The Death Knell

Chapter 2436 Murder Scene

Fury mysteriously gave me the coordinates. It wasn't a special place, it was just in a relatively remote grove near the DC Tri-Wing headquarters in Washington.

Tony, who had been waiting all night and all day for the news of the death knell, was worried and had no idea. He hurried here with Spider-Man in his arms. Although he said he was not here to help, he had such an awkward personality and often The ground is not right.

With a clang of armor landing, Iron Man walked towards Fury who was not far away with his hands behind his back. When he saw what Lu Dan wanted to say, he quickly stretched out his hand and grabbed it in the air:

"Don't talk to me. I haven't forgiven you yet. Now get aside and let me see the victim."

The black director knew Tony's character very well and simply moved out of the way, revealing the bushes behind him. After all, he had already won if Tony came.

Tony lifted the mask and took a deep breath, asking Peter to avoid it a little. Since the person who was killed was an acquaintance of his, he didn't want too many people to see the miserable body, not to mention that Peter was still a minor.

Alien corpses and human corpses are, after all, two different things.

As the footsteps approached, Tony could see a large amount of dark brown dried blood under the grass, and the bushes had obviously been pressed into a nest, where the body should be.

He sighed secretly in his heart. Which of his and Fury's mutual friends met with misfortune? Could it be the captain? Coulson? Bucky?

There are so many possibilities.

With his heart in turmoil, he pushed aside the grass in front of him with trembling hands and looked at the face of the deceased...

"Who is this?" Tony rolled his eyes on the spot and turned to ask Lu Dan angrily. The death of the person in the grass was quite miserable, but not to the point where his facial features were unrecognizable, and Tony was sure that he didn't look like this. Friend: "He was a Mexican guy in a suit and he was holding a burrito in his hand when he died."

Fury curled his lips, crossed his arms and replied:

"You know him. He always greets you warmly. As long as you drive to Sanquyi for work, you are bound to see him."

"Wait...I remember." Tony quickly took another look at the body, trying to remember something: "Who is he? What's his name? Hiss, right on the edge of his mouth, tsk tsk, that's it. The guy guarding the parking lot.”

"Yes, he is Agent Gonzalez Flamingo. Although he is still a Level 2 agent after working for twenty years, he is loyal to his duties and honest. He is an out-and-out good person." Fury looked at him. Looking at Tony's face, there was no emotion in his single eye: "He regards you as an idol and friend, but you don't remember his name."

Tony turned away, feeling speechless.

The frequency of his coming to Sanquyi for work is not high. Besides, it’s just like going to a nightclub or hotel. When he gets there, he just throws the car keys to the parking boy, then he nods with a smile and says a few words to let the other person know. Don't scratch your luxury car.

Who would ask my little brother what his name is?

But why did he feel so bad when Fury said this? It's like he owes the deceased something...

Tony, who fell into self-blame for a moment, didn't think too much about it. For example, could Nick Fury, the director of SHIELD and known for his dark heart and thick skin, really be friends with a low-level agent?

"Why did you call me here? And you didn't let me inform other people in the Avengers." The middle-aged man with a mustache changed the topic. He didn't like this uncomfortable feeling: "What are you suspecting?"

"You haven't looked at the wound yet, right?"

Fury came over, put on gloves and turned the body over, revealing the huge wounds on its back.

It was a deep arc-shaped wound, which was very unique. The edge of the wound showed that the weapon that killed the agent had an astonishing edge thickness.

Tony the Mustache put on his mask, and rows of data appeared in front of his eyes. He immediately knew the type of weapon.

"It's the captain's shield. This is how he killed the Germans back then. The edge of the vibranium shield is very sharp. As long as you are strong enough, you can even use it to cut tank tracks."

With intelligence support, Iron Man looked at the database results compared with each photo and sighed:

"But I don't believe that the old man will kill people casually. He is pedantic and arrogant. He also likes to form gangs, but he is not a murderer."

As soon as these words came out, even Fury was stunned for a moment. He didn't know whether Iron Man was talking about the captain or himself.

Steve is a little more conservative, but when it comes to arrogance, Tony is the most arrogant, right? Moreover, it was your mustache who first started forming gangs, and now you have to drag that innocent child Spider-Man to join the gang.

But that’s all beside the point.

Thousands of thoughts went through Hei Lu Dan's mind in an instant, but his face remained expressionless, making it impossible to tell what he was thinking. He simply nodded and said:

"You're right, we met a fake Captain America."

"Ah, I understand, those military reformers, right?" Tony's eyes suddenly turned into dead eyes and he let out a long yawn: "If you don't deal with General Ross, you must have tricked others a lot in the past. Now you came to me to act as a middleman? Got it, I'm going to the Pentagon to confront Ross...did you think I would say that?! Dream on! I'm too lazy to mess with your messy affairs with the military. , let’s go, little Chongchong, I’ll take you to have breakfast.”

Peter scratched his head. He still couldn't bear it. After all, an American agent died here: "What about Mr. Stark, what about the gentleman in the grass? Did you give him a blanket to cover him? It's not like in the movie. Do you need to cover the deceased’s face?”

"That's just a movie. Besides, SHIELD is insured. This is a conflict between them and the military. I'm just an ordinary businessman. You're an ordinary student. Why are you getting involved in such political affairs?" Tony hugged the little boy. Chong's shoulder, gently pinched his deltoid muscles, and said with a smile: "Do you like burgers? Do you like chicken or beef?"

"It wasn't the military that did it, it was aliens." Fury watched Tony leave and calmly threw out his information: "Remember the alien who was captured by Spider-Man last night?"

Speaking of aliens, Tony gets excited.

He turned around and lifted up his mask, his mustache curled up, and he rolled his eyes and said, "I'm not really interested, but if you insist, I can barely listen."

He said this, but he stood completely still on his feet. The silly little spider still wanted to leave, but was pulled back by the anti-Deathstroke suit and hugged him, and his head hit the Ark reactor.

The black braised egg plan was successful, and even if Tony tried to hide, he still entered the scope of cooperation with SHIELD. The next step is to share some intelligence, and then let the superheroes who are kept in the dark act as tool men.

So Fury told as much information as he could about the Skrulls, mainly about their shape-shifting abilities and their ability to copy their victims' superpowers. He also mentioned why Coulson's hairline was so high. The origin is that they were pulled out when the wires were pulled.

After saying this, both Tony and Peter fell into doubts about the world.

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