The Death Knell

Chapter 2296 Treatment of mouth diseases

Deathstroke is a master of unarmed combat and a master of all weapons, but if you ask which of all cold weapons he likes most, it is nothing more than a giant sword, a long stick, and a dagger.

Su Ming still remembered that at the beginning of his time travel, he used N-metal telescopic sticks when fighting Cindy. This kind of thing can break people's bones and muscles, but as long as they don't hit the chest or head hard, it can be easily broken. Effectively capture enemies alive.

There are all kinds of people on the Joker's party list, but most of them are from Gotham and are Batman figures.

It doesn't matter if there are a few scratches or something like that, Gotham's medical level is the best in the universe anyway. But if it is completely killed, it means that the game is ruined, and there may be much trouble later.

It has to be said that the violent wolf is quite capable. He tried to break through the blockade again and again in the face of strangled and crazy shooting, so Su Ming's second target was towards him.

Jump, leap, hit in the head.

Baolang put his hands on his head in a cross shape and took the blow forcefully.

He is not a particularly agile type. In the past, he relied on brute force and bloody courage to do business. Moreover, he has super self-healing ability, so there is no need to worry about being beaten to death with a stick.

Tyrannosaurus is like grafting Wade's "crazy head" and "elegant little mouth" onto a big body like Thanos, and then planting a super Saiyan type of long black hair on the top of his head.

At the same time, he may be the worst-qualified mercenary in the world. Even Deadpool can't do it with curse words in every sentence.

"Death knell!" The violent wolf was knocked away dozens of steps, and his back hit the cliff in the distance. His arms twisted unnaturally: "What kind of disease have you committed?! Everyone can make money, Where are you eating XX alone?"

His mouth is full of silenced words, and he is not only loud, but also has real abilities.

He shook his body and got out of the dent, shook his hands and the fractures were healed. Then the strong man pulled the iron chain on his body, waved it in the air and rushed towards the death knell.

"I originally planned to negotiate a deal with you because we are all colleagues, but I don't think so now. I want to help you cure your mouth problem." Su Ming made a stick dance with both hands. Holding it in the backhand: "God Killer, two-handed war hammer."

The golden weapon changed, and then Deathstroke bumped his shoulder into the violent wolf's chest, and the war hammer suddenly lifted up, this time with all his strength.

Poor Wolf is proficient in 1838 martial arts in the galaxy, and he is also a master of weapons and fighting. However, he suffered a big loss in wrestling this time. The symbiote is something he can't understand? What's more, it's a symbiote like strangulation. Alien.

Millions of tons of huge force suddenly erupted? Even Su Ming's upper body muscles became several times thicker in an instant.

The dirty-mouthed mercenary with livid complexion reacted and took a defensive posture? But it was completely ineffective.

Only a "thud" sound was heard. The violent wolf took off on the spot. People with better eyesight present could only see a shadow flying upward at an extremely fast speed. It disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only the screams underground. echoing in the space.

Su Ming moved his neck. Did the muscles formed by strangulation disappear? He looked at the crowd who were intimidated for a while: "Who is next? The wolf is immortal, so I beat him to Mars, who of you? If you want to go to the moon, take a step forward.”

Even though he was talking here, Siwa and Superboy-Prime did not stop. The latter took down Black Adam in about the same time and was holding the enemy in both hands to show off his power.

It seems that he still has a long way to go to play the role of a superhero. Who in the normal superhero class would knock the enemy unconscious and then walk around the arena with his hands raised for several weeks? Is there going to be another ‘knee-breaking back’ next?

Oh, so what? Just cut this material out for him.

On the other hand, Mrs. Siwa is extremely efficient. Each of her punches and kicks are unparalleled weapons. Her skills are also terrifyingly superb. The Dragon and Tiger are her senior brothers, but I'm afraid they are not as good as her in martial arts. one tenth.

In just ten seconds when Deathstroke hammered Diolwolf, she had already knocked down several people? It would be difficult for any corporeal creature to resist her Kung Fu.

But now she has a hard time dealing with 'Dr. Phosphorus'.

Dr. Phosphorus is the radiation product of a failed nuclear experiment? He looks like a luminous skeleton with phosphorus fire burning all over his body. His abilities are poison gas and radiation. He is considered undead, but not entirely, because he made some deals with the demon inner dragon, and now Strictly classified as the undead of demons?

There are no meridians or internal organs. All the human-related organs in his body have been burned out long ago. It will take a little time to deal with such a skeleton in the same way as a living person.

But Siwa should be fine, Dr. Phosphorus can't even beat Batman, not to mention Siwa can be considered half of Bat's master.

The people in front of Deathstroke didn't take the initiative to sign up to go to the moon. They seemed to be very self-aware, but since they encountered it, they didn't let it go, so they just moved around a little more.

About three minutes later, the three people who made the move met on the shore. Su Ming withdrew the green light that covered the lake and looked at the unconscious man in front of him.

"Clark, you are responsible for throwing these people into Arkham. Remember, you must show respect for the enemy, so that people will think that you respect strength and have a calm mind."

"Is that so?" Superboy piled the unconscious people together on his shoulders, and soon they piled up like a hill: "I see, that means I could have killed them, but I showed mercy. This is What the comics say is the margin for the strong?”

Su Ming glanced at Wu Shan who was standing aside. There was a half-smile expression on the woman's face. He took a breath and said, "...Just treat it like this."

Superman Supreme patted his chest with a smile and whispered: "I understand! Then I will fly over slowly and ask the anchor to follow me closely and give more close-ups."

After he finished speaking, the expression on his face changed, becoming sad and helpless, but his face, like Superman's, made him look hopeful and determined.

Then just as he said, he slowly flew across the lake at the speed of a turtle, rising up, and then disappeared into the darkness.

"It's actually Superboy Prime. I'm curious how you made him obey?" Mrs. Siwa tilted her head. She took off the blood-stained bandage on her hand and threw it aside: "The last time I saw him When, that’s a lunatic.”

"He was just a child at that time, and he is also a mentally unstable teenager now, but I happen to know what he wants." Su Ming whistled into the sky, and flew over with Bobo's magic floating cloak. The clown sitting on it was shaking his head and laughing crazily.

Damian jumped off his cloak and came to complain. He pointed at the twin-tailed woman and reported, "Just now, Harley gave the clown something to eat. It looked like a handful of pills. I don't know what kind of medicine they are."

It was well known that Harley and the Joker had a falling out. Damian suspected that it was poisoning, but Bobo had no intention of stopping it and just watched the fun from the sidelines.

"Is that so? Harley?" Su Ming removed his black and yellow mask, his expression as usual.

Harley, who was accused by the child, was very calm. She nodded generously: "My medicine is not effective on him. It seems that there is a difference between them... Haha!"

She seemed to have forgotten to smile, so she added a special shout at the end, but there was no smile on her face at all, instead she looked solemn.

"What about psychological analysis and profiling?" Su Ming asked again. He walked over and carried the clown in his hand like a cat.

"I can't see anything. His symptoms are the same as before." Harley hesitated and shook her head.

"Oh, familiar yet unfamiliar little pudding, I know who you are, I know, hahaha..." The clown suddenly laughed, but immediately he was depressed again and sobbed softly: "Don't you Yes, people don’t understand, only Gotham and Bats understand me, this is my talk show.”

"It doesn't matter, I'm not a human being." Bobo said a joke and put the pipe into his mouth proudly.

Su Ming took back the cloak, put it back on his shoulders, and carried the clown to the side: "You guys chat with Mrs. Siwa for a while, and let me talk to the clown alone."

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