The Death Knell

Chapter 2441 Hammer Transaction

Daisy patted Cosmo on the back and signaled it to prepare to fight. At the same time, she held the Meow Hammer in her hand and hid it behind her back to open the door.

If a Skrull accomplice comes to the door, then I don't care whether Sophie upstairs will comment or not, she will inevitably make the corridor bloody today.

She opened the door and raised the hammer. When the lightning wrapped around the weapon, Daisy discovered that it was not a Skrull.

It was Thor and Loki. The ones who knocked on the door like wild bears just now, needless to say, were in the style of the great prince.

"Is it you?" Daisy didn't mean to let them in, but blocked the door vigilantly: "What do you want from me? Let's agree first, the hammer recognizes me as its master, and will not return it to you. And Thor, Teacher Jane said you were out of touch, a scumbag who ran away after flirting with you, and she never wants to deal with you in her life."

"Teacher Jane?" Loki raised an eyebrow and looked at Thor with a half-smile: "Oh, my brother, my father said that his end is approaching and he will die soon. Why don't you come with me to see him? But he insisted on coming to New York just because of that woman."

Thor slapped Loki on the back of the head, slapped him aside, and said to Daisy: "I will explain to her in the future. Anyway, I have a reason to leave. Now I need you to come with us." Nordic, take Mjolnir to meet Odin."

As he spoke, his big eyes were still focused on the hammer, and his emotions were very complicated.

This was once his weapon, but now it was held in someone else's arms.

"Why?" Daisy felt that Thor's eyes were strange. She quickly put the sledgehammer on her shoulder, and the T-shirt and jeans on her body instantly turned into a combination of silver armor and red cloak in a burst of lightning: "He is The former god-king of you Asgardians is not the king of our earth."

"Didn't I say it before, Odin is going to die, hang up, shit, do you understand?" Loki rubbed his nose, sucked in the cold air in his mouth, and moved back against the wall: "Mjolnir once was too The weapon used by Odin when he was young, my brother wanted to please his father again before he died, so that a dead old man could touch the thing of his youth and recall the prosperous years."

Thor punched Loki again, shaking his long hair and roaring like a lion:

"I don't allow you to say that about him! Odin is our father after all!"

However, this time Loki was a magical phantom, and it dispersed like smoke with one punch. The real brother did not know where he was invisible and hiding.

"Don't shout, hush!" Daisy's neck almost shrank into her chest. She opened the door wide, pulled Thor in, and then stretched her head out to take a look: "This is an old neighborhood, an old house, and the walls are bigger than The cardboard isn’t much thicker, you’ll be surrounded by people if you yell like that.”

Thor took a deep breath and growled into the air behind him: "Did you hear what the lady said? Why don't you get in?"

"Actually, I've already come in." Loki's voice came from behind Daisy. He half-leaned on the sofa with some embarrassment, holding his clothes in his hands, but the hem of his clothes was bitten by Cosmo in his mouth: "Yes Can you let this good dog loose first? I don’t mean any harm, I just want to make a joke.”

Loki thought that his water invisibility magic was so good that he could sneak into Daisy's room without anyone noticing, but who would have expected that this dog was a psychic?

So the big dog pounced on him and bit him. If it weren't for the reaction speed brought by his extraordinary physique, he wouldn't have been bitten on something as simple as his clothes.

"My brother is rude. I'm so sorry. I'll treat you to a drink some other time to make amends." Thor closed the door and lowered his voice a lot: "But although he has a problem with wording and sentence making, the reason he said is mine. Thoughts, our father is dying, can you take Mjolnir to see him?"

Daisy was kind-hearted and felt a little moved when she heard Thor's filial words. Seeing the pleading look on the strong man's face, she felt a little pitiful.


But then she saw the motionless Skrull in the corner again. The guy seemed to be staring at her blankly, and the female Thor suddenly became a little confused.

The timing is really unlucky. New York is inseparable from the current situation. Deathstroke is not here, and she still has to contact Zhenglian to deal with the incident of Skrull's infiltration.

After thinking about it, she came up with an idea. Thor wanted Odin to see the Meowth Hammer again, but not her as a person. It would be okay to lend him the hammer for a while, right? Anyway, he still has Cosmo to protect him.

Deathstroke said that Cosmo's psychic abilities are 50-50 equal to Professor X's, so that means he's very strong?

"Let go of him, Cosmo. He is an acquaintance of mine. He used to work as a parking boy at the nightclub opposite the cake shop, but he turned out to be the prince of Asgard." Daisy bared her teeth in a sinister manner and held the bag in her hand. The hammer was placed on the floor: "I still have something to do here that I can't get out of. You can bring the hammer over."

"Is it okay?" Although he asked like this, Thor actually stretched out his hand, with a smile like a chrysanthemum on his face: "Thank you...Thank you! Thank you! than... k!”

He exerted force several times in a row, holding the handle of the Meow Hammer and pulling it up hard. His face turned red and the words in his mouth were no longer clear.

But the hammer didn't move at all. It was still the same as it was when Daisy put it down, as if it had grown with the earth.

"Oh hehe... my stupid brother." Loki, who was sitting on the sofa, crossed his legs and picked up Caroline's leftover French fries from the coffee table to eat: "Wonderful There is Odin's magic on Ernir, and only those recognized by him can lift this weapon. After all, you are still an unrecognized loser, how about it? How do you feel now?"

Disappointed, Thor closed his eyes, reached out to touch the battle ax behind his back, and sighed, not even bothering to argue with Loki. The owner here said that the walls were thin, but the partitions had ears.

He looked at Daisy again and let go of the hand holding the hammer:

"I still can't lift it up. Please, come with us. We will pick you up at the Rainbow Bridge. I promise not to delay your business."

"No, New York is my home, and all my friends are still here." Daisy shook her little head, her black wavy hair flying in the air: "You don't know what is going on. In fact, the earth is being wiped out. The Lu people have invaded, and I must get rid of them before they launch any conspiracy."

"Oh, so he's a Skrull?" Loki threw away the overnight fries and walked towards the middle-aged man in the corner with his hands behind his back. He reached out and poked the other man's nostrils: "I thought this person who had been standing in the corner was your father. Well, I feel too polite. Tsk, they really look exactly like the Midgardians. Hmm, the five senses are blocked. Is that so? Hahaha..."

Thor was reminded by his brother, and then he saw someone standing in the corner.

But he suddenly remembered the death knell and had an idea. Since Daisy also wanted something, the problem would be much easier to solve.

"Let's do this, Daisy. You follow our brothers to Northern Europe and meet Odin for the last time. Then our brothers will help you solve the problem of the Skrulls. It's very fair for everyone to help each other."

The few years he spent on Sakaar were not in vain, and Thor also learned to negotiate terms.

"Hey, why should I get involved with you in this matter?" Loki sang the opposite tune. He shook his head with a look of displeasure on his face: "If you want to help me, do it yourself. I still want to go out to play on the streets. These little green men are just like these." Like an ant under the roots of a big tree, when should I catch it?"

Thor took off his big ax with a backhand, put it on his neck, and used Loki's previous method to deal with him:

"If you don't agree to this deal, I will die in front of you!"

"You...! Put down the ax and I'll come with you, okay?"

Loki rolled his eyes. He didn't want his brother to die here. He still wanted to play in the future.

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