The Death Knell

Chapter 2281 The end of the journey

Seeing the blood staining the mattress red and spreading like a pool of ink stains on the black bed, the Holy Killer did not feel any joy in getting his revenge. He just calmly put away his weapon, took out his dagger and prepared to go. Scalp God.

Don't ask why, it's an occupational disease.

This was the deal between him and Deathstroke. The man said that he would help him find God and kill him. If he did it, he would take a certificate from the corpse and take it with him, so as not to forget it one day.

He had little confidence in his memory.

But times have changed, and now there is a better way to prove it. Deathstroke stopped his barbaric and primitive behavior, but took out a titanium mobile phone from his pocket, and let Strangler turn Jesus' body over and wipe the floor. Took a photo.

"Photography is actually more fun than scalping, unless you plan to work as a circumcision executor in Africa after retirement." The mercenary threw his mobile phone to the saint, gave him a charger and other accessories, and said with a cold joke: "One day, if you If you are in a bad mood, you can take out his photo and look at it to relieve your boredom."

The Holy Killer caught the phone and rubbed it with his fingers like dead branches. Jesus' painful face was immediately magnified.

"Thank you, but I don't know how to use this, and it's no reward."

He refuses the gift because he is a bounty hunter, not a beggar.

When doing things for others, he only needs the agreed reward, and does not need to take care of food or provide horses. He brings his own weapons. This is the most profitable way of action.

"It can be used to watch cartoons. When we get back to the ship, let the orangutan download some for you." Su Ming pushed the stretched out mobile phone back and asked Strangler to start eating Jesus' body to see if he could analyze it for anything useful. genes.

The answer is no, these are ordinary carbon-based organisms, exactly the same as humans.

As for why he has those abilities, it is probably due to the blessing of the concept of heaven. Of course, it may also be that the level of God's avatar in this world is too low and is not considered a high-dimensional existence at all.

His memory was also a mess. There was no serious thing in this Jesus' mind at all. It was all about eating, drinking, whoring, gambling, cheating, abducting, and stealing. He didn't know any information about heaven or the secrets of the world.

Being born as a god, you are so confident that you don’t need to care about anything or understand anything.

This made Su Ming couldn't help but think of Thor. I'm afraid that guy had no other thoughts in his mind except the Hammer Man. He didn't even know how many palaces there were in Asgard.

"Then I'll accept it." The Holy Killer heard that the mobile phone could watch cartoons, and he was so excited for a moment. After putting away the mobile phone, he said: "You have fulfilled your promise. Now it's my turn. You want to kill Wherever the person is, take me there."

"Don't worry, you can follow Fiore and the others to heaven first. There are many crazy and perverted angels there. Only by cleaning them up together can we protect the earth." Su Ming pointed to the door. The two of them were at the door. He probed his head and said, "When you sit in the seat of God here, we will take the next step."

"Me? God?" The Holy Killer frowned.

Deathstroke took off his mask, put away the weapon in his hand and turned around: "Yes, this is your world after all, and you don't want it to become deserted without care, right?"

"I thought you wanted to be God, no, I should say I thought you were another God or a devil or something like that." The Holy Killer said slowly as he looked out the door, and the two angels kept nodding.

Do they really think that Deathstroke is another alien god who looks exactly like a mortal, but is powerful and has omniscience...

Su Ming took off the black leather whip on the wall and stuffed it into his bag, then walked out of the room. He took Bobo from Harley and strode away in the fearful eyes of the onlookers:

"After all, I am not from this world, and I don't want to manage such a dark and crazy world. I am very satisfied with my human identity."

"Even if there are many benefits to becoming a god?"

The Holy Killer followed, lowering the cowboy hat on his head and his eyes shining.

Deathstroke shook his head, took out a bottle of wine, drank to Bobo, and answered the saint's question:

"Don't talk about what it has, it depends on what I want. No matter how much you give me if you don't like it, it's useless. Faith is really poisonous. It's enough for me to just keep myself from becoming a 'cold pale sun' Thank you for your hard work, why do you want to work part-time as a god on earth? It’s better to avoid it.”

Harley hugged his arm and rested her head on his shoulder. She smiled strangely and waved her hands to the Holy Killer, as if to ward off flies: "Go, go, our Deathstroke doesn't want it even if he says it doesn't want it. What are you trying to test?" ?”

The saint glanced at her and said no more, but it could be seen that he seemed to relax a lot.

Although Su Ming didn't even turn his eyes, he had seen all the small movements and micro-expressions through the visual sharing of the strangulation.

He can understand the worries of the killer saint. After all, he thinks that God took away his wife and children. Now everyone has killed Jesus. Then if his wife and daughter are resurrected and the death knell God appears above, the saint can Are you at ease?

It must not work. Having someone take advantage of your weakness is the most terrifying thing for someone like him who has suffered a loss before.

Both parties only have a short contract for one assassination mission. In the future, who can say for sure...

In this world, he can rest assured only if the Holy Killer himself becomes God. Anyone else who sits in that position will be regarded as a thorn in his side and a potential threat.

There was no need for Su Ming to get involved in such a shithole thing.

There is nothing in this world except for the specialties of various perversions and mental illnesses, and all the stories seem absurd and desperate.

Do you really want to experience these emotions? Going to Warhammer Universe to watch Imperial Troopers fighting Greenskins is more straightforward than this.

Giving up the position of God to the Holy Killer is the best way to make friends. The value of the world is not as valuable as the killer alone. This is something that even orangutans can see.

Bobo shivered as he was being held. He didn't know why, but it felt like someone was talking about him just now?


The fat and thin angels have completely become the guide party. They took the Holy Killer and Deathstroke and the others to sneak into heaven. This place does not look like what they imagined. The white clouds are floating and the splendor has nothing to do with it. It is more like a castle. A dystopian city, or a large petrochemical production base.

The Holy Killer went to find the high-level angels alone. He was going to kill them to celebrate. But Su Ming and others had other goals and went to the department where Xiaoshou and Xiaopang used to work.

Heaven is full of cold metal stones, and pale lights shine everywhere. Those guys who were invited by the previous God to supervise the performance of the angels are simply demons wearing human skins.

"It's not that they have no heart, they just have a black heart."

Su Ming spoke with a smile, and at the same time pulled out his arm from the chest of a tall monster corpse, and showed the heart as big as a basketball in his hand to Xiao Shou and Xiao Fat.

The black liquid was like ink, dripping to the ground, emitting a strong smell of sulfur.

"So we went down to earth to fight demons in the past, and after we came back through life and death, the result was that another demon would judge..." The fat angel clenched his fists, his anger clearly hanging on his face.

In front of a few people, there were countless low-level angels with expressionless faces. They looked numb and tired, but their eyes were not empty, just like the way they looked when Su Ming saw the fat and thin duo for the first time.

"That's all over." The thin man held his hand to comfort him, and then looked at Deathstroke: "You really don't want to lead us? Compared to the killer saint, you are obviously more merciful and more like a kind god."

"Pfft!" Bobo sprayed the wine in his mouth all over the floor. This world is so crazy that even the death knell has become synonymous with kindness here!

Sure enough, it is day and night without knowing the darkness. The angels have no idea what multiverse darkness is. Even if Deathstroke didn't see your value, you are lucky, and he even sent it to your door. Do you want to die?

"No, William can merge with 'Creation' to become the Messiah, and then use the concept of 'Trinity' to become God." Su Ming twisted off the horns on the devil's head and prepared to find someone to knock out an ornament after returning to Marvel. : "And I am an outsider. I am not sure whether I will be recognized by the world. What if Fusion Creation explodes?"


"But I promised that I would let you reach the peak of being a messenger. I have not forgotten this. I will tell William soon that you will be his right-hand man and help him control the remaining angels after the great purge of heaven. By the way, I've prepared a new set of personalized uniforms for you."

As he spoke, Deathstroke took out two pieces of cardboard, one black and one white, from his pocket. He rolled them into two long cones and fixed them with a stapler to create two tall hats.

Dip your fingers into the devil's blood at your feet and write 'make money at first sight' on the white hat. Dip your fingers into the white brains of the devil and write 'peace to the world' on the black hat.

The white hat is for the thin one, and the black hat is for the fat one.

"Very good, one always smiles and is tall and thin; the other has a sad face and is short and fat." Su Ming put the hat on the heads of the two angels and patted their shoulders sincerely: "Seraphs are too It’s ugly. From today on, you are black and white. Come on, keep an eye on you.”

The two angels wearing high hats were very moved. They seemed to see hope and dawn, and also saw a bright future.


They shouted in unison, really in perfect agreement.

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