The Death Knell

Chapter 2286 Two Superman

The bumpy field roads look like dark black land under the moonlight, and the vast wheat fields stretch to the horizon. The tranquility of the countryside is another kind of beauty that is different from the city. Being able to fall asleep to the sound of insects brings people closer to nature. distance.

There is a white two-story house in the distance, which is Martha's home. The Superman family who are currently on vacation are also here. Not long ago, Su Ming asked Superboy Prime to come here to find Clark.

It seems that the result is not bad, at least the house is still there, the landscape has not changed, and the people are still alive.

"The time now is almost half past two." Su Ming looked up at the moon and stars and continued: "The lights in the house are all out, but the barn is bright. Superman shouldn't be able to sleep."

Bobo ran forward quickly with his pipe in his mouth, looking back in panic from time to time, but Harley no longer had any intention of catching him. The orangutan was too nimble and it was not fun at all.

She played with her twin ponytails and walked beside Deathstroke, twirling her hair with her fingers, and pretending to yawn: "Ah~~~~ Why do you want to find the Superman family immediately when you come back here? These people are so stubborn. It’s annoying, and when he sees me, he lectures me endlessly.”

For Harley, all superheroes and vigilantes are actually mentally ill, and Superman is the paranoid of 'justice' and 'hope'.

"He just has nothing to do, but I think he must not be in the mood to teach you now." Su Ming smiled, biting the cigarette holder in his mouth: "After all, compared to you, Superboy Supreme is the most talented person. The one that worries him more.”

Harley rubbed the tears beside her eyes and stretched like a cat: "That stupid guy doesn't understand anything. In fact, I am the most dangerous woman on earth."

"Not for Superman. In his eyes, the most dangerous woman is Lois, because if she is unhappy, Superman's son will be beaten, his home will be demolished, and he will only have leftovers to eat all day long. Not even pocket money.”

Deathstroke winked at her and told what seemed like a joke.

In this world, the thing that restrains Superman the most is not kryptonite or red sun, and it certainly isn't magic.

If people are also considered as tools, Martha will always be ranked first on the list of anti-Superman weapons, second is Louise, third is his son Xiao Qiao, and fourth is his family's superhuman. Dog', and number five is Batman.

Superman values ​​their safety more than his own life.

After hearing Deathstroke's words, Harley tilted her head and imagined Superman being targeted by Lois.

For example, when I go to work, I can only look at the soda in the vending machine and swallow my saliva; on the way home from get off work, I look pitifully at the bread in the window but can't stop; at night, I'm hungry and cold, huddled on the sofa in the living room covered with a red cloak. .....


She shuddered. Even though she had brought her hobby into Superman's life, it was scary to think about it.

Su Ming blew out a smoke ring, looked at the orange light shining from the crack of the barn door, and said calmly: "So you know, Superman is a person who has both 'big love' and 'little love' in his heart. He pursues The motivation for hope and justice comes from love, and I would not be surprised at all if he wears a purple light ring one day."

Harley, who had an overactive imagination, automatically imagined Superman wearing a full-body tender purple tights, and suddenly felt sad:

"Wow! It turns out that Superman is so pitiful. Let me give Lois some psychological counseling next time when I have time."

As soon as he finished speaking, a ray of light flew out from the crack of the barn door. Clark, wearing jeans and a plaid shirt, fell in front of the two of them, with a look on his face to guard against thieves: "I refuse this kindness, if you want to come to my house as a guest , you can bring cakes or cookies, flowers or champagne, but don’t bring your psychological counseling services.”

Bobo, who was not far ahead, was grinning so much that his teeth were baring. It seemed that Harley was still a deterrent.

The woman curled her lips and blew to the side: "I don't know what to do. Most people can't hire a psychology expert like me. If it weren't for the good relationship between Louise and the dead Catwoman, the kitten would be there again." She is my good sister, I am too lazy to worry about Louise’s father.”

Superman suddenly understood, and he scratched his hair: "So you are worried about the death of General Lane, and the impact of the 'Zhuwang' organization and Thalia on my wife?"

Harley sighed, she pushed Clark away and went into the barn: "I finally understand why Batman never explains the plan to you. He has to say the obvious things, and you have to repeat them after you know it. Doing this again, every day can really drive you crazy.”

Clark also knew that he had said the wrong thing again, but besides being good at speaking truth, he was not very good at human relations. He could only look at Deathstroke with a wry smile.

The young man is still the same as before, with a cigarette hanging sideways in his mouth. His face is expressionless, but he can see the narrow-mindedness in his one eye.

"Slade, you're here. I just heard that Clark talking about you."

In order to ease the embarrassment, Superman found a topic, smiled, shook hands with Deathstroke, and invited them to sit in the barn together.

But Su Ming never played his cards according to the routine. He knew Clark wanted to find a way to get off, but he wouldn't give in.

"You are supermen. You should have heard it when we got off the spaceship. I thought you wanted to ask me why I had to analyze your character weaknesses for Harley on the way."

Karak turned to look at the barn and sighed: "Indeed, I still look at Harley with the same old eyes. She obviously wanted to help our family out of good intentions, but I said such words to make her sad. This is me It’s her fault and I will apologize to her.”

What Superman is best at is taking the blame and admitting his mistakes. The aura of Guang Weizheng rushed to his face immediately, like a bright light at night, making Su Ming unable to open his eyes.

Is this the brilliance of humanity in heroes? So dazzling!

"Okay, you can't talk to me. That's a matter between you and her. An independent woman like her solves her own problems."

Su Ming shook his head and walked towards the door of the barn. This somewhat dilapidated barn was also of an old style, with a round roof and red walls. Some straw was tied into bundles and left at the door. It looked very soft. .

Entering the barn, it turned out that the two supermen were sitting on the straw pile before, with a dozen beers and a toolbox next to them, and Superboy-Prime was repairing a tractor.

It has to be said that Kryptonians really have a natural advantage in repairing cars. Once their clairvoyance eyes are opened, they can clearly see where there is something wrong with the tractor. Once the thermal sight comes out, it can be used for both cutting and welding.

It just always feels like Superman Prime is floating in mid-air and activating his heat vision on an old tractor with peeling paint. The scene is a bit weird.

Bobo and Harley helped themselves to beer and stood aside to watch the excitement, but Deathstroke was even more unceremonious, walking over and pulling Superboy out of the air.

"Xiao Ke, are you ready to be a superhero and save the world?"

Being suddenly pulled out of the air, the heat vision almost split the tractor in half. Superboy frowned immediately, but when he heard Deathstroke's words, he immediately stopped being angry, and his eyes were full of yearning for a clean slate.

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