The Death Knell

Chapter 2439 Guardians of the Galaxy

In fact, all the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy are in this hospital, just not in the ward.

After all, a raccoon appears in the ward and can be disguised as a stuffed toy when someone sees it. How can it be explained if a big guy like Groot is seen? Is it an artistic potted plant?

So the others are now in the invisible spaceship on the rooftop. This way they can provide support at any time if something happens. If it doesn't work, it will be easier to run away.

After leaving the ward and going through the discharge procedures, Su Ming told Peter another thing:

"I'm very sorry about your mother. I was not in the galaxy at the time and did not attend her funeral. I only heard about it not long ago."

Star-Lord nodded. As a cosmic mercenary, he has a very open mind about life and death:

"I guess you are also very busy, but it doesn't matter. In fact, after Spartacus had a state funeral, the process of returning to Earth for burial was very low-key... This may be what is destined. In fact, she has always been She has cancer, which was detected when she was on Earth. She is blessed by God to live for such a long time, but Spartan technology cannot cure her. Her last wish is to be buried in her hometown."

It seemed like a trivial matter that had nothing to do with the death knell, but the meaning behind it didn't allow the mercenary to think too much about it.

Deathstroke sighed. It seemed that Star-Lord's mother was also someone who had to die. Whether in the comic or movie world, she was either killed by aliens, died of disease or conspiracy.

There would be no ending where she survived and watched Star-Lord grow up, just like Wade's black wife and Xiao Chong's Uncle Ben.

He had tried his best to change her destiny, allowing her to follow Jason to Sparta to enjoy life and be protected by many people. But in the end, she only lived for more than ten years, and cancer was still a fatal disease in American comics.

What rules does the 40K Earth operate by? If DC can still blame Destiny, who holds a book every day, but Marvel seems to be taking the initiative to eliminate unpopular people?

But he clearly reversed the death fate of Mr. and Mrs. Howard. Why could what he could do before become unworkable after the universe upgraded?

Is this some kind of rule that the universe has evolved? Are you actively avoiding entropy increase? Or is it that the Seventh Firmament has reached its limit? Or maybe Ragnarok is approaching and there is not enough fuel in the furnace?

Lots of questions, lack of clues...

"So what are your plans for the future? Or continue to be your interstellar mercenary?" Su Ming handed Star-Lord a few band-aids and asked him to remove the scratches on his face. There were many doctors and patients in the corridor looking at him.

Deathstroke, who transformed into Barry, accompanied Peter to discharge from the medical office, paid the bills, and stopped the doctors' suggestion of studying this extremely fast healing. The group of people took another elevator to the rooftop.

"I'll just continue to be a raider. I don't know anything about governing the country, and I'm too lazy to manage a planet. Life is just fine now."

Star-Lord in the elevator moved his face towards the reflective elevator door, patched the scratched area, and said in a relaxed tone:

"I feel so free now. I can sleep until I wake up naturally every day, count money until my hands cramp, and I can roam the universe with beautiful women and little pets. Isn't this what you taught me?"

"Peter Fuck, you are the pet, your whole family..."

Rocket, who was held by Elsa, murmured in a low voice, but the monster hunter's dagger hidden in his sleeve pressed on his neck, and the little raccoon stopped talking.

Ignoring the grumpy pet's words, Deathstroke looked thoughtfully at Star-Lord's answer.

I once took Daisy and Strangler on an operation with the fledgling Peter. I taught him something when I had nothing to do, and even gave him the codename Star-Lord.

Did those courses have such a profound impact on him? Did he become the idol of young mercenaries?

However, when the invisible spaceship opened the hatch, a group of people came to the restaurant through the corridor, and saw Gamora lying on her back, letting herself fly. Deathstroke didn't think Thanos' adopted daughter could be considered a beauty, not even as good as the Mantis girl beside her.

First of all, green skin is a bit difficult for normal humans to accept.

The interior of this spaceship has undergone magical modifications. Several cabins have been opened up regardless of the structural strength, and a restaurant and bar have been transformed into a restaurant and bar. At this time, everyone from the Guardians of the Galaxy gathered around the dining table and played mahjong with the help of psychedelic colorful lights. Woolen cloth.

The speakers nearby were playing pop songs from the 1970s, and several aliens were shaking their heads.

This way of playing the game seems a bit tiring, because when other people play cards, they can still say things like "Two Pies and One Chicken", but Shuren always says "I am Groot" no matter what cards they play, which makes others You have to crane your neck to see.

Gamora looked significantly more relaxed than when Deathstroke last saw her in Thanos' spaceship. At least now that she had won money, she was in a good mood.

The green-skinned woman was leaning on the chair, with her legs on the corner of the table showing off her beautiful curves. While playing cards in one hand, she was blowing a bottle of wine in the other hand. In front of her, some kind of shiny chips were piled up. A small pile and very little in front of the other three.

"Haha, Hu! All the same! Give me money, give me money!"

When they walked into the restaurant and bar, the green-skinned girl happened to be cheating. She pushed the Great Wall in front of her, laughed wildly, rubbed her fingers, and asked the other three for money.

When she was following Thanos, she was a cold-blooded assassin who killed without mercy; but not long after following Star-Lord, did her style of painting begin to develop into a comedy style?

The mantis girl looked sad, and the antennae on her forehead drooped. She counted the glittering lights in front of her aggrievedly: "I said I don't want to play, but you insist on letting me play. Now I don't even have enough money to buy books."

The Ketati are a race of mantises that are half plant and half human. They live under the rule of the Kree Empire. If they don't escape, they will be sterilized and raised by the supreme intelligence. But Mantis Girl is actually the earth who has wandered into the universe. people.

It's hard to say what race her father is, but her mother is Vietnamese, and she also has a mysterious uncle, "Razor Fist" Krul, who is the Vietnamese version of Kingpin and Hawkeye's old enemy.

Mantis girl has no name, only Grant's surname. Usually everyone calls her Mantis. Although she always looks like an aggrieved doormat, she is actually very capable.

Her background in the Eastern Kingdom allows her to master superb martial arts, and her mysterious bloodline allows her to communicate with plants. Other abilities include the ability to sense other people's thoughts and emotions through touch, survive in space, transfer life forms, and launch energy explosions. Form the cosmic energy field and so on.

Drax was being generous, since everyone in his family was dead anyway, or so he thought. Now his only wish is to kill Thanos for revenge. Money is just an extraneous thing to him.

He grabbed a handful of crystal coins directly in front of him, threw them to Gamora across the table, patted his belly and let out a war cry:

"Come again!"

The strong man looked a bit like a tattooed version of the Hulk, and his body shape was not like that of an Earthling, but in fact he was also a standard American. His real name was Arthur, and he was a real estate salesman from Pennsylvania.

One day, he took his wife and daughter for a drive in the Gobi Desert, but was blown up by a detective team sent to Earth by Thanos to find out the whereabouts of the Infinity Stones.

He and his wife died suddenly on the spot, and their daughter was missing.

However, a certain Eternal on Titan rescued him, took away the soul that had not dissipated, and used Titan technology to create an 'anti-Thanos' body, transferring Arthur's mind into the new body.

But it also limited his memory, leaving him only with deep hints to kill Thanos.

The Eternals hiding in the ruins is Thanos' grandfather, the "Time God" Kronos. Because Thanos was disobedient and destroyed Titan, the old man who survived from ancient times wanted to clean up the family.

The resurrected Arthur forgot many things in the past, only remembering that he hated Thanos. He named himself Drax the Destroyer and searched for traces of Thanos throughout the universe.

"I'm Groot!"

The tree man also gave money, but Su Ming couldn't understand what he meant.

He is a member of the Flora Colossus family and lives on the mysterious planet

Dark, chaotic, disordered.

Groot is the last good man on the planet. He is incompatible with other tree people, and is eventually exiled by the collective into the universe to fend for himself.

"Fake, you guys are playing cards again and you didn't call me." Star-Lord rolled up his sleeves, took a deep breath and moved his fingers eagerly to try, but suddenly thought of something and held back: "Forget it, let's stop playing cards now, get up. , I will introduce you to a big shot, Dang Dang! My old captain, the murderous, cold-blooded, cruel and ruthless death knell!"

"I always feel like you're hinting at something."

Su Ming shook his head at Peter expressionlessly.

"Haha, how could it be? We raiders and mercenaries are similar. These words are good words of praise." Star-Lord patted his chest and smiled stiffly. Could it be that he was seen through again?

Star-Lord, who didn't know that half of his teammates were actually from Earth, was afraid that they might say the wrong thing and be killed by Deathstroke if he wasn't happy.

You must know that this person treats aliens as human beings and kills them like chickens...

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