The Death Knell

Chapter 2407 The Death Knell Divides the Sea

This is obviously not magnetism. Wanda has seen Magneto perform his powers countless times, such as lifting gymnasiums and bridges.

Even if you look at him from a distance, your father just raises his hands with a calm expression, and the cloak behind him is fluttering in the wind, showing an indescribable carefreeness.

But that’s the perspective of the average fraternity member.

People like Wanda and Raven, who are relatively close to Eric, stand next to him, and you can see the sweat on Magneto's head flowing down.

Controlling invisible forces like magnetic fields is much more complicated than controlling things that can be seen with the naked eye like water, fire, ice, and thunder.

Humans are carbon-based creatures, and the brain also needs nutrients to operate. More nutrients are needed during high-intensity calculations and analysis.

Although Magneto has always believed that mutants are more advanced homo sapiens, he has to admit that mutants also need to eat, drink, sleep and rest, and no one's physical fitness is unlimited.

But looking at Deathstroke now, it was really easy. He even put down the hand that was dragging Xavier College, and the big piece of soil was still floating there without even a drop of residue.

Isn’t it very easy? This is the power of tools.

The Cosmic Cube functions very much like a flashlight. When you press the switch, it lights up. Then the lighting problem depends entirely on its own emission and heat, and has nothing to do with the holder.

So not only did Su Ming retract his angular arm, he even retracted the cosmic energy on his body, just holding the little blue square and rubbing it on his face.

"You're doing really well. I'll bring you the 'upside down ball' to suck on me later."

Cosmic Cube: "..."

It was unresponsive and clearly had no idea what its owner meant by an upside-down ball.

But that's okay. Strangler peeked out from the host's shoulder and breathed a sigh of relief. After all, the only being who can communicate with the host's mind is himself!

Not paying attention to what his little pet was thinking, Su Ming looked at Wanda: "Let's go and meet everyone at that coordinate on the Pacific Ocean. There is no need to worry about satellites and other surveillance methods. With the adjutant here, they can only see cats and mice. .”

"Yeah, but I'm afraid we won't be able to pass through the portal. This school is too huge. I can't use magic on such a large scale on Earth..."

The Scarlet Witch looked at Deathstroke with admiration, still thinking about how this scene was done. It was obviously not magic, or even any kind of energy she was familiar with, to hold up the academy.

"Pull it like a kite, and then fly over." Su Ming held Wanda with his free hand, and then disappeared instantly.

And the floating manor made a terrifying sonic boom sound and followed it.

A few minutes later, when a large group of Sentinel robots emerged from stealth and came onto the street, all they could see was a huge sinkhole.

Gone, Xavier Academy is gone, the mutants are gone, not even a single plant or tree is left, even the air belonging to the academy has been taken away, a strange vacuum cubic area appears where it originally stood, It's like someone squeezed the space into a square and then packed it up and moved it.

Their processors could not understand the occurrence of this situation and fell into an infinite loop of self-test and restart on the spot.


A few seconds later, when Su Ming dragged Wanda and the school to the Pacific Ocean, everyone in the X-Men showed surprise.

The adults were okay. After all, Phoenix and Lilandra both knew what kind of strength Deathstroke had, but the students had obviously never seen such a big scene. At this time, each of them had a mouth long enough to swallow their own fists.

" too troublesome for you." Charles was stunned for a moment, and then thanked his uncle with a wry smile.

"It's just a joke. This is just the beginning. You should step back."

Su Ming put Wanda on the flying carpet turned into a cloak, raised the height, and looked at the sea below with a faint silver light.

The moon fell to pieces on the sea, and the salty sea breeze blew on my face. Today must be the so-called auspicious day for moving in the almanac.

"Raising fifty square kilometers of seabed."

He said this to the cube, and the next second, as if he was following his words, as the waves on the sea suddenly rose, the bottom of the sea rose like a mountain in an instant, breaking through the sea at high speed like a giant dragon.

Accompanied by a waterfall-like roar, hundreds of millions of tons of seawater fell from this regular rectangular body that protruded tens of meters from the sea surface, and the surrounding vortex hit the black rocks, filled with snow-white foam, and then shattered into pieces.

Su Ming flew to the top of the newly appeared giant pillar and looked around. He looked at the various things that only appeared on the seabed on the top of the pillar, such as coral reefs, shipwrecks, and human garbage, and then said:

"Smoothen this place."

Silently, a burst of blue light flashed across the fifty-square-kilometer stone platform. The next second, all the seabed 'decorations' disappeared, leaving only a dark platform that was as bright as a mirror.

"A square plot of land doesn't look good, so make it round."

Another change was completed in an instant. The platform above the sea turned into a cylindrical shape. In this way, the sound of waves beating against the stone pillars below became much quieter.

"Well, let's use the fifty square kilometers first. Anyway, there won't be many mutants coming here at the beginning. If you want to reclaim the sea and land in the future, let Magneto do it. There are a lot of metals on the seabed." Su Ming then Nodding with satisfaction, he asked Cube to place the moved Academy for Gifted Youngsters on the top of the column: "The upper three meters of rock will be turned into soil, add some plants and trees, expand the freshwater pond, raise some ornamental fish, and put in a pineapple field. Twenty acres will be used as food for them.”

Everything came true as expected. The Cosmic Cube is like a reality modifier. Although it is not as illogical as its cousin's plot continuity gem, it is better than the comprehensive ability.

Deathstroke landed on the top of the platform and took two satisfied steps.

Now this high platform is more than fifty meters away from the sea. It should not be affected by waves and weather, but it may be a little inconvenient for people who can't fly, so he simply asked Cube to raise a ramp from the seabed to the platform. So that a dock can be built at sea level.

I repaired and repaired everything that needed to be decorated, and then connected the sewers and wind turbines, and everything was ready to go.

At this time, he put his fingers into his mouth and whistled. The huge cloak flew over and placed everyone at the entrance of the new school. Then it shrank and draped back on the master's shoulders.


At this time, both teachers and students were speechless. It would be understandable to drag the school here, but it would be a bit scary to shape the terrain out of thin air and create flowers, birds, fish and insects.

Even the Phoenix personality emerged, her eyes lit up with fire, and she stared at the death knell endlessly.

"how did you do it?"

The slightly enlarged nostrils were breathing hot air, and she leaned over and asked in a low voice.

"That's it?" Su Ming knew it wasn't Qin Gray just by seeing the gleaming eyes. He became a little more vigilant, put away the Cosmic Cube without leaving a trace, and said casually: "It's normal for the Supreme Mage to change the world. Right? Isn’t this kind of thing just a matter of having hands? Don’t look at me like that, I’m just an ordinary human being.”

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