The Death Knell

Chapter 2419 A flash of inspiration

Since the 'smart' Thor can think of this, what about the smarter Loki? Of course he understood what his brother was thinking.

I have told many lies in the past, but this time it is true. The sad thing is this. When the story of 'wolf is crying' has been played out too many times, then if the wolf really comes, others will not believe what you say. .

He smiled bitterly and used a small water magic to break free from the strong man's arms. He didn't need any eye drops, he just needed to take Thor away.


Scary as it was, Gao Tianzun stood up behind Loki and asked the two of them to stop. As the master of Saka Star spoke, the surrounding guards immediately raised various weapons.

Loki took a deep breath and turned around with a smile on his face: "Is there anything else you can do?"

"I almost forgot one thing, that is, if you pass by the earth and see Deathstroke, bring a message to him and ask him if he is interested in participating in a game outside the universe."

The second prince breathed a sigh of relief and his shoulders softened: "I understand."

"Okay, then how did you go? Do you need me to lend you the spaceship? There are many natural wormholes near Sakaar, and you can reach Asgard quickly." Gao Tianzun turned around and walked back to the sofa to lie down and continue eating. He picked up the grapes and seemed to be in a good mood.

"Thank you for your kindness, but now I just need to take my brother to an empty place, such as on the roof." Loki thanked him again, then dragged Thor out and walked on the corridor: "This time I said It’s true.”

"You said that every time in the past." Thor tilted his mouth to one side and whistled while looking at the ceiling.

"If I lie to you again this time, I will let my soul fall into the void and fall freely forever. I swear to the World Tree." Loki raised a hand to swear. You must know that for a mage, taking a certain The oath made by the devil is very effective.

However, Thor scratched his belly and wiped his mouth with his red cloak: "I still don't believe it."

Loki's eyes narrowed, and he put the short knife behind him on his neck with his backhand: "You have two choices now, either come with me, or watch me die in front of you."

"Put down the knife and I'll go with you!" Thor's attitude softened immediately. Regardless of whether Loki was lying or not, Thor didn't want to make a bet with the knife on his neck.

The two of them walked outside the arena and came to a mountain of garbage. According to the past rules, they looked up to the sky and shouted:


The Rainbow Bridge lowered immediately, and the light beam was thick and strong.


"Dr. Maya, do you have any preliminary conclusions you can share with us?"

In the secret prison, Coulson, who smiled harmlessly, was asking Maya Hansen who was doing experiments next to her.

In fact, when Fury directly sent the Bald Team to kidnap her, she refused to serve the secret service in the dark.

Her dream is to make humans immortal and free from disease, not to develop some damn alien green-skinned genes.

But when Fury took out the check from the pocket of her black leather jacket, she gave in, not because she didn't want to stick to her principles, but because SHIELD gave her too much.

After signing a confidentiality agreement, the Ministry of Science quickly sent the Skrulls' blood samples, allowing her to start research work in a laboratory that poor scientists could not afford.

It's just that the agents obviously don't know what scientific research is. It not only requires time and knowledge accumulation, but also requires trial and error. It's not so fast.

In view of the surprisingly good attitude of the agents monitoring her, Maya sighed and pushed away the microscope in front of her:

"There are not many things that can be seen at the moment. I just know that the genes of these alien creatures, which you call Skrulls, can even self-controlly recombine. As for how they transform into humans, they should completely imitate human genes and cells. Yes, conventional testing methods will certainly not be able to distinguish them."

Colson nodded. He walked to the side and brought a late-night snack: "Eat something and take a rest, doctor. Let's chat too."

The doctor glanced at the hairless agent. This one was obviously much gentler than the bald one who 'invited' her. She took off her gloves and picked up the Wilson burger: "Okay, what do you want to talk about?"

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"Let's talk about your previous project? Desperate, is that the name?" Colson also dragged a stool to the side and sat on it, leaning on the test bench: "I heard that you are seeking support from the sponsor?"

"This is not a secret. Almost everyone in the scientific community knows it." Maya smiled bitterly and chewed the beef filling in her mouth: "There is a limit to the number of times human cells can divide. Do you understand that? Normal people This number is about fifty times. After each division, the telomeres will shrink a little. This is the essence of human aging. What I want is to break this limit through bioelectrical intervention stimulation and keep people young forever. "

"Well, I probably understand, but I wonder if the doctor has ever heard of SSS serum and leech potion? And unlimited prescriptions?" The agent smiled and nodded, but actually he didn't understand at all.

But for spying on intelligence, record the conversation first, and someone who understands will naturally analyze it.

Why do this? It’s not that Fury or Coulson have a professional spy disease and like to spy on other people’s secrets. It's because Maya's technology looks very much like it comes from AIM, which is Pioneer Technology.

Pioneer Technology used to be the scientific research branch of Hydra, and it has been causing various things in recent years. S.H.I.E.L.D. is an old rival of Hydra. Now that we have seen clues from the Extremis virus, of course we have to inquire about it. Here.

"What is that?" Dr. Maya is also in her late 40s, but she is still very beautiful, with a puzzled look on her face.

Speaking from experience, Coulson believed this was true even without a polygraph, and she really didn't know those elixirs existed.

This is strange. Where did her idea for the experiment come from?

However, today's temptation ends here. As long as we maintain a good relationship and ask a few questions every day, we will soon be able to gather clues and uncover the truth.

"The SSS serum is the super soldier potion that was used on Captain America."

Coulson avoided the important and talked about his favorite Captain America.

"Ah, that, I know, but after Professor Erskine disappeared, the military lost the formula. Are all the serums they developed defective?" Maya smiled and shook her head, patting the crumbs on her hands. : "Not only did those mass-produced Captain Americas not live long, but their cell potential was squeezed out and they died suddenly on a large scale."

"For a scientist, you know a lot, Dr. Hansen."

Colson made an admiring expression and looked very sincere.

“Because the circle of biological science is actually not big, it is a circle, and I always have opportunities to communicate with many colleagues.”

The doctor put his eyes towards the microscope, suddenly paused, smiled and clapped his hands:

"But you mentioned the super soldier serum, which reminded me of the failed second-generation serum prepared from the captain's blood. This inspired me that we have the blood of the Skrulls in our hands... Agent Coulson, you Do you know how rejection and allergies work in the human body?”

Coulson secretly dialed the intercom and contacted Fury. He humbly asked for advice with a smile on his face: "I don't know much about it. Although I am an agent, I am actually just a migrant worker with a special nature of work. Please ask the doctor to explain in detail." speak."

Dr. Hansen stopped talking. She winked mischievously and said, "Call your director. It's time for him to pay the bill."

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