The Death Knell

Chapter 2409 Creating the truth

A group of four people returned to the United States again, and their current location is in a desert in Texas.

The land is sparsely populated, and the sky is full of wind and sand. The few cacti look like people raising their hands in surrender in the night, and the tumbleweeds have long since disappeared without a trace in the strong wind.

"Ah, Texas, I love it here."

Due to skin ulcers and bleeding, and eating too many egg yolks, Deadpool, who became a bait to catch a shark, has now completed his recovery. He hooked Deathstroke's shoulder and said:

"There are the most guns here, the most fiery people, and a lot of big-breasted girls who like to wear small leather boots and suck... It's just that in this wilderness, there are no good places like nightclubs. What are we doing here?"

Su Ming took out the Cosmic Cube, touched it lovingly in his hand, and replied: "I just checked the weather conditions and came here specifically to film."

A small lizard came out to hunt for food when it was cool at night. As it passed by Wade, it looked up at him, then vomited out its intestines and died.

Deadpool picked up the dead lizard, was silent for a moment, turned to look at the air aside, touched his chin and said seriously: "Viewers, I suspect that my cousin wants to film "Animal World", and there is evidence that maybe, I am the observed animal..."

Tonight was a combination of strong winds and sandstorms, and the field of vision was very limited. The strong wind rolled up gravel and dust and hit everyone, making a sound like sandpaper.

Daisy pulled up her cloak and covered her nose, fastened her helmet tightly, and approached Deathstroke:

"Is there anything wrong here? Except there's a tornado coming."

"Don't you want to know how I can prevent World War III? This is the key." Su Ming smiled and looked around for the shooting background: "The current situation is that under the control of Oud, the furry bear accused the United States of raising Mutants carry out terrorist attacks, but the United States does not admit this and takes the opportunity to blame the mutants and deal with them."

"That's right." Wanda used energy to create a red mask for herself: "But this is not a sudden whim of theirs, but they always want to kill us."

"Odd's plan is good, but his intelligence work is a little bit worse." Deathstroke stretched out his hand and made a casual gesture: "He may know that the supreme mage on the earth is called Deathstroke, and he knows that he has a lot of personal strength. There are far more powerful people than him, so he plans to incite the majority of ordinary people to deal with a small number of powerful people, which is a plan to kill with a borrowed knife. But he doesn't know that I am still a rich man."

The female Thor covered her mouth and nose, her big eyes squinting in the sandstorm: "I understand! He is an outsider and fighting away from home. The two nuclear explosions did not bring the chaos he wanted. Our human society remains the same. There is order.”

"Yes, order, order that has been accumulated for decades by money and authority." Su Ming nodded to her with relief. Daisy was right.

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The biggest difference between the Marvel Universe and DC is here. Because of the existence of Kama Taj, this earth is well protected.

After the Brutal Zerg invaded the world thousands of years ago, there was no longer any global crisis that could be known to ordinary people and recorded in history. Compared with the major event of annihilating mankind, the world war was still a little worse. .

Now, in the information age, people learn about nuclear explosions through various means, and disputes arise because of it. So Su Ming only needs to instill some "stone hammer" evidence into them and throw the blame to the aliens. .

Human beings have a desire to acquire knowledge and information, which manifests itself in their love of watching the excitement in life. On the Internet, the process of watching the excitement is faster and less careful.

They will only receive information, but rarely distinguish the authenticity of the information. The truth is only in the hands of a few people. These few people do not want the majority of people to know the truth. If everyone knows a bad thing, then it is called a state of affairs. out of control.

That's what Su Ming planned to do, to publish a fake news without asking everyone to believe it. All he had to do was mix the water, and then ask the adjutant to launch a troll army to speculate on some entertainment hot spots, and then nothing would happen.

This is the shortcoming of Odd's plan. He should not fight with Su Ming over public opinion.

"Adjutant, teleport our actors to enter." Deathstroke contacted Sepulk through the intercom in the helmet and asked the adjutant to deliver the goods.

Although the visual effect is not as good as the Rainbow Bridge, the transmission of smaller movements is sometimes good, and today's sandstorm is even more perfect. The video captured will make the audience not know where they are.

Fifty Ord androids, plus a few stage 'props', appeared in front of the death knell with a faint light.

Needless to say, being surrounded by so many ugly-looking shirtless men at night really smells like a 'dark philosophy'.

Deadpool, who was talking to the non-existent audience over there, also thought about it. Was he not filming himself as an animal? Alas, the extra money thing came to nothing again.

I was still looking forward to it.

He walked over with wriggling cat steps, put his paw on the shoulder of an android, and squeezed it casually.

In addition to the cold skin, the deep texture feels like cotton. It seems that they were made with a similar appearance in mind. The inside is simply cut corners. It doesn't even have normal bones, just a few plastic sticks.

"Wow, the quality of this sex doll is so bad!" He wanted to be the protagonist and earn the 500 yuan, so he said, "Cousin, you are too dark. You even have to save money on materials for self-destruction soldiers? They are not worthy at all." It doesn’t matter to you, why don’t you look at me again, I can be the protagonist.”

Even the wind and sand could not filter out the strong fragrance of Deadpool. Su Ming sighed and pulled him aside:

"Just watch and don't say anything. I'll give you 100 yuan later."

"Oh, do you want me to help the crew prepare lunch? Add chicken drumsticks?" He circled on the ground with his toes, pretending to be embarrassed.

Su Ming raised the Cosmic Cube, turned it into a roasted chicken leg on the spot, and stuffed it into Deadpool's mouth:

"If you keep talking nonsense, I'll deduct your money."


There was a spaceship landing on a desolate Gobi Desert. In the windy weather, the dust blown up by it obscured the already unclear sight.

The video is shaky and poorly focused. It looks like it was shot secretly by a mobile phone. The owner of the mobile phone is hiding behind a pile of weeds. You can even feel him shaking in fear through the screen. From time to time, he can Hear his Orthodox prayers spoken in Russian.

After the spacecraft landed, white smoke spewed out of the hatch, the prayers stopped, and the photographer hid in the grass again.

What followed was like something out of a science fiction movie. The spaceship opened its door, and a terrifying-looking alien creature that looked like a crocodile-like creature walking upright came out.

Anyone who has watched the Mao Xiong press conference can tell that they are the culprits who attacked the nuclear power plant not long ago. There may be slight differences in appearance, but at least they are of the same race, and they can be seen as a group of people.

There were about forty or fifty people who got off the spaceship, and all of them looked ferocious, like wild beasts.

After they landed, they lit a fire on the spot and began to hold meetings around the fire, speaking standard London English.

This is no problem, since the last time the Annihilation Zerg invaded the earth, everyone on earth knows that the aliens all speak English. When the videographer behind the grass heard the conversation, he also started crawling on the ground and approached the fire.

Soon, I heard clearly the contents of the meeting of the aliens. They were discussing how to destroy mankind!

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