The Death Knell

Chapter 2376 Ya Mo Zhuo appears

Speaking of DC's super robots, the red tornado can only be used for fun. If you really want to talk about combat power, you still have to look at the sub-mojo.

The name Robot Metahuman (.A..) is actually an abbreviation, just like Gundam. Its full name is Anti-Metahuman Adaptive Zootomic Organism, which is the 'Adaptive Anti-Super Power Bionic Robot'.

Although it looks like an ordinary strong man with a weird little device wrapped around his head, in fact, Marvel's Sentinel robot next door is a 'tribute' to it. Amozo was created in 1960 Years ago, and the Sentinel robot was created in 1965, it was still the same old thing.

One looks like an ordinary person, and the other looks like a tall machine, but their basic abilities are exactly the same, which is to copy the enemy's superpowers for your own use.

Speaking of which, Yamo Zhuo is stronger, because he has his own thinking, can connect to the Internet and download data to continuously evolve, and has the same thoughts and values ​​as humans, but the Sentinel robot does not have these.

Finding that the tribute was not thorough enough, Marvel launched Ultron in 1968. In other words, the ability of the sentinel robot and the mind of Ultron were put together to almost become a submaz.

With such a powerful robot, why did Dr. Ivo only build one?

Because at the beginning Yamo Zhuo was not used for war purposes, but as a thief.

Dr. Ivo is an expert in electronic engineering and biology, but he also has the troubles of ordinary people, that is, a limited lifespan. Although he obtained the Mirakuru serum of the same type as Deathstroke through some means, it only turned people into Become a super soldier, develop your brain, and extend your life, but you cannot achieve immortality.

In order to live forever, the doctor invented Yamozo. He wanted to use this replicating robot to steal the abilities of superpowers and help himself live forever.

For example, if a person has unlimited cell division or the ability to make people younger, then a robot can copy the ability back and use it on the doctor. This is a disguised immortality plan.

Things didn't go well from the beginning, because abilities like longevity or reverse growth are not the kind of skills that are earth-shattering once activated. The doctor's robot was built, but there was no suitable goal.

After much deliberation, he set his target on Superman. The Man of Steel should be able to live for a long time, right?

So he ordered Amozo to attack the Justice League. At that time, the terrifying robot was one against many. He learned all the super powers of the heroes of the Justice League and beat them to pieces. At one time, he had the absolute upper hand.

It has divine powers just the moment they meet? A body of steel, the Speed ​​Force? Emotional spectrum, telepathy and other signature skills? Can one person stand up to a group of superheroes? Beef, right?

Then it was shut down by Batman. Because the Dark Knight has no superpowers, naturally nothing will be copied. At the same time, it also proves that the brain is the best thing? Others can't learn it even if they want to.

The powered-off Yamodra was placed by the bat in the Hall of Justice as an exhibit for tourists to see.

Dr. Ivo did not give up, and saved money and money, and finally came up with the little Ya Mo Zhuo.

It turned out that the material of this second-generation robot was not very good, and because it loved the Internet, it wanted to fall in love with the doctor's daughter. After being strictly prohibited by the doctor, it rebelled and went to carry out terrorist attacks all over the world. In the end, it even went to the Speed ​​Force with Barry. Race and explode on the spot.

Dr. Ivo has no money to build a new Amozo? If this high-tech robot is built with U.S. military funds, one can cost hundreds of millions of dollars. But at his own expense? He can build two of them. My family background is very strong.

Since then, the doctor has gone to work for Luthor? He has also contributed some efforts in projects such as 'Bizzaro' and 'Robot Superman'. Baldhead has also given him several opportunities to produce some submodra. The porcelain superman.

But every time these mass-produced robots are dismantled by Batman, the Dark Knight does not allow other superheroes to patrol his Gotham, but he always likes to come to Metropolis to do something bad for Luthor, the old double standard .

The submachine that shut down in the Hall of Justice later escaped from prison, but it was not a super villain, nor did it have any ambition to destroy the earth or rule the universe. Instead, it became obsessed with classical poetry and music, and ran away without knowing it. Where to live in seclusion?

It rarely appears in comics anymore, and even when it does, it's just a formality, a round of talk with Zhenglian, and just a pretense.


But now with Luthor's financial support, Dr. Ivo can manufacture Amodra in large quantities. The bald head also sent his secretary, Miss Mercy, to help the doctor allocate supplies and production lines, while also monitoring the old man.

The Laughing Bat launched its plan earlier than expected. Currently, there are only a few dozen submodras that have been assembled, but the doctor is very confident about this.

Because the materials provided by Luther are top-notch, the production line is advanced 3D printing, and his programming technology has become more mature after so many years of hard work, these sub-mozos will only be stronger than before.

A small door suddenly appeared in the Gobi Desert on the border between the United States and Mexico. The Yamojo swarmed out from here and flew to the battlefield in Gotham, arriving almost immediately.

The next thing becomes relatively simple. Just copy the abilities of all the superheroes and madmen present, and then start hammering people.

After they entered the scene, Diana and the others were a little bit unable to intervene, because these robots were here to kill people. If they activated their abilities at full power, the opponent's lunatics would not be able to withstand them.

Ron watched several lunatic versions of himself being chased and burned by a submachine, and slowly landed next to Superman.

"It's Luther, I feel it, he's here to help us."

As he said this, the expression on his face was a bit complicated, probably because he was remembering what happened with Luther when he was a child.

Superman didn't think so much. Clark smiled when he heard that Luthor was coming to help, as if the previous fights were not important. He showed eight white teeth and said:

"That's good. I know Lex still values ​​our earth. He should realize his past mistakes. Everyone should have a chance to change their ways."

As a long-range attacker, Green Arrow was protected in the innermost circle by everyone. He shook his head:

"Did you see the explosion over there? An entire earth was blown up by him. He is indeed too dangerous."

"I'm more curious about why he wants to help us?" Hawkgirl held up her Morning Star Hammer, which was still dripping blood, with a solemn expression on her face: "He is a typical villain with high IQ. Is there any conspiracy?"

The chaotic battlefield was filled with explosions and screams, but as soon as these words came out, all the superheroes began to think in silence.

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