The Death Knell

Chapter 2347 Want more

"Stay away from me, you unbrushed hermaphrodite, rotten ass, do you think you can do whatever you want wearing Jeans Vessey's tight jeans? Let me tell you, even if you capture me alive, you won't do it if you don't wear Adidas Wang's on your feet. He is my cousin’s opponent.”

The upside-down man who was always barefoot was stunned for a moment.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Wade began to struggle wildly, squirming like a maggot, and slammed his head against the upside-down man's head, causing his brain, which was already rotten due to cancer, to flow out of his nostrils.

However, despite the slippery feeling flowing all over his body, Wade found that he was imprisoned and unable to move, like an earthworm in soapy water. No matter how he squirmed, he would stay in place, if earthworms could walk.

"Who is Ayumu?" Harley in the crowd in the distance asked in a low voice, holding Bobo in his arms: "Is there a Japanese named Ayumu in the magic world?"

"I've never heard of it. Please pay attention and don't kill us." Little Foo stared at the Upside Down with a wary expression, and he asked Harley to lead him to the back of the line.

Harley looked suspicious and looked at the orangutan with doubt on her face: "That shouldn't be the case. Just now I saw the narrator's box. He said that as long as there are 'steps', earthworms can walk in soapy water." .”

The orangutan detective removed the pipe from his mouth with trembling hands, his eyes became frightened, and the sound of swallowing his saliva seemed to become much louder.

"Gu, when was the last time you took medicine? Your current state seems to be very wrong."

"What's the matter?" Harley put her hand on the orangutan's head and rubbed it, glanced at the Upside Down in the distance, and smiled evilly: "I'm in a good state now. The Upside Down's inner activity just now was to kill Deadpool. It turned into his toy, oh, he heard us talking, and now he wants to kill us."

Bobo: "...You put me down, it's safest for me to be with the raven."

"Are you sure? Little gorilla." Harley's eyes widened and glanced at the girl in the center of the formation, blocked by the death knell: "She has a lot of narration boxes on her head, and the three palaces are watching Look at her, maybe the devil will come in the next second."

The orangutan simply jumped out of Harley's arms and took out the night blade from his pocket: "Forget it, I'm still going to fight the Upside Down."

Not mentioning the exchange between the two of them, Su Ming, who had been standing side by side with Superboy, took a step forward. He looked at the white-scaled monster in the distance, and the monster's eyeless face also turned towards him.

"Turn people upside down."

"Death knell."

"Why do we have to go to this point? You can obviously continue to cooperate with me." Su Ming took out the Night Sword from his pocket and controlled the X-metal stars to flow towards the blade. He sighed: "You know? In fact, I used to like you quite a lot. You looked like you were smiling upside down, and the curve of the corners of your mouth looked like you were suffering from the ground, which was very interesting."

The Upside-down Man, who was holding Deadpool like a doll, also smiled. Its big mouth opened like a thorn bush and made a sound:

"This is not a personal grudge, my old friend, just because we want more. You taught us greed, taught us conspiracy, and allowed us to see a wider world outside the void. And then we just We find ourselves bound by you, and we don’t like being bound because we have been waiting for eons in the darkness beyond the walls of origin.”

"There is no need to call yourself 'we', and it is useless for you to reiterate that you are a collection of magical concepts. I know you very clearly, and I will not be deceived by the form of concept realization. You have not reached the point of 'one is'" The whole, the whole is the level of one.”

Su Ming's voice changed from clear to gloomy and hoarse, because the mask had been attached to his face, and the red goggles blocked his vision, leaving only a murderous aura exposed.

"Then, let's compete with each other to see who has the bigger fist. It's really your style."

The Upside Down casually broke Deadpool's neck, squeezed him into a ball of flesh between his hands, and smashed him towards Deathstroke. Then he opened his hands as if to embrace the whole world.

It wasn't a hug, it was some kind of magic.

The space where the Rock of Eternity is located has been isolated, and the Upside Down has changed the color of the world here, turning it into another dimension shrouded by a gray-white moon.

Facing the flying 'Deadpool Ball', Su Ming decisively slashed it with his sword.


Wade immediately split into two halves, flew towards both sides of the team, and hit the pyramid behind him, leaving behind two groups of blood that looked like flies being swatted to death.

"You've been following me for a while. Don't you know that I like to convince people with reason the most? The principle of physics." Su Ming shook off the blood stains on the big sword, and then took out some strong liquor to wash it.

At this time, the superiority of the God Killer is reflected. The magic sword is self-charged and has the ability to purify itself. The Night Sword does not have that basic function and can easily allow bacteria to proliferate.

"Gaga, I also learned my Chinese from you. I really miss your cold jokes, but..." The upside-down man who was talking did not stop, and his body twisted and started. Transformation is like squeezing out different monsters from the chest: "Hecate is not the only one with the magic moon, I also have my dimension, welcome to 'other world'! Everything here is based on my will." Lord, Deathstroke, how do you respond?”

These twisted and extremely miserable-looking monsters were what Su Ming and Diana had dealt with before. They were 'other types', and they were the minions of the Inverted Man, and they were also divided into detailed concepts.

The screams they emit can interfere with the flow of witchcraft energy, turning ordinary sorcerers into twisted monsters, and their high-speed self-healing properties make them difficult to kill at the same time.

One creature looked like a giant mass of frog eggs packed together, floating in the air with weird cilia; another creature had human faces all over it, each one wailing; another was a mass of The rotten flesh was covered with various large and small eyes; the last one was a large ball of green jelly, like a giant ooze monster.

The Upside Down transformed his "Four Heavenly Kings" and came to confront the remaining four members of Deathstroke's party. Well, Deadpool, who was directly killed and dismembered, doesn't count, and the orangutan doesn't count as a human either.

"How to deal with it? You are giving me a chance to make fun of me." Su Ming took two steps back, his tone suddenly changed, and the voice changer produced the voice of Batman: "Although I often make fun of Batman, I I'm going to imitate him this time, 'We fight,' that's what Batman would say, but I'm going to add, Superman."

The little Superboy on the side had already remembered to jump on the spot to warm up, and when he heard the permission from the death knell, he looked up to the sky and laughed: "Ha! Is it finally time for me to take action? How do you guys plan to die?!"

"Ahem, keep a low profile, camera." Deathstroke coughed.

"This section has been cut and re-edited. Hey, you bad guys actually want to destroy the balance of the universe, and you have changed into such an ugly form to scare people. Today, I, the Supreme Superboy, will represent justice and hope and eliminate your arrogance. !”

I said the lines again and wasted a little time, but it doesn't matter, for Superman and The Flash, time is always abundant.

With a flash of red and blue light, the four generals under the Upside Down exploded instantly during the charge, and a sludge-like rain of dark energy spread everywhere.

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