The Death Knell

Chapter 2283 The second generation appears

While Damian and Clayface were talking on Wayne Tower, someone was waiting for a date in another part of Gotham.

Not everyone likes a quiet place without wind and rain. Sometimes it is a good choice to smoke and wait under an umbrella on the rooftop of a small building.

The Bat-Light was on for the first time in a long time, and it shouldn't have been.

But now there was a man, wearing a brown trench coat and old-fashioned glasses, standing next to the searchlight with a cigarette in his mouth.

His eyes stared straight at the darkness beyond the horizon, and the arrival of dawn seemed far away.

Just like the past reappearing, each cigarette butt was thrown away and then extinguished by the rain. He was waiting patiently for the arrival of the Dark Knight.

The sound of landing on the rooftop was insignificant in the wind and rain, and her strong skills were enough to ignore the disadvantages of high-heeled boots. However, Barbara was now full of worries and she was in a very bad mood.

In this lunatic city, there were people imitating the Joker and Batman, too numerous to count, but she never thought that someone would imitate her father so closely.

Is this a new mental illness? Or is it some new 'chameleon' killer? What on earth is the other party going to do when he turns on the bat light?

So she rushed to this familiar place, the Gotham Police Department.

After her mother died, her father brought her here to play since she was a child so that he could take care of her while working.

She would eat low-quality donuts for three meals in the break room, use the table in the empty observation room to do her homework, and peek at how the police officers interrogated crazy people. She learned a lot here.

But if you were to ask her what impressed her most, it would be that 'it's much harder to be a good person than a bad person'.

"Who are you?"

She asked the other person, but her voice, which had been processed by the voice changer, was still sweet.

The man standing next to the bat lamp turned around, with a smile on his lips while holding a cigarette. Smoke poured out of his mouth, covering his face, but there was a suppressed madness in his eyes.

He gently took off the cigarette from his mouth and said hello gently: "My sister, you are here, just as I expected."

Barbara was no longer wary. She jumped off the low wall on the edge of the rooftop, frowned and walked to the young man. While grabbing the young man and checking his pulse, she said: "Why did you get out? You are still on bail, wearing a You shouldn’t run around when you’re wearing an anklet. Have you taken your medicine tonight?”

It turns out that the person who imitated Commissioner Gordon was his son, James Gordon Jr., whose abbreviation is a combination of letters that will be blocked.

He and Gordon look exactly the same when they were young, but the biggest difference is that his father is a good policeman, while his son is a psychotic and serial killer.

He spent most of his time in Arkham for treatment. After the sinking of the Earth, he was paroled because of his good behavior and a certificate from a psychiatrist.

The reason for the simple young man's "debut" was also very simple. He himself was a highly intelligent person. When he was a child, he watched his father solve crimes every day. Later, he was kidnapped several times by various villains, and he saw bad guys including the clown again and again. Defeated by Batman.

Unlike girls like her sister, she began to worship the Dark Knight without thinking after being saved by Batman several times, while the boys who refused to admit defeat gradually came up with some ideas.

‘Is there a perfect crime in the world? Can Batman really solve any case? Are detectives better than all police officers? ’

‘Then my father even gave up the family for work. I and my sister have lived like orphans since childhood. What is the value? ’

At first, those thoughts were just spinning in his mind, but then when he reached the age of ten and gained some strength in his arms and legs, he began to put the murders in his mind into action.

As soon as several cases came out, he became the famous "ripper" and "throat-slitter" in Gotham at that time. He used a knife and a clever brain to create a series of murders with no clues.

In Gotham in those days, a new body was discovered every morning in a bustling area, dead of throat slitting and dissection, but there were no fingerprints, no footprints, no surveillance, no witnesses, not even satellite images at the crime scene.

Like magic, the corpse seemed to appear out of thin air, the entire Gotham became a secret room, and a series of questions fell on Batman's head.

There was no social connection between the victims, nor any similarity in identity and background. The crime occurred all over the city, and the murderer treated the rich and the poor alike.

He did stump Batman for a while, but as a 12-year-old child, he had to go to school during the day, work part-time at night, and go out to kill people in the middle of the night. It was just too busy.

He can support it mentally, but the physical ability of ordinary people cannot. Besides, he lives under the same roof with an old police detective who has been in the industry for decades and a follower of Batman, so he must be extra careful in everything.

Finally, late one night, while he was cleaning his bloody clothes in the darkness of the basement, he was discovered by his father who accidentally came home to pick up something.

He calmly admitted all the facts and methods of the crime, and was arrested without hesitation. He also comforted his father and sister that he had committed a crime, but the experiment was successful.

It was the police who caught him, not Batman. The choices his father made in the past were right. The grievances and loneliness that his siblings endured when they were young were valuable.

Moreover, there really is a perfect crime in the world, I am just a little unlucky.

He was a minor at the time, and his mental state was obviously abnormal, so he had to be sent to Arkham for treatment. After treatment by many psychological experts... he turned into a real madman and would not kill anyone for a day. The kind of lunatic who feels uncomfortable all over.

All kinds of plans to murder others filled his mind, and he felt like his head was going to explode if he didn't act on it.

This is the charm of Arkham. Even if you throw a dog in and receive treatment from experts, a mad dog will be released in a few days.

After being paroled, little James needs to take a large amount of sedatives regularly every day, but even so, his powerful brain power can still keep him in an excited state and show various emotions, just like normal people.

Hearing that his sister was so concerned about him, he showed a warm smile: "I have taken the medicine and I feel very good now, and I think coming to the police station wearing an anklet will not have any impact on the parole bondsman."

"Okay, then you shouldn't be playing with the bat lantern on the rooftop. Go home quickly, or go back to your dormitory and have a good rest. Be good."

Barbara breathed a sigh of relief. Things had become very weird recently. Her father was infected and went crazy, and Batman was missing. If her brother showed up to commit crimes again, she didn't know if she would be able to kill him.

"I'm not a child anymore, you don't need to coax me to talk." Little James raised the umbrella over his sister's head. He looked up at the world outside the umbrella: "I came here to find you. You seem to be very nervous in recent days. busy?"

Batgirl's shoulders slumped, not to mention it was okay, but when she mentioned it, her whole body felt sore.

"You must have seen what happened with the parasitic mushrooms. Although Gotham has enough guns and power to protect itself, when the crisis is over, those with guns like to shoot at each other to celebrate. I haven't slept for more than forty hours. .”

Little James nodded. He took out a burger from his windbreaker pocket and handed it to his sister: "This must be the reason why your phone is turned off. Batman's problem seems to be more serious than I thought, because he didn't actually provide logistics for you." And shift arrangements, let me guess, you have the final say in the Bat-Family now? So you’ve been squeezing yourself.”

"You should think as little as possible, it is not helpful for the condition." Barbara touched her brother's head and did not answer the question directly. She took the burger and took a bite. Although it was a little bit full, it was her favorite taste: "So you came to me like this, is there anything urgent?"

"I do have something interesting to share with you." Little James clenched and unclenched his fingers on the umbrella handle, with an inexplicable tone in his tone: "But I can ask first, is our father still there?" Alive? What happened to him?"

Batgirl's eyes blinked behind her mask, and her chewing movements slowed down: "Why do you ask?"

Her voice became strange.

"Haha, Barbara, we all know him. During the mushroom incident, I had been watching the news in the store. The police chief was not seen on any Gotham channel. Wouldn't you feel weird if you replaced me with you? How could our father not be on the front lines? I don’t even need to reason about this.”

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