The Death Knell

Chapter 2299 The Faceless Man

There is a crack in the sky of the Land of Miracles, which has become a problem for all residents. Although the invasion of angels was repelled at first, one day later, such faceless humanoid shapes began to fall from the crack.

Without the Sandman, the residents of the castle were facing a formidable enemy, but they soon discovered that these faceless people were not aggressive at all. Instead, they spent most of the day standing in a daze.

Their faces that looked like stick figures always had that expression, and they stood there motionless after landing from the air.

But just give them an instruction and they will do what you ask.

Now everyone among the aborigines is happy. Such obedient and non-threatening outsiders mean that everyone can receive a few free slaves.

They are very strong and work hard. They only need a little food to feed them every day, which is even easier than raising chickens.

It's just a little inconvenient when living together. After all, no one wants to have a few expressionless white slaves standing next to the bed while applauding their wife for love, right?

So the dreamland natives ordered these faceless people to build houses outside to live in. After all, these creatures are not real like people in fairy tales. They will starve to death, get sick, and encounter accidents.

And everyone is assigned a certain number of slaves. If they die, who will help with the work in the future? There are plenty of resources in the dream, so why not let them build their own houses to live in so as not to be an eyesore.

It was very good at the beginning. The faceless people built a small village not far from the castle and continued to work or be in a daze every day.

But more faceless people continued to fall from the crack. Gradually, a big city appeared in the dream, as well as many villages, and the residents inside were all faceless people.

In order to build these buildings, several forests were cleared, and several stone mountains were hollowed out. The number of faceless people increased, and now they outnumbered the aborigines by hundreds to one.

When the sun rises every morning, the residents of the castle see hundreds of expressionless monsters with their heads raised, muttering at themselves and waiting for orders. It is impossible not to mutter in their hearts.

There have even been some disappearance cases in recent days. Some characters in fairy tales disappeared, and their mutilated bodies were found a few days later. People began to suspect that the faceless people were responsible.

Since then, the atmosphere has changed. Except for the various anthropomorphic animal characters who still have fun every day, other people with brains have begun to worry.

However, there is no use worrying, the cracks are still spitting out faceless people, as if they will never stop.


At the edge of the forest, there was a lone faceless man working. He was digging out a big rock under the soil with a simple tool in his hand.

That can be taken back to build a house. It wants to build its own home. Now that the house has been built, it wants to build a wall.

It has no owner. When it arrived here, the aboriginal people no longer dealt with the faceless people, but that didn't matter. It had legs and hands, and could use the resources in this world at will, so it could naturally live here. .

Anyway, building a house is the most important thing. The place enclosed by the wall is its territory. It likes the concept of territory.

It doesn't matter who the Kingdom of Dreams originally belonged to, because this place will definitely belong to them.

"Work, work, work..."

The broken hoe in his hand lifted up the mud, and every time he waved the tool, it would chant this sound, as if it were a machine.

The leaves in the forest rustled, and the fresh wind blew on its face, but it showed no emotion and just kept working.

After a few minutes, the huge stone was dug out. He bent down, picked it up, and headed towards his house.

The stone weighed at least five hundred kilograms. Even in the dream, only a few story tasks could lift it, but it seemed effortless.

I met several of the same kind on the road, as well as faceless children born after arriving here. They were all repeating various words and communicating expressionlessly.



This is how they greet each other, as if they are explaining their current status, and also as if they are sharing information.

This faceless man who moved stones returned home all the way, and piled the huge stones on the last gap in the wall. He paused and looked around, as if admiring it, and then walked towards the hut, maybe wanting to take a moment. take a break.

There were still buds from the trees on the door panel of the big house. The door shaft made a squeaking sound when it was pushed, and it was not lubricated at all.

But something unexpected happened.

It has no wife or children, so there should be no one in the family. But at this moment, there is a black and yellow weirdo standing in the hall, holding a bright sharp knife in his hand.

Seeing it entering the door, the weirdo sneered, pointed his sword at the blade, and said loudly:

"Sister-in-law, Wu Song has something to say!"

What story is Wu Song a character in? Why is it so strange? And what does sister-in-law mean?

A series of thoughts flashed through the faceless man's head, but he was destined to get no answer. He only felt a pain in his neck, and his vision was turned upside down. He saw his heels, and then there was darkness.

The orangutan hiding behind the door closed the door, looked at the corpse on the ground and smacked his lips.

From the broken neck of the faceless man, a thick white pulp flowed out, like the sap that flows out after a rubber tree is cut, or like the kind of cream that has been stirred too many times.

It just doesn't smell good. The blood in this creature smells like a pickle jar.

"What kind of creature is this? An alien? I see there are many larvae in the village. They reproduce very fast. Logically speaking, it has only been a few months since you last came here, right?" The orangutan looked at Kui. Dr. Zell took over the body and began the autopsy, asking Deathstroke questions.

Su Ming shook his head. He didn't know exactly what it was. It looked like a human being, but it was obviously not. It was more like an unprocessed window mannequin.

But they must be some kind of creatures that can reproduce and build houses to enclose land. They are intelligent species.

He said: "The rupture of the Origin Wall caused rifts in the sky of the Land of Dreams. I suspect that these weirdos were smuggled in from another multiverse system."

"If there really is such a multiverse, then I definitely don't want to watch their TV shows." Bobo pulled the corners of his mouth and eyelids with his hands and made a face: "Because their faces are all ' @_ [@ ]'It looked like it was photocopied and someone owed them money."

"They probably don't understand entertainment. The weirdos they saw along the way all behaved like gadgets controlled by 'Gestalt consciousness', with only basic functions." Su Ming watched Dr. Quinzel skillfully disembowel the monster. , squatted down and observed carefully.

The internal organs are similar to those of humans, even the inside of the belly is all white. Strangler also ate a head, and there are no valuable memories in it.

The memory of this creature begins when it falls out of the rift. All its memories are of communicating with its own kind, working, and enclosing land, and nothing else.

It is wrong to say that they are stowaways, but more like biological weapons deliberately thrown over by some beings. Is this a relatively mild invasion?

Or is it that one day these creatures will suddenly turn against each other, and then the aboriginal people in the Land of Dreams will be scalped like the Indians?

That was so exciting.

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