The Death Knell

Chapter 2381 Falling into hell together

Barry and Wally broke away from the Speed ​​Force in the blink of an eye and hid behind Deathstroke, while the Laughing Bat and the speed zombies stopped in the Speed ​​Force.

The maniacal laughter that turned into a black shadow scratched his head, looking very puzzling.

Little Flash hugged the death knell in emotion and gasped: "Thank you, you are finally here. I thought you really wanted to sacrifice me for some strengthening plan."

"Quickly let go, it was Daniel who reminded me that I was hit by you when I entered Earth Minus 11. This is the beginning of my story. Since then, I have always felt that the Speed ​​Force has a special affinity for me."

Deathstroke pressed Barry's head and pushed him away with a look of disgust:

"But now I understand, it's not that the Speed ​​Force has any special care for me, but because I have become Barry's 'lightning rod', a space-time coordinate that is separated from the Speed ​​Force plane, so that I can reach you now..." ....But when I think about it, it still feels quite disgusting to have such a special connection with another man.”

Barry pouted, he didn't choose who would be the lightning rod, it was decided by the Speed ​​Force, right?

"I also hope that my lightning rod candidate will be a beautiful woman, but I don't care. Also, your cousin once said that you would sacrifice the Flash to heaven..."

"Can you believe what a psychopath says?" Su Ming laughed, took out a soda drink from his pocket and gave it to the two Flashes: "Although small investment and high returns are what mercenaries pursue, for soldiers, they must always avoid An unnecessary sacrifice.”

Barry felt relieved and nodded crazily: "Yes, let us fight side by side again this time. What are your plans?"

"The plan is for you and Wally to leave here first. I chose the battlefield outside the Wan Tian Yi, in the void outside the Speed ​​Force Wall, because the next movement may be a bit loud."

Su Ming pointed at everyone's feet. Although he felt down to earth, he could only see the distant starry sky and darkness below. This is the void, which is both the ground and the ocean. It is made up of imagination and is the most complex and abstract space. .

"We can't leave. The Laughing Bat wants the anti-crisis power in my body to completely control the Mobius Chair. We can't let him get the 'truth' of the universe." Wally looked serious and patted his chest. Lightning symbol: "Send Barry away and let me deal with him."

"Go, adults, children, don't talk too much." Su Ming pushed Wally and Barry to the Sandman, and signaled Daniel, who had no fighting ability, to get out: "What Crazy Laughter wants is not the power of connection or the truth, on the contrary, he What he wants is to destroy them so that the forces of crisis can lead to the disintegration of our pluralism and his own laughing plurality can take its place.”

Wally was pushed and staggered, fell into the arms of Dreamland, and then fell asleep with his head tilted.

But Barry's willpower was stronger, and he could still turn his head and look at Deathstroke: "Then you must be careful, I will protect Wally."

The Laughing Bat had no intention of stopping him. He just leaned on the Mobius chair and watched Deathstroke and the others saying goodbye. When he knew that the Sandman disappeared and only Deathstroke and a stranger were left, he spoke softly.

"As expected of you, when did you see through my plan?"

"What do you think?" Su Mingchao laughed wildly and waved to him to come over: "Maybe I knew about it when I found out that Dr. Manhattan disappeared?"

The Laughing Bat stood up from the chair and walked down the stairs slowly: "Ha, I don't believe it. Although you say that I like to lie to people, I know that you are the biggest liar. We are actually the same person." Humanoid.”

"You are wrong again, laugh out loud." Su Ming sighed and shook his head: "My intelligence has always been ahead of yours. The blue man once told me that quantum will always exist. And death told me that Dr. Manhattan is already dead. Here It’s a paradox.”

"Oh? I'd like to hear the details."

The Laughing Bat put his hands on his back and hunched his waist, but he was not in a hurry.

"There cannot be two existences of the level of Doctor Manhattan in the multiverse at the same time. Since the one I have seen is already dead and can still appear in the form of 'quantum entanglement', then when he disappears, on the premise of quantum eternity , it must mean that there is another Doctor Manhattan born somewhere. From the perspective of the principle of quantum interference, the new Manhattan is not in the light multiverse, but in the dark multiverse, and that is your territory.... ..Yes, I knew what you planned to play a few months ago, and I secretly resolved various 'crises' and made arrangements in advance to wait for this day to come."

Deathstroke looked at each other calmly, completely ignoring the ugly zombies. After all, their rotten faces were much worse than those of his little cousin.

The Laughing Bat felt a little emotional, and he applauded solemnly:

"Then why don't you tell this information to the Justice League? By the way, tell your Wonder Woman mistress? Oh, she is just your tool to break into the Justice League, just like poor Barry, who is kept in the dark springboard?"

"Whether you were Batman or the Joker before, you seem to lack common sense in life?" Su Ming did not answer the question directly, but nodded to Lucifer beside him and gestured in the direction of the Laughing Bat: "What if If you want to give someone a down jacket as a gift in exchange for their favor, will you give it in summer or winter?"

"Hahahahaha! That's it!"

Laughing wildly bent down and slapped his knees, and the shadows that made up his body also twisted:

"I read you right. It turns out that our differences lie here. What I want is replacement, what you want is annexation, and our eyes are actually staring outside the void."

Su Ming chuckled noncommittally and inserted the sword into the void:

"Actually, you are much smarter than Luther. It's just that you don't have the humanity he has. He is afraid of death, so I can let him continue to live. But if you are not afraid of death, then you must die."

This string of words sounded like a tongue twister, but the Laughing Bat undoubtedly understood the inner meaning. He sighed:

"Well, it seems that only one of us can survive today, but I am very curious, how can you kill me now? Quantum eternity, this is what you said not long ago, and I think, not this time Are you going to sing and dance again? Hehehe..."

"Perhaps you thought your weakness would be the concept of 'truth', because your Laughing Multiverse is completely made up, and it's always scary to pull something under the hood."

Deathstroke leaned on the hilt of his sword and stared at the laughing black face:

"In the Justice League, the person who represents the 'truth' is Diana. Her attitude of 'even if the earth falls apart for the sake of justice' means insisting on the truth. You thought I would bring her to deal with you, but your ability All it takes is a snap of my fingers to obliterate her physical existence, so that I will be intimidated by my relationship with her and forced to make some kind of agreement with you... even though you just mentioned her and Barry , are all giving me psychological hints, right?"

"...Isn't it?" He laughed so hard that he couldn't stop laughing.

"Actually, I also know another weakness of yours, or Dr. Manhattan's weakness. Since he is now integrated with you, I will just assume it is you."

Su Ming took off the comedian badge on his chest, put it on his fist, glanced at the smiling face again, and then flicked it to Satan beside him with his thumb:

"Quantum immortality, yes, but you underestimate the role of stories too much. The main subjects of stories are time, place, and characters. In the DC universe, whether you see darkness or light, stories are all about human affairs. Because the theme is about people, then 'human nature' is the real eternal thing."

The Comedian is the last friend saved by Dr. Manhattan. This badge is the ultimate embodiment of Dr. Manhattan's humanity.

The action of flicking the badge and the small bright yellow sign rolling in the air attracted the eyes of wild laughter.

He stretched out his hand, wanting to use his power to suck away the badge, but Lucifer just smiled softly, everything turned calm, and the little badge fell steadily into his white and perfect fingers.

"Who are you anyway?"

The Laughing Bat stared at Lucifer. He could not recognize this person whose appearance was constantly changing. In his eyes, the person next to Deathstroke was sometimes the Joker, sometimes Manhattan, and sometimes Batman, all of which he liked. People who want to kill.

Deathstroke patted Lucifer on the shoulder and answered for him:

"Let me introduce to you. Today I am honored to invite a special guest to join our program. This is Lucifer Morningstar, the first light in the world and the original 'Dragon', everything in this world." The ugliness of human nature can all be traced back to him. The God he betrayed created the Origin, the Origin created Perpetua, Perpetua created the World Forger, the World Forger created the Dark Diversity, and that's how you came to be. , The Laughing Bat, a man who wants to break free in the story..."

Lucifer, who had been listening quietly beside him, laughed out loud:

"Actually, both the good and evil sides of human nature can be attributed to the old man. He is a dual body, and everything is his arrangement... But when you say this, I seem quite charming. I accept it, okay. Now, just kill the guy in front of you, right? Get your goods ready."

As soon as Satan finished speaking, he unfolded his black wings that covered the sky, and the darkness in the void instantly turned red, broken, and out of control.

The real cataclysm came, and both the enemy and ourselves fell into hell uncontrollably, and everything began to burn wherever they looked.

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