The Death Knell

Chapter 2417 The mantis stalks the cicada

Sneaking and tiptoeing, the moonlight stretched Skye's shadow diagonally on the ground, making her look like a large wild cat.

She trotted across the street, as if she were a thief, and she felt a little guilty because she had been exposed after her previous failed attempt to invade the Pentagon, and she still had a bounty on her head.

Why else would she live in a car and eat fast food? It's because it's easier to avoid arrest.

When she came to the door, she took a hairpin from her head and unlocked it. This was something she learned from others when organizing a party in the past, including her minivan.

That's right, in addition to lock picking, she also learned to steal cars. Anyway, when organizing offline gatherings, all kinds of talents came.

Biting the tip of her tongue with her teeth, she gently turned the hairpin in the keyhole, closing her eyes to feel the weak vibration and the feeling of the circlip being pushed up.

Then he turned the doorknob and the door opened.

Her slender figure slipped into the door and walked quickly to the third floor. She only needed to carry the main case away and nothing would happen if she went back quickly.

The wooden stairs creaked under the feet, and the alien's residence was unexpectedly neat, without even a hint of life, as if they didn't need to eat...

"That's right, aliens eat dirt."

Skye smiled awkwardly to himself. It was their Rising Tide organization that dug out the secret alien video from a cloud disk in Mongolia, added translations in various languages, and released it to the world.

Although it is not clear why it suddenly became popular, everyone is very happy now, feeling that the "rising tide" has awakened people's awareness, pierced the ugly faces of politicians, and achieved a great victory.


The door to the bedroom on the third floor was pushed open, and with a strange sound that made people's teeth hurt, everything behind the door was revealed before her eyes.

There was a strong smell of cologne in the air, and Skye rolled her eyes. It was obvious that only the playboy Iron Man known to the world could be such a coquettish person.

"Tch, a corrupt capitalist can't use perfume like this even if he has money, right?" Skye rubbed her eyes and walked to the computer on the desk, complaining: "He even used cologne as tear gas."

While she was talking to relieve her psychological pressure, her little hands quickly began to unplug various wires. As the wires fell to the ground under the moonlight, a little bit of dust was splashed, and the smile on her face became more and more natural.

But just when she bent down to hug the case and was about to leave, something hard hit the back of her head.

What followed was the sound of the hammer being cocked and a cold female voice warning:

"Don't move, cutie, and put down what doesn't belong to you."

Skye's little face suddenly seemed to be wearing a mask of pain. Although she was very energetic when she thought about overturning this hypocritical system, she realized that she was also scared when a gun was put to her head.

She slowly put the case back in place and raised her hands: "I have no weapons and I won't resist. Don't get excited and fire! I know that the NYPD only needs to make a report when you kill someone, but you can't make up a story. Isn’t it troublesome?”

"Face the wall, don't play tricks." A hand pushed her to the wall, and then quickly touched her whole body. After confirming that she had no weapons, the pistol behind her head was taken away: "Okay, now Turn around."

"Okay, I'm going to turn around slowly now. I surrender. Don't shoot." Skye closed her eyes hard and turned around slowly.

She has seen many videos on the Internet, in which the police shoot civilians if they disagree with each other. This seems to be the case now.

But she did not encounter any beatings or other misfortunes. The hand just pinched her nose and said, "Open your eyes. We are good people, not the police, the immigration bureau or the tax bureau."

However, based on Skye's past experience as a homeless child, people who claim to be good people are nine times out of ten bad guys.

At this time, a name that she had only seen in the depths of the dark web came to her mind and connected everything.

Yes, Iron Man and Spider-Man just left not long ago, and then they followed, and what ambushed them in the darkness must be-Hydra!

"No, I don't want to look! I know very well. If you see your looks, you will silence me!" Skye squatted down holding his head and refused again and again: "Knock me out, I can't do anything." If I didn’t see it, I wouldn’t call the police.”

Chirping laughter came from the room, followed by the woman's helpless voice: "Come on, Captain, she seems to have filled up a lot of things in her head."

The sound of climbing through the window came, followed by a series of heavy footsteps approaching, and a big hand fell on her head: "Girl, I am Captain America, and now I need you to fulfill your civic duty to protect the United States."

This voice is very familiar. You can hear it on the TV or car radio almost every day. Captain America is always advertising Wilson Enterprises products from morning to night every day.

At least Skye's ears have grown calluses from listening to it for more than ten years, so she will never hear it wrong.

She opened her eyes, and sure enough she saw the Avengers right in front of her. To be precise, some of the members of the Avengers.

Captain America, Sergeant Bucky, the bird-raising Falcon, Black Widow and Hawkeye. Outside the window is a mysterious fighter plane that is changing from visible to invisible, as if it is covered with a magic cloth.

"Captain America?"

"It's me, little girl, can you still stand up?" Steve smiled and stretched out his hand to pull her, then shook his head: "We noticed that you entered this sensitive area and wanted to take away some clues. , so Black Widow scared you, we didn’t mean any harm.”

Bucky and Sam both leaned against the door and talked quietly, with smiles on their faces, as if they found it interesting.

Hawkeye sat on the windowsill, playing with an arrow expressionlessly.

"It scared me to death. I thought I was going to be killed!" Skye rubbed her face hard. She leaned on the table next to her aggrievedly and looked at Natasha resentfully.

But will Black Widow fall for her?

The answer is of course no. Natasha put away the gun, held a tablet and said to Steve: "Her identity has been found, codenamed 'sky', and she is a hacker from the Rising Tide organization. This organization has been attacking frequently recently. The databases of government agencies around the world are the Internet terrorists of the digital age."

"No!" Skye retorted. Anyway, the captain here means that he will not kill people casually. She was a little bolder: "We just want to announce the truth to people. People have the right to know. The government that covers up the truth is an infringement. The side of human rights.”

Natasha shrugged and said to Steve, "Did you hear that? This is what a sociopath lunatic is saying."

"Don't say that. She is just a little girl who has just grown up and doesn't know the rules of the world yet." The captain shook his head seriously and called Bucky to come over and replace Natasha.

They were several steps too late and any clue was important, not a scare game here.

Black Widow shook her head indifferently, and walked away wearing a tight leather jacket and high heels: "I have been ordered to kill people since I was seven years old. Experience tells me that age is not a problem. An American soldier like you ignores a little girl? I don't even care. Know how you survived World War II.”

Steve smiled and shook his head, took a bottle of drink from Bucky and handed it to Skye: "Maybe because of my charisma? The German devils' bullets like to go around me?"

Bucky, who had a close connection with the captain, immediately understood. He quickly took out the round glasses from his pocket and put them on. He turned into a sarcastic servant and made some witticisms to lighten the atmosphere: "No, it's because you always carry a shield. Men can't sneak attack. At the same time, With an American-style buttocks, women can’t bear to touch her.”

After such a red-faced and white-faced performance, looking at Skye who couldn't help but smile, everyone knew that it was done and she would cooperate.

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