The Death Knell

Chapter 2398 Disagreement

At the same time, a group of heroes were having a meeting at the Avengers headquarters, the former Stark mansion.

Of course, Steve was still the one presiding over the meeting, and his good friend Iron Fist Bucky was leaning against the door frame with his arms folded, looking like he was listening attentively.

The conference room was renovated from the previous living room. There is no oversized business conference table, nor any large round table with the symbol of transcendence engraved on it. There are only a few sofas, beautiful coffee tables, luxurious carpets, and other items that are worth looking at. Expensive crystal chandelier.

How should I put it? It's more like some kind of high-end club than a hero headquarters.

However, the other attendees were obviously not as energetic as Steve. Even Tony had put on his pajamas and was now crossing his legs, letting the hair on his legs sway left and right due to the air conditioner.

"I still object. You don't understand the current international situation, old man." He leaned on the leather sofa, raised the wine in his glass and took a sip: "A nuclear bomb exploded in Japan. We can provide humanitarian assistance, but we should not Go there and get involved in this incident, but defend the U.S. mainland."

Today, Iron Man just flew to Tri-Curve Wing to work during the day, intending to take charge of some scientific research work, but not long after the work started, the Japanese side exploded, so he rushed back here with Fury and Natasha, preparing to join the public Discuss this with the heroes.

As a result, everyone has different opinions.

Steve wants to go to Japan to investigate. Not only does he need to find out the ins and outs of the new dirty bomb, but he also wants to help evacuate the masses and combat the spread of radiation.

This is interventionism. Steve has no distinction between countries in his mind. No matter where something goes wrong, he wants to intervene.

In his opinion, for superheroes, nationality is no longer important, what is important is protecting the earth.

Those who support his view are of course Bucky and Falcon, as well as the unexpected addition of the second-generation Ant-Man and the second-generation Wasp. They all have one characteristic, that is, they will support no matter what Captain America says.

Tony's point of view is more inclined to defend Japan. Japan is in a miserable state now, just like it was after Howard used the atomic bomb to bomb it. He also sympathizes with the civilian victims.

But so far the terrorists have not caught him.

As we all know, Japan is the little brother of the United States and a major supplier of electronic components around the world. Maybe this is the prelude to attacking the United States?

Now if everyone goes to Japan to search for people everywhere, what will happen in the United States? Leave it to the X-Men for protection?

You must know that under the propaganda of thoughtful people, mutants are no different from demons in the eyes of the people.

In this current situation, Avengers can provide off-site assistance to Japanese superheroes such as "Sunspot" and engage in intelligence or logistics work. Everyone, please don't go there. After all, we are a sovereign country. What's the point of just running over there?

If something happens during the operation and the city is damaged or casualties occur, who is responsible?

Those who support Tony's view are all scientists. Dr. Banner and Vision support Iron Man's view. Vision even came up with a calculation that said the ultimate target of this terrorist attack must be New York, USA.

Don't ask him how he calculated it, because based on the induction and summary of all major events in the past, a rule has been drawn. When the intensity of an incident exceeds a certain standard, or the number of casualties reaches a certain number, then this incident will eventually It falls on New York.

This he calls New York's Law.

Supporters of both sides were clearly divided on both sides of the coffee table, as if they were fighting a civil war, and no one could convince anyone.

Steve wanted to take the scientists away. After all, it was about nuclear explosions. When it came to investigating, having scientists would make things easier.

However, Tony, the scientist representative, said that instead of going into that muddy water, if you have the time, why not study defensive weapons against dirty bombs, such as 'radiation neutralizing' armor?

Sitting at the short end of the coffee table, as if sitting on the boundary between Chu, He and Han, Fury remained expressionless. He represented the third opinion.

That means the matter has nothing to do with you and just hangs high.

Although SHIELD is now an organization under the United Nations Security Council, as the director of SHIELD, it is impossible for him to guarantee an anarchic organization like the Avengers.

Therefore, in the face of this nuclear terrorist attack, his point of view is that if the Japanese die, they will die. He can just send some agents from the Tokyo branch to Fukushima to investigate casually and submit a report to the United Nations.

Superheroes should also keep a low profile, secretly track down the identity of the suspect, and arrest him secretly. Isn't this the best way to prevent tragedies from happening?

There was something else that Fury had been worrying about.

In recent years, some people have proposed the "Superhero Registration Act" in the U.S. Congress, and many people have offered various psychological supports, which makes Fury very upset.

Those stupid politicians don’t know what real power is. They think that with the Sentinel robots and the products of some weapons programs, the United States can supervise and influence people with superpowers, turn them into weapons of war, and then use them to Come and rule the world.

But Fury knew very well that if they did that, Deathstroke would definitely appear and kill all these people.

Black Braised Dan also has a good relationship with the X-Men. Counting some things he knows, he is not optimistic about any plan that can control people with super powers.

During the meeting, he remained expressionless and seemed to be in a daze, but in fact he had been thinking about this issue.

Where is the death knell? who is he?

I don’t know what Fury is thinking. Based on the content of this meeting, Black Widow and Hawkeye naturally support the director.

Clint has an indifferent attitude, while Natasha is a double agent, busy eavesdropping on the meeting here, and will soon send the information back to the spider web.

"Tony, we are not going to interfere in other people's internal affairs, but to help those civilians." The captain held his shield under his arm and delivered a speech while walking: "There are many civilians in need within the radiation range. Evacuate, since we have the power, why don’t we help? The radiation problem is a hazard to the earth. Once the radiation moves with ocean currents or rain, countries with coastlines will be affected. Don’t you want to try your best to make up for it?”

Iron Man cut a cigar, took a sip, and said with an unhappy look on his face:

"These things can be done by others. I can donate protective clothing and various equipment, and have also sent out battle suits and family buckets for rescue. We don't need to go there in person, understand? Besides, ocean radiation is I will contact Namor to handle the matter. As the King of the Sea, he should be the most nervous, right? We must first determine the type of reacting substances, and then conduct many experiments to study the neutralization plan. At this time, you need to stay in the United States. Continue to protect our country."

Steve hammered his palms, bent down and put his hands on the coffee table:

"You're so selfish, Tony. Howard would be upset if he knew you had become so cold."

"Tch, he is him, and I am me." Tony remained unmoved, not even bothering to look at old man Steve. He stood up with a cigarette in his left hand and a drink in his right hand, preparing to go to bed. He smiled frivolously: "Help others The premise is to be able to protect yourself. You are of noble character and not afraid of sacrifice, but why do you want everyone to abandon their family and friends and go to a foreign country with you? Our enemy is not the Nazi back then, and our homeland is not the same. It’s not safe either.”

"It's unreasonable, Bucky, Sam, and the insect duo, all come with me." Steve put his shield on his back and walked out the door angrily: "We'll go by ourselves, Nick, lend me a plane. "

What else did the second-generation Ant-Man want to argue? He said weakly: "We are not two insects..."

"Fury, don't promise him." Tony interrupted him loudly, threw a cigar to the black man, and tilted his head to the side: "You have to come with us smarter people, let's study how to improve it. Military satellite systems, looking for ways to track down the bad guys.”

"Alas..." Hei Lu Dan rubbed his bald head vigorously. He was so upset by the noise that he almost vomited.

But just when he was having a hard time speaking and choosing whose side to side with, the communicator rang and saved him.

"I'm Nick Fury."

"Director, this is Coulson. The second nuclear explosion just happened. The location is...Chernobyl. Do you have a TV over there? Take a look. The furry bears are going to war with us. Got it!"

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