The Death Knell

Chapter 244 Breaking up

Su Ming was not surprised that Mr. Sinister could recognize him. After all, he knew that this guy had been lurking in the United States for a long time. However, he used a false identity and Su Ming could not identify who he was.

However, even if Su Ming could identify his identity, he would never face such a powerful mutant, and it would be difficult to take advantage.

Mr. Sinister's psychic abilities are similar to those of the White Queen, and he also has over 50 tons of telekinesis, a speed of over Mach 2, and a self-healing ability comparable to that of Wolverine.

He is also proficient in various ancient fighting techniques. At the same time, the red mark on his forehead can also emit rays, just like Superman's heat vision.

He is a difficult opponent, but it seems that he can't get along now. After all, Namor's whereabouts must be related to him.

But what about tactics?

Mr. Sinister has almost no shortcomings. Now except for his martial arts and strength, he is at a disadvantage in all other aspects.

And even if there is a plan, doctors and mages cannot be made to cooperate, their thoughts will be read, and everything will be in vain.

Anyway, let’s wait for Wade to come back.

"Mr. Sinister, I really didn't expect to meet you in a place like this."

An indescribable smile appeared on the frightened pale face. With his hands behind his back, he flew out of the sea of ​​fire and landed directly in front of Su Ming.

"There are always many things in the world that no one can expect."

He spoke with deep meaning, staring straight at the one eye on Deathstroke's mask.

Su Ming took a step forward, looked at him, and tried his best to attract his attention and prevent him from obtaining information from the minds of doctors and mages.

I don't know whether it was disdain or because he really focused all his attention on Deathstroke. Sinister seemed to have no interest in those two people, and instead asked about other things.

"Did you bring that court jester who just walked into my laboratory?"

"Oh? I haven't noticed it. Can you describe it accurately?" Su Ming shook his head and asked for details as if he was kindly helping him.

Mr. Sinister's pale face trembled, and he took a deep breath: "That's a..."

Just as he was having a friendly conversation with Su Ming, there was a sudden sound of wind behind him. Driven by his telekinesis, he instantly moved more than ten meters out, while Deadpool's double knives struck the ground, splashing a piece of debris. crumbs.


Deadpool rolled on the spot and returned to Su Ming, making a regretful sound.

Su Ming also frowned. Just now he saw Deadpool sneaking back through the hole, so he planned to distract the other party so that he could make a sneak attack.

People with superpowers are not scary, but people with superpowers who know martial arts are more troublesome.

"Despicable." Mr. Sinister immediately changed his face, floating in the air and said coldly to several people: "A sneak attack from behind is not what a gentleman does."

Deadpool immediately retorted, pointing the tip of his knife at Horror: "You British guy with a dead face, your uncle Deadpool is an American cowboy, did you steal my cow dung when I went horse riding?" ? What? You ate cow dung? I knew you had this hobby! You get strong every time you eat cow dung. You just broke your deadpool uncle’s bones, so you can’t leave your strength to your wife. ?"

Mr. Sinister's teeth were shattered because this bitch actually mentioned that his late wife must die...

Already completely broken, Su Ming immediately began to make arrangements. Under his control, the symbiote sneaked out from the gap in the armor behind his back, formed the shape of a hand, and hit the mage hiding on the other side of the meat grinder. gesture.

Anyway, no matter what kind of magic Monaco uses, it is right to choose the most powerful one and throw it at the enemy.

Monaco thought for a moment, then he crossed his cane and began to prepare magic. The obscure spells quickly flowed through his heart, and he felt that his soul communicated with a terrifying existence.

It's still the same as before, the evil god lends money first and collects the debt later. He completed this powerful magic with almost no obstacles.

"In the name of Exelon's icy tentacles, slow down!"

His previous fireball magic had no effect, nor did other people's bullets. They were all blocked by the opponent's invisible abilities.

So this time he chose to contact the ancient evil god and obtained an invisible and colorless deceleration curse.

After all, the opponent's speed is impressive now, and weakening the opponent's speed can create opportunities for one's own warriors.

If the mage opens his third eye and observes the magical dimension, he can see a large net of wriggling tentacles suspended above Monaco, gathering momentum at this time.

He hid quietly in the darkness behind the machine, and the strong smell of blood rushed into his mind, like rusty steel.

Now all we have to do is wait for Su Ming's signal.

Of course, Mr. Sinister immediately launched an attack. He hated the clown in red and black pajamas. He used the red dot on his forehead to shoot a thick energy ray at Deadpool.

In an instant, the entire room was illuminated red, and the terrifying energy left a large hole in the ground, the size of which Deathstroke and Deadpool could be packed into.

However, Su Ming, who was well prepared, avoided it in time, and Wade's butt was slightly rubbed, but it only caused a few sparks.

"Huh, so hot, so hot, Shete, there is a strip of meat on my butt that is cooked. Do you smell the aroma of grilled bacon? Alas, my Wallace did not live to see this moment, otherwise he would taste a piece of this My delicious butt meat, it will definitely fall in love with me."

While rolling to avoid it, Deadpool kept asking Su Ming if he smelled his meat.

I didn't smell the aroma of roasting bacon, but Deadpool didn't take a shower for many years, so the smell was baked out, like burning low-quality plastic slippers.

And feeding your own meat to pets is definitely a taboo in raising pets...

"You are left and I am right." Su Ming held both swords in his hands, and the magic floating cloak instantly exerted force, bringing with it a gust of wind that made him rush towards Jingsei. Now was not the time to chat with Wade, and this was not a barbecue restaurant.

"Okay, I'm asking for trouble again, right? You will never understand a chef's pursuit of delicious food, fashion, that wonderful feeling of exploding in your mouth... Do you like Italian coffee? Seafood stew Where’s the food?”

Deadpool didn't know where he found a white chef's hat and put it on his head. He also made an Italian-style curved and upward fake beard and attached it to his mask.

While complaining to Su Ming in English with an Italian accent, he rushed towards Sinister with both knives and guns.

After firing three shots in a row, he put his finger in front of his mouth to mark it, contracting and opening it, simulating the explosion of delicious factors in his mouth.

Then the gun went off, punching another hole in his cheek.

"Hiccup, the side dish is a bit spicy...but for me who often eats Mexican tacos, this is a trivial matter. Last time I ate a bottle of Super Hell Devil Chili Sauce, and my stools were bloody for a week. The blood was old. It was flowing out from behind, so I had to go to the hospital to find a cotton swab or something to block it. But the doctor said I had stomach cancer, so I punched him at that time. Uncle Deadpool, I had cancer all over my body, and he just He still wants to charge me money after checking out something? Do you think he is a liar?"

As if nothing was wrong, he pushed the broken tooth out of the bullet hole with his tongue, and launched a charge without stopping. However, his speed was still more than a star and a half slower than the cloak, so he ran slowly after two steps. Walk.

Anyway, I can't run, so there's no competition...

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