The Death Knell

Chapter 2275 Methodology

There is some chaos in the town of Anville. After all, the battle last night left a mess. Today the whole town smells bad, and many people's houses and gardens have dots of brown stains.

Not to mention the capitalist who learned about the underground digester explosion and rushed to deal with the problem early in the morning. He is now leading a construction team to repair the streets.

I don’t know how much money he has to pay this time. Anyway, the residents knew that they were living on a methane digester that could explode at any time. They were already angry. Wherever Su Ming passed by, he saw many people wearing masks. , use wooden boards or paper shells to graffiti in the front yard, which are protest slogans.

"I heard that Japanese people like to wear masks very much, while Americans are just the opposite. I found a good way. Just blow up the sewers in all towns, and they will wear them voluntarily."

As the two parties fighting last night, Su Ming and the two angels were walking together now, talking and laughing across the street, and the atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

"There are also people wearing gas masks. I saw that thing when humans were fighting World War II. It looked like a pig's snout. God also liked it very much." The thin angel turned his head and glanced at the roadside, and sighed with a smile. .

"Sounds very godly." Deathstroke, dressed as a vampire, twisted his mouth, not knowing what he meant.

The movement speed of the three people was not too slow. Even though the road was not very easy to walk and occasionally they had to bypass some large lumps of unknown substances, they still arrived at the church quickly.

Yesterday's underground sea eruption didn't seem to affect this place. At least the church looked a little dilapidated during the day, but it was still very clean.

Many people took refuge in the church because the air conditions here were much better. At this time, Jesse was receiving the believers who did not believe in God with a smile on his face, and at the same time urging the manager girl to get some food to distribute to everyone.

Cassidy didn't see it, so he must have been sleeping in the dark warehouse. Vampires have a routine of reversing black and white.

Su Ming showed his hands to the 'Fat and Slender Toutuo' who came from heaven: "Look, if you contact the priest during the day, the vampire cannot be an obstacle to you at all. If you go to the priest at night, it will complicate the problem."

After hearing the words of the death knell, the fat man who couldn't make any expression was fine, but the thin man's face suddenly squeezed into a ball, showing a crying expression, and he complained:

"We didn't think of this. Our minds were all about bargains. It is said that there was a big sale in a supermarket that year, and I bought it at a low price."

"Then let's do it now? Take out Creation?" The fat man took out the cookie box from the briefcase on the side.

When the thin man took Deathstroke and his team to the underworld, he was not idle. In addition to deceiving the Angel of Death, he also repaired the cookie box with a wide silver tape while watching TV in the hotel room. .

There are cuts and holes on it. If you want Chuangshi to go home and live there, you have to at least repair it, right?

He just didn't expect that Deathstroke would ignore the past grievances and take the initiative to help them recover Creation. This made him feel that his suffering in the cesspool last night was not in vain.

"Hey, look at you, you are violent as soon as you open your mouth. It's vulgar." Deathstroke turned into a rich young man. He seemed to speak a lot more politely at this time: "Many things can be done without using violence. Your strength is also Not strong, but full of violent thoughts, this is very dangerous."

"We are the Lord's weapons, and we were born for Him to defeat all enemies..."

The fat man defended expressionlessly, but was interrupted by the death knell before he could finish his words.

"Ha... With your three-legged cat skills and your second-rate speech, it's more like being wiped out by all enemies." Su Ming waved his hands back and forth as if to drive away the stench from his nose, signaling the angel not to leave. It made him laugh, the angels in this world are too weak, let alone them, even if Michael comes, he will be killed with one blow: "Okay, don't talk, just watch and study hard."

After saying that, he walked onto the path leading to the church. This slightly desolate path was surrounded by weeds, but where it had been stepped on, the gravel road below could barely be seen.

After passing through the gate, the residents who were taking refuge inevitably stared at him for a while because of his outstanding appearance, but he calmly ignored everyone and went straight to Jesse who was whispering to the manager's girl.

Super soldiers all have super hearing. Maybe the townspeople can't hear clearly, but Su Ming can hear Jesse discussing with the woman about the sandwiches he got for a while, how much it costs to sell them to the people who are evacuating, and how to take advantage of the opportunity to make a lot of money. Pen.

The so-called church managers are actually more or less volunteers, helping to settle accounts or researching how to preach and preach.

The girl is actually pretty good-looking, not particularly pretty, but still pretty.

It's just that this pretty widow is not a devout believer. She comes here to help voluntarily, just because she is greedy for Jesse's body. Her husband has been dead for several years, and she still has three children to take care of. It is not a problem for her to always pick up guests at home in exchange for living expenses.

She can only entertain people with sex as a youth meal, but she still wants to find a stable man so that she can rely on her.

Don't always think that the priest is powerless. Jesse is different from others. He comes from the streets and was once a gangster who robbed a bank. His body is actually quite strong, so that every time the little widow peeks at his Your ass will be drooling.

It's a pity that Luohua is ruthless on purpose, but Jesse still likes his ex-girlfriend. Even though his ex-girlfriend takes drugs, is promiscuous, loves to kill people, and has no brains, she is a good girl.

It sounds confusing, but it has nothing to do with Deathstroke's actions. Mercenaries will not meddle in other people's business unless it is beneficial.

"Good day, Father."

The gentle young man played by Su Ming had a gentle smile and greeted Jesse with a gentle voice. The priest who was pricing the girl looked up and was slightly stunned when he saw the appearance of the death knell, but after a hangover The headache still reminded him.

This is the person who brought out several bottles of good wine last night. If you have wine, you are a good friend.

But before his smile spread, he suddenly saw the fat and thin people behind the young man. His expression suddenly changed, and the pupils in his eyes narrowed to the point of a needle.

Aren't these the two people he killed last night? ! He couldn't remember much about recovering the light ball, but he didn't forget the original digging of a hole to bury the two of them. Especially when Cassidy woke up early in the morning and said that the bodies were missing, it was so scary.

Seeing the change in his expression, how could Su Ming not know what he was thinking, and directly interrupt him before he could scream or inadvertently activate the world.

"Don't get excited, Father. We are friends. Can I hurt you by bringing them here?" He walked to the priest affectionately, and his arm naturally put it on the back of his neck, which was full of tattoos: "I have good news. , you are about to post it, quickly find a place where no one is, and I will tell you."

"Can we go to Cassidy's side?" The priest thought of his military protection vampire, who was sleeping in the utility room behind the church.

Su Ming nodded in agreement and took out a bottle of champagne from under his coat like magic: "Let's go, let's go, this is a great thing. I'll also tell my best friend to make him happy too."

Hearing what the young man said, Jesse felt relieved. Although he was still worried about the two paralyzed faces who had come back from the dead, it was obvious that the young friend he met last night was the one who had the final say.

Is it a good thing? It doesn't hurt to listen. He's having such a miserable life now and he needs some good things.

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