinary firearms... It's hard to describe in a word.

Su Ming has been to so many universes, and has never seen anywhere where the divine envoys are so weak. They have almost no special abilities except that they can run away infinitely.


The sounds of the two guns ringing out overlapped again, and the two running angels' heads exploded at the same time, and they fell again.

But almost at the same time, the manhole cover not far away suddenly opened, and Xiaopang and Xiaoshou jumped out from there. Their goal was very clear, which was to catch the orangutan.

So he was killed by Deathstroke again.

In this way, the two sides fell into a dynamic cycle, with the angel duo endlessly emerging from everywhere, charging towards the orangutan, and then falling into the sand again and again.

To be honest, Su Ming couldn't remember the last time he killed someone with a gun. Hunting wild ducks like this was quite nostalgic.

"Do you want to play for a while?" He turned to ask Harley next to him, and at the same time shot and killed two people with the help of Strangler: "I have a heavy machine gun and a plasma cannon here, which one do you like?"

Harley hugged his neck, stood up on tiptoes and kissed him on the face: "Ha! I have my own gun, and it's the kind with unlimited bullets."

As she said that, she took out a large revolver with a super long barrel from her bag. The overall gun body was 1.2 meters, and the barrel alone was 1.1 meters. Because she didn't think it would be troublesome to change the bullets, I specifically went to the editorial department and modified this weapon with unlimited bullets.

It's just that she played with it for a few days, and once the heat wore off, she didn't use it much anymore.

She still likes to fight with a big hammer, blowing the enemy's head off, and can feel the warmth of blood and brains spraying on her face.

If the sound of Deathstroke's gunfire was still within the understandable range, the sound of Harley's firing was like a cannon. After firing two shots, she sat down on the floor due to the recoil, shaking her head and laughing.

But the visual effect is indeed very good. The two angel corpses she hit showed huge, deformed holes in the lower half of their faces, as if they were grinning with their mouths wide open.

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