The Death Knell

Chapter 2361 Crazy Constant

Several pairs of eyes on the Demon King's big face blinked, and he withdrew his fist that had been scratched with a wound. He was silent for a while, seeming to be thinking about something.

The red energy in his body was still fluctuating, dyeing the world into blood, but the light gradually dimmed, and the strange sound like wind blowing through dead trees and broken branches in Limbo came again.

"Did you also get deceived by him? It's indeed that guy's style."

Perhaps sensing the atmosphere of common hatred, Sangong stopped taking action. He crossed his arms and floated in place like a djinn, his eyes turning to the House of Mystery again.

Why did Su Ming say that the Three Palaces were reasonable before? Because this guy is so easy to fool!

This demon god is aloof from another world, and usually does not need to quarrel with anyone, so he has degraded a lot in playing tricks. Cytorak next door has a similar situation.

Although they all have similar big plans, occupying the multiverse and so on, their endless lives extend the execution period of this plan very long, and it is estimated that they all start in units of one hundred thousand years.

Cytorak just threw rubies at different parallel earths. Who picked them up, what consequences they had in the end, and whether the believers could offer that world to him were completely left to chance.

Because there is always another chance for him. Even if he tries a hundred thousand times in a hundred thousand years, he should succeed once, right? No rush anyway.

The strategy of the Three Houses is to use their daughter Raven as an internal response, so as to occupy the entire DC multiverse internally and externally. The daughter does not cooperate every time, but it doesn't matter. There is plenty of time anyway, so just adjust it slowly.

The raven is his chosen tool and the key to the big plan. He can take his time and try different small strategies, but others cannot move his chess pieces.

If anyone touches the raven, it is equivalent to thwarting his plan, and then he will come out to teach those who are mean-spirited a lesson.

"Yes, that scumbag maggot trash also lied to me. You are too big and it takes a lot of effort to enter a magical fortress like the House of Mystery. Let me help you kill him!"

"Hey, wait..."

But after Deathstroke finished speaking, he turned around and flew towards the House of Mystery. He inserted the night sword in his hand into the crack of the window, broke through the villa's magic defense with a click, and turned over and entered.

Sangong wanted to say something, but also stretched out his huge arms to retain her. He looked like Erkang with oversized nostrils.

However, Deathstroke didn't seem to hear his call? Or maybe his anger had overcome his reason. The Demon God sighed? He lowered his head and began to think with a gloomy face, as if hesitating about something.

A few seconds later? The death knell came back with a corpse. The tattered man was covered in blood, with dead eyes staring at the sky. He was thrown in front of Sangong like garbage, and the blood was quickly stained. Large areas of ground.

Only that face? It can be vaguely seen that it is Constantine.

"Huh? Did you really kill him? I originally just wanted to turn him into a human stick..." The Demon King frowned, stamped his sheep's hooves, and used a spell to check the body: "Now Trouble, his soul has left his body? You may not know? Both heaven and hell are fighting for his sinful soul, and now no matter which side he joins, we have offended the other side."

"What? There is such a thing?"

Deathstroke looked 'shocked', as if he had never heard of this before.

Sangong nodded very seriously, looking at Deathstroke with some admiration in his eyes? That decisive and ruthless attack won some favor from the demon god, but it just seemed too reckless.

The devil added: "Whether it's those Satans in heaven or those Satans in hell, they are all troubles for us."

Deathstroke took a deep breath and put away the weapon in his hand: "I killed him, it has nothing to do with you? Just leave."

"No? It's like you said? We are in a group. Nothing can be hidden from God's eyes and ghosts. Hatred is already attached to us." The Demon King shook his head, and he stretched out a big hand to the death knell: "You come with me and go to my other world. When I occupy this multiverse, I will give you a parallel world as reward."

Su Ming's face was full of emotion, but he sneered in his heart. If the three palaces could occupy the main plurality, then it would really be a ghost.

"No need, I appreciate your kindness. If the ghost comes to me, I will kill him too."

"You are very stubborn and crazy. This is a very valuable character." Sangong looked down at Zha Kang's body, and once again took a deep breath of the bitch's bloody scent, and the whole figure slowly faded away: "Then As you wish, if you need help, just pray to me. If you are really the Supreme Mage, you must have a way to contact me..."

Like a gust of wind, a gust of smoke, or a ray of light.

He just disappeared, his body as huge as a mountain disappeared instantly, and the world returned to pure gray.


Su Ming laughed, walked to the body, and put the android back into the space bag.

Why do you say that three palaces cannot work? Because he only knows magic and dark brute force, and doesn't understand what high technology is at all.

Through the spider totem network, I asked the adjutant to shape a semi-finished android from Contracia into the appearance of Zha Kang and then transport it here. After getting some of the real Zha Kang's demon blood, I successfully passed the test.

The first task now is to deal with the Laughing Bat. Su Ming does not want to have a real fight with San Gong at this juncture and cause a crisis such as an invasion from another world. It is best to use his brain to solve the problem.

Su Ming let the strangulation smell it, and then let the cloak detect it around to confirm that Sangong was really gone, and then he floated back to the mysterious house leisurely.

Anyway, after today, if Sangong sees Zha Kang again, it will be because the bitch himself has been 'resurrected'. What does it have to do with the enthusiastic and friendly Deathstroke?

Back in the living room, Constantine was bandaging his palm.

Deathstroke suddenly came back just now, and he transformed into a person who looked exactly like himself. After cutting him down a few times, he bled himself and said he wanted to deceive the Third Palace. It was simply inexplicable.

"Did it succeed?"

"Yes, Sangong thought you were dead. In order to prevent the counterattack from heaven or hell, he returned to his own country." Su Ming kicked the scumbag in angrily and sat next to him: "By the way , you told San Gong that you were going to give me the raven, didn’t you dig a hole for me a long time ago? You expected that if San Gong comes to trouble you, he will also come to me."

"That... is just for insurance. I know you are so strong, so there will be no problem." Zha Kang smiled greasyly, leaning on Deathstroke's shoulder affectionately: "Let's do this, wait until I save enough For the money, how about I buy you ten succubi at Lucifer’s ‘Streamer’ nightclub and treat you to a good time?”

"Go away, is it me playing with the succubus or the succubus playing with me? You will have to charge them then, right?" Su Ming saw through Zha Kang's 'eat both ends' trick at a glance, and then slapped him on the shoulder. He said: "Stop talking about those things to me. Where are the things I asked you to crack?"

Constantine tilted his head. Even though his shoulder was in severe pain, he still wore that annoying smile and said in a frivolous tone:

"Of course, I am a true master of the dark arts. Alberta is still far behind me, but man, are you sure you want to get involved in such a crazy thing?"

Deathstroke gently put out his cigarette butt and put it away, looking into the scumbag's eyes with one eye: "From the first day I came into contact with the magic world, I knew that only madness is the eternal constant in this world."

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