The Death Knell

Chapter 2402 Again and again

Everyone was flying all the way to the north. Zheng Xian actually needed a cloak to hitch a ride. After all, the magic floating cloak only moved fast enough.

Even though his slicked-back hair was a mess, several people arrived at the scene within five seconds.

At this time, Odd had been knocked to the ground by the Monkey King, and he was lying motionless in the forest glade not far away. His dark brown skin was glowing with moisture.

The team members present cordoned off the scene and greeted Zheng Xian who arrived.

Director Zheng smiled and said hello to everyone, then with a solemn look on his face, he threw the cloth cover wrapped in the spear into the sky, and the rusty gun suddenly appeared with golden light in his hand.

He walked towards the fallen alien and carefully pulled it with the tip of his gun a few times.

The sharp spear tip made a slight sound when it came into contact with the skin, as if it had invisible scales.

"Death knell? Come and see."

Su Ming, who was circling around the alien, did not rush to get closer. Instead, he let Strangler stretch out his black tentacles and drill into the crocodile head without a big mouth...

"This is fake, everyone disperse!"

The next second after the strangulation, bad news came. Su Ming immediately warned the people around him in Chinese, and approached Lao Zheng as fast as lightning, picked up the motionless 'person' on the ground and threw it into the sky.

Thanks to the symbiote, Su Ming also has the habit of reading other people's memories. When Strangler got into the other person's head but did not find a brain, Su Ming knew something was wrong.

The aliens who arrived on Earth were originally a pair. There is no reason why the female has a brain but the male does not, right?

The head is full of electronic components. This is a remote-controlled robot, and the outer skin is made of latex...

This time, Su Ming and Strangler used all their strength to throw the dummy beyond the speed of light and directly into space.

Many people did not see Deathstroke's movements clearly. They only saw a flash of red light and the enemy who was 'caught' disappeared.

The next second, the distant sky suddenly lit up, and there seemed to be a small star in the night sky.

"Damn alien devils." Zheng Xian's face was gloomy. This was the first time he encountered an android, and he was almost blown up by a dirty bomb at close range. He looked at his people: "What did you do? Knocked down Why didn’t the enemy check?”

The Monkey King sighed. He also felt shocked. Only a small number of his colleagues present could resist radiation. They just had a brush with death.

"It's my fault. I'm willing to accept the organization's criticism." The Monkey King, who looked a bit like a blind monk, lowered his head: "You guys came too fast, I didn't have time..."

"I'll settle the score with you later. Now our ambush has been exposed, and this time the plan has failed. Alas!" Zheng Xian didn't blame his men too much. He just tapped the monkey king's head with his finger: "You still Do you have the nerve to think we came too quickly? If Deathstroke hadn't noticed the problem, you would all have died this time! If so, how should I explain to your family?! Why don't you thank them?"

"Thank you Mr. Sang!"

I don’t know how Zheng Xian trained him. The originally surly guy is now extremely docile, bowing and bowing.

"Pfft!" Deadpool laughed, winking and whispering to Daisy: "His last name is not Sang, and this title is too interesting. Then am I not Mr. Death?"

Daisy turned her head and looked to the other side. After all, the smell was too bad, and she was so close to the dirty bomb just now. She felt hairy all over.

"But now the clues are broken. The other party has been prepared for a long time. He has seen through our plan." She was a little worried. After all, this is the best opportunity to catch us. If we miss it, the other party will definitely be more vigilant.

Su Ming watched the star in the sky dim again, but he was not as discouraged as Zheng Xian. He first reached out to help Sun Wukong up, and then patted Lao Zheng on the shoulder.

"Actually, this is also expected. You can't expect a smart person to repeat a plan indefinitely."

He took out his cigarette case and passed it around to the surrounding Spear agents, and everyone puffed away:

"There is a saying in the Chinese dynasty, it is called again and again, no more than three. Odd expected that someone would analyze his previous action pattern for the third time, so his appearance for the third time was a trap for smart people, a counter-ambush. .....It’s just that he didn’t understand my strength, so this trap didn’t kill me.”

"Thank you very much for this time, brother. When things get done here, I will treat you to dinner at Gou Caili's, and let the boys pay for your failure to return if you are not drunk."

Zheng Xian nodded very sincerely and expressed his gratitude.

He was sincere and his expression and eyes were not fake, but...

"No, I can't afford that." Su Ming refused quickly. He had eaten in that restaurant in his previous life, and the restaurant relied on its brand to deceive outsiders: "We can't waste money like this. Normal people can eat in another restaurant." shop."

Lao Zheng was a little confused, but he still agreed and got back to business:

"So what do you think next? How can we find this Odd?"

"Now I have confirmed that Odd's plan to destroy the earth is carried out in steps. The first step is to attack the mutants." Su Ming took off the cigarette ash from his mouth: "After the bears fell into the trap, it was announced After the news that he was a mutant, his goal was actually achieved. He first incited the two sides to confront each other and caused the U.S. military to attack the mutants first. It seems that he knew about Phoenix. Once the United States goes to war with mutants, superheroes We are all being held back, and if Mao Xiong starts a war..."

The air became quiet. There were many mutants among the agents present, and their expressions were very complicated.

They are lucky to live in China, but everyone knows what the situation of their compatriots on the other side of the ocean has always been.

"Cousin, you have to protect me." Deadpool quickly ran to Deathstroke, hugged his arm, and gently shook him coquettishly: "I'm also a mutant, so I'm so scared."

"I'll make you look like you!" Su Ming punched his head into his chest and kicked him away speechlessly: "You are a genetic mutation, and you don't have the X gene. What do you call a mutant? Just stay there. , no talking."

"Aba Aba..." Deadpool, whose head was stuck in his chest, said he couldn't hear clearly.

Deathstroke turned to Zheng Xian again, the moonlight reflecting on his armor: "So I have to go back to the United States first, so don't let your guard down."

"I don't mind, you should be careful along the way." Zheng Xian shook hands with him and motioned for others to be on alert again.

At this time, a red ring of fire appeared next to Su Ming, a beautiful woman walked out, and the sound of guns being pulled out suddenly filled the area.

"Supreme Mage." Wanda looked at the people around her with some doubts, but she didn't pay attention to the guns at all. Instead, she got down to business: "My father and I need your help."

"My friends, please disperse. I just happened to leave her place." Su Ming and Zheng Xian confessed, then picked up their cousin who had turned into a dwarf, and asked Daisy, who looked curious, to follow him. Wanda nodded: "Okay, let's go to Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters first, and then we'll talk in detail."

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