The Death Knell

Chapter 2389 Hope your son will become a dragon

I drank with Lao Zheng from noon to early morning, and drank two boxes of liquor. However, neither the super soldier nor the Qi practitioner drank the other one down. They even left the hotel with some unfinished thoughts.

However, his sense of responsibility was much stronger than that of Su Ming, and he could not completely leave the affairs of the hundreds of thousands of people in the Divine Spear Bureau, so they made an appointment to eat roast goose next time, and the two parties separated on the streets of Shuangqing. .

From the huge crowds of people when I arrived to the dim lights when I left, even though I was not intoxicated, it was just a blink of an eye.

Looking at this familiar yet unfamiliar city, Su Ming stood in the light in front of the store, lowered his head, lit a cigarette, and took a deep breath.

The familiar smell of tobacco mixed with the humidity and heat of the night flowed into his mind like wine.

"Am I really uncomfortable with my free time?" He was talking to Hangzhou while walking on the road. There is always no need to worry about the security of the Celestial Empire, let alone him. Even ordinary people can walk safely at night: "No matter what Everyone I talk to says nothing has happened recently. Is it possible that the universe will be so peaceful after its upgrade?"


Strangler comforted him, because world peace is a good thing, even if it eats people every day, it will suffer from indigestion.

"The main thing is that I feel something is wrong, you know what I mean?"

Su Ming touched the little bean sprout's head on his shoulder, took out a piece of chocolate, and ate it one bite at a time with Zhuo Sha.

It shares memories with its host, and of course it knows what Deathstroke is worried about, because judging from the comic memories of its previous life, there is no such thing as a peaceful time in the world of American comics.

On the contrary, it is more like the calm before the storm.


Strangler said that there is no need to worry. No matter what the situation is, it will face it with its host, which is completely different from other coquettish symbionts.

"It's true that I'm idle. How about we go to your hometown and kill Nnar?" Su Ming suddenly remembered a previous plan. Nnar, the god of symbiote, is still sleeping on the symbiote planet. internal.

When you are bored, hunting monsters may be a good choice.


On the contrary, Strangler feels that it is boring. It is no longer what it used to be. Even Perpetua, the mother of DC's diversity, was eaten by it. Recently, it has become tired of it.

It's like eating the Manchu Banquet not long ago. Who wants to eat canned food sold online?

Today's Gnar is no longer attractive to it. Even if it wants to eat, it must eat something more nutritious and more useful.

The god of symbionts has the ability to divide and manipulate sporophyte spores at super high speeds, but if he strangles himself, he will never reproduce. This ability is useless, and it is not as good as the black sword's weapon transformation ability.

Although it is true that Strangler can transform into various weapons, Su Ming carries an arsenal with him and usually does not need the symbiote to transform.

If you are really forced into a situation where the sword is useless at night, then strangulation will be useless, so you might as well use your brain to think of a better way.

"You don't want to go either?" Su Ming touched his beard and thought for a moment: "Then let's go to that village, see if Carol is at home, find out something about alien planets, and then go and play with Star-Lord? "

This can be done. Black Bean Sprout nodded and narrowed his eyes.

The suit on his body flowed under the night, and instantly turned into yellow and black armor. The cloak that turned into a tie also stretched out his body at this time, and took the Supreme Mage into the sky.

In fact, the cloak wants to eat a lot of things and go to many dimensions. It doesn't dislike things that it dislikes, but the master doesn't even ask it for its opinion...

During the flight, it kept reflecting on why Strangler was so popular, while it was just the opposite.

Obviously, he is used as a means of transportation across dimensions, as an anti-magic shield, and as a booster. He usually provides the most power, but last time he got an energy gem that was not much bigger than a chocolate bean... ...

Is it great to be able to speak? How can my magical silk body make a screaming sound?

In the blink of an eye, people have entered a wilderness. Antarctica is now in a state of polar night, but in the dimension, the sun is high.

The Supreme Mage first asked Casillas about the progress of alien research, and then handed him some 'specialties' brought from DC. After making sure that the wilderness was calm, he went to Carol's house. pasture.

Before she reached the place, she heard the screams of her brother Xiao Qiao.

Su Ming shook his head, landed gently on the edge of the fence, and touched the head of the cow in the fence before walking towards the barn.

As soon as I entered, I saw Mary beating her son. To be precise, she was training.

"Stand up! You coward, you useless piece of trash! If I had known you were so useless, I should have flushed you down the toilet!"

Little Joe had been knocked to the ground by his own mother, but Ms. Mary Danvers was still kicking him around like a ball with her feet, and saying all kinds of words that could help her son 'strengthen his will'.

On the straw pile not far away, Carol was holding an orange cat with a grin on her face, and her head turned from time to time, as if to avoid this cruel scene.

How should I put it? The training of the Kree is famous for its strictness. The recruit training is to fight against robots equipped with live ammunition, and they deserve to die.

But now on earth, her mother is still so strict with Xiao Qiao. It seems that this is because she hopes that her son will succeed.


The orange cat, who was stretching in her arms, suddenly smelled the smell of the death knell, barked quickly, and licked the hands of the scrapper.

Carol, who was wearing a knotted floral shirt and low-waisted jeans, revealing a small amount of abdominal muscles, saw Deathstroke and said hello with a smile:

"Hi Slade, long time no see."

"Actually, it didn't take long. I saw you last time when the Annihilation Bugs invaded." Su Ming looked at Mary's uninterrupted rigorous training, ignored Xiao Qiao's look for help, walked to Carol and sat down: " How are you and your family doing lately?"

"The Blue Zerg in the Milky Way have been cleaned up. My army also took annual leave and is resting recently." Carol lifted her blond hair, lowered her head and kissed the cat: "You have also seen the situation at home, my mother It’s as if the warrior’s heart has been awakened for the second time, which couldn’t be better, but Xiao Qiao, I guess he would rather you didn’t save him now, maybe it would be better to continue to be a vegetable than to suffer like this.”

Su Ming also stretched out his hand to scratch the orange cat's chin. Watching the element-devouring beast close its eyes comfortably, he took out a bag of dried fish and gave it to it, and said with a smile:

"This is normal. Mary is the former captain of the Queen's Guards, and her horizons are there. Xiao Qiao must be eighteen years old this year, right? If he were a Kree warrior of the same age, he would have to have at least a thousand alien lives on his hands. right."

Marvel Woman showed a helpless look: "My brother is not the kind of character who can go to the battlefield. You want to say that in online games, he can kill thousands of aliens every day, but in reality? I just ask him not to Killed by aliens.”

She blew a little whistle, like blowing away a cloud of dust.

That's Xiao Qiao's fighting power, almost to the point where she would blow him away if she opened her mouth.

"That's why Mary wants to train him." Deathstroke held a cigarette in his mouth and exhaled a puff of smoke: "I didn't see anything else, but Xiao Qiao's resistance to fighting must have improved a lot..."


While they were talking here, Xiao Qiao was kicked to the ceiling of the barn by his mother, and fell heavily to the ground. The surroundings were filled with smoke and dust, so Su Ming had to pause:

"By the way, is there anything interesting happening in the universe recently? I came here to see how you are living and find something interesting to do."

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