The Death Knell

Chapter 2320 Undersea Tunnel Cleanup

Various magical beasts emerged from the entrance of the cave in a steady stream, but they had not yet discovered the few people flying above the clouds. However, each of these guys had green eyes and gasped for breath, making Su Ming hand The energy of the red light ring on it soared.

Their hearts were filled with nameless rage. They didn't know why, but they were just so angry that they wanted to tear a few living people alive.

"St. Helena is an island formed by an extinct volcano, and there should be a compression point of the continental plate nearby." Su Ming believed what Raven said, but suspected that she and McGeeken had overlooked something, but he His tone was as calm as ever, and he changed the topic: "It seems that he was clever enough to take advantage of the loophole."

"Fortunately, it's not underwater." Bobo was playing with his pipe and narrowed his eyes: "Is it a new volcano like an anthill? Since it is underground, I feel relieved."

The orangutan detective knew it well. In other places, he might be a little worried about whether there would be problems when facing this army of monsters, but the underground passage? That's one of Deathstroke's home stadiums.

"Let's go in first and seal the entrance of the cave, then fight all the way through and exit from the other side of Paradise Island." Deathstroke took out the God Killer and turned it into a slaying sword: "We can't let these monsters continue to come out, and the outside world can escape. We should also notify more people to eliminate those."

"I will contact the Dark Zhenglian. Ordinary people cannot deal with mythical creatures." The raven began to cast a spell, and wrote a small note and handed it to a tentacle that suddenly stretched out from the void.

The suction cup on the tentacle sucked the piece of paper, and it disappeared after a roll. It was sending a letter.

"Let us inform the Young Justice League again. Princess Amethyst often deals with various monsters in the gem world. She should also have experience." Donna mentioned another girl. Although Shaozheng is currently understaffed, there is no doubt about her combat effectiveness.

"I want a lion." Harley said to Deathstroke. She pointed to a manticore below: "I'm looking for an actor who can get through the fire ring. It seems to be quite suitable."

"That's not a lion, it's more like a scorpion in nature." Donna explained, raised her sword and shield and looked at Su Ming: "Shall we start taking action? The cleaning crews are already arriving."

Deathstroke patted his cloak and dived to clear the way: "Let's go down."


Almost in the blink of an eye, he had swooped down next to the entrance of the huge cave on the top of the mountain. The loose soil like anthills was covered with various footprints, and animal feces could be seen everywhere.

It's not a beautiful place, and there's always a fishy smell in the air.

As soon as a chimera jumped up from the edge of the dark hole, it was kicked back by Su Ming. He stood at the entrance of the hole and escorted Cloak and his teammates into the underground, and then jumped down himself.

Falling, turning around, with the wind whistling in his ears, he looked up at the sky and gave a backhand blow, and colorful cosmic energy spurted out from his fist, destroying the hill rising above the sea level from the inside.

As a large amount of dust and gravel fell, there was even an influx of seawater. However, the shaft was soon completely blocked, which temporarily curbed the spread of the Warcraft.

At the same time, the underwater passage was also plunged into darkness.

"This place is close to the island. The seabed is very shallow, so the water pressure is limited. We are not troubled by being flooded for the time being." Su Ming flew back to the cloak. Everyone was fighting against the oncoming demons at this time. He reported first. In the current situation, the first phase of the plan has been perfectly achieved.

That punch was not thrown casually, it was carefully calculated. Where to hit it, how much energy to use? What effect it would achieve, he had already calculated it several times in his mind.

Now everyone just needs to keep moving forward and fight a bloody path.

Although this distance may be a bit longer.

It is known that Tartarus is located in the center of the earth, and its two exits are located in the Aegean Sea and West Africa? So in fact, this submarine channel should be V-shaped.

The bottom end of the V is the prison, the two upper ends are the two exits? And the gap in the middle is the entire African continent.

Fortunately, this sloping passage is very spacious. It is actually very convenient if it can fly. It just takes a little time to clear the monsters blocking the way.

Donna can fly and is familiar with all kinds of magical beasts. She fights very fast and kills constantly, and has already traveled a long distance.

And Arthur can't fly, so he can only stand on the flying carpet to protect the animals and wizards. His five-dented sword is waved tightly and with great effort.

However, the sorcerer's advantage can be seen at this time. The monsters have thick scales or fur, and many of them can even withstand Donna's Titan Sword. However, under magical attacks, they have almost no room to resist.

The raven wearing a purple hooded cloak whispered various spells. Since the last time the alien Poseidon's ship came off, she has begun to learn how not to shout out the name of the move when casting it, although she has not completely changed it. The habit of reminding teammates to avoid projectiles, but if you whisper a few words, the beasts on the opposite side won't understand, right?

The snow-white little finger that constantly switches various handprints points to a creature that is only entangled by the warriors. Then the creature will die very strangely. Either boiling blood spurts out from their seven orifices like red smoke, or Huge tentacles appeared out of nowhere and strangled them in the air.

She casts spells very happily, which is completely opposite to Zha Kang's strict moral character, because all the costs of her spells are borne by the other dimensions of the Three Palaces, and the old father who is crazy about girls always pays the entire bill.

Harley also knew how to pull out a pistol to help a few times, while Bobo simply sat on the flying carpet and just messed around, not participating in the battle at all, and drinking wine with a comfortable look on his face.

"It would be great if I could collect a few heads and use them to decorate the bar." He also told Harley. He was very greedy for the corpses passing under the flying carpet and felt that it was a waste of things: "These are extinct in the outside world. Mythical creatures, just one specimen can be worth a lot of money."

Harley, who was sitting next to him with a super-large revolver in both hands, rolled his eyes, leaned close to his little ear and whispered: "Look at your potential, tell Deathstroke and let him chop off the upside-down man's head. You Find a wooden board, frame it and hang it on the wall of the bar. That would be classy."

The orangutan's eyes lit up, and the wine bottle in his hand stopped in the air: "Wonderful ideas, you are always just the right amount of crazy."


Harley proudly raised her chin and shot the hippogriff flying in front of her with a casual shot.

The monster's eyes suddenly protruded from its sockets, and it fell from the sky in a swirling motion. It fell on the dark stone bottom of the submarine channel and slid down the slope towards the abyss.

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