The Death Knell

Chapter 2443 Operation Iron Worm

"So, now on our streets, there are many green-skinned aliens who have turned into humans." In Washington DC, USA, in the reception room of S.H.I.E.L.D.'s Tri-Wing Headquarters, Little Spider refused to sit on any chair. You have to lie on the ceiling and talk to Fury: "In this case, the person eating pasta with you in the store may be an alien, and the person peeing next to you when you go to the toilet may also be an alien. Huh? Oh my god, how scary this is!"

Fury leaned back in the chair and rubbed his head: "Can you come down and talk? No matter how scared you are, don't crawl around on the ceiling. My cervical vertebrae can't stand me raising my head to talk to others."

During this period of time, Hei Lu Dan told the Iron Man duo the ins and outs of the matter, and also collected a lot of information for them to see.

The main reason is that Tony is not easy to fool. He was doubtful about the information Fury told him before and was reluctant to go out to catch aliens. With no other choice, Fury could only bring them here and show them some hard stuff.

For example, the Skrull corpses, spaceships, weapons and other things that have been harvested.

Peter shrugged his shoulders and jumped down silently. The big eyes on his mask looked at Fury: "I'm not afraid, Director Fury, no, I mean I'm not afraid of death, I'm just afraid that we don't have enough manpower." , can’t deal with those bad guys pretending to be Captain America.”

"I have considered this. Team Coulson will work with you." Fury crossed his fingers calmly, and a pair of black hands were clearly placed on the table.

"Wait, wait a minute." Tony shook his iron claws and inserted into the conversation between the two: "We were initially investigating the aliens who bombed the nuclear power plant, right?"

"You're right." Luo Dan nodded and looked at Iron Man doubtfully.

Tony took a breath and bit the cigar in his mouth hard: "Then when did the targets of our pursuit become the Skrulls? I have also seen the corpses and the interrogation videos. They look similar to The suspect we are looking for is completely different, except for his skin color..."

"You actually talked about skin color in front of me?" Fury looked at Iron Man coldly: "Are you discriminating against people of color?"

"Come on, you bastard, now is not the time to tell cold jokes. I know you never care about your skin color." Tony casually crossed his legs and blew a smoke ring into Fury's face: "It's useless if you try to change the subject. It's better to talk openly and honestly."

Fury tilted his head, with a smile in his eyes: "Okay, actually the answer is very simple. Have you seen the two videos on the Internet? Don't say you don't know, those two videos spread like computer viruses. Anyone with a smartphone can say that they have definitely seen the video.”

"Looking at that thing is the second most regretful thing in my life." Tony sighed. He looked down at his crotch and closed his eyes in pain: "Anyway, I won't be interested in women in a short time. It’s even a little disgusting.”

"Then you must recognize the actor in the second video." Fury expressed his question in a declarative sentence.

Peter raised his hand to answer, but he looked very happy: "I know him. That's Deadpool, Deathstroke's cousin. He's a very interesting person. He often plays online games with me. If I had known he could interact with aliens, When someone plays wrestling, I should go with him.”

"Wrestling? Oh, ahem, it's a wrestling video, yes! Anyway, the answer is obvious."

Chief Luodan strategically leaned back toward the back of his chair, avoiding Tony's smoke and Peter's words without leaving a trace:

"Deadpool couldn't run to the moon by himself, so he acted with Deathstroke. I don't know why Deathstroke was so enthusiastic about getting involved in this kind of thing, and I don't know what his plan is, but based on what I know about that person, you think The alien terrorists we were looking for have been here for so long, and their bodies must have become cold."

"Tsk, that disrespectful guy." Tony rolled his eyes and turned his mouth under the mustache to one side: "If he really dealt with the self-destruction person, would he at least tell me? You know that I and Spidey has been waiting for him all day."

Fury's eyes were still calm. The walls in the windowless conference room were also made of dark gray metal. He just asked Tony:

"Then have you called him and asked him?"

"Um, cough! Maybe I forgot." Tony said it, "Let's continue talking about the Skrulls. The alien green-skinned terrorist before was considered dead."

Who in the right mind would take the initiative to contact Deathstroke? Although he had the Deathstroke business card passed down from Howard at home, he always felt that contacting mercenaries would be related to the dark side of the world. It was a feeling, as if he could not come back after entering that world.

Maybe it's like walking into the Forbidden Garden after coming out and never being able to look back. Look at Captain America and Bucky. Those two are the people who have dealt with Deathstroke the most. Look at how gay they are... ..

Just thinking about it is unacceptable.

"Okay, let's talk about business. Now I suspect that Captain America and others were kidnapped by the Skrulls and disguised as them. I need you to capture or kill these aliens and rescue Captain."

Fury didn't delve into this point, he just gave up after his goal was achieved.

"What if they were abducted to an alien planet?" Tony took his feet off the table and became more serious.

"Then we will chase to the alien planet." Fury leaned forward and gave the answer firmly: "What does Captain America mean? I think you should also understand that I cannot tolerate a person with exactly the same abilities and appearance. The alien is roaming the streets, he can easily incite crowds and organize various riots, and his ardent fans will just say 'this is the captain's order' and give up completely."

"Okay, Jarvis, hack into the U.S. transportation system and run the facial recognition program. We will find out the captain and those fake teammates." Tony stood up and took off his mask: "By the way, first Take away their access to Stark Tower and the mansion, as well as the warehouses and laboratories."

"Okay sir, the program is running." Jarvis started working immediately.

Tony suddenly remembered something. He was about to leave with his arms around the little spider, but he turned to Fury and said, "Actually, the safest person at this time is Vision, right? Why not find him?"

"He is not a human being." Black Braised Egg just said this without further explanation.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's dark, it's too dark." Tony made a smacking sound and shook his head with a smile: "You introduced him to the Avengers, not because you trust him more, but because you put him under our noses Regulation, right?”

"I didn't say anything. Everything is your own guess." Fury stood up and patted his coat calmly: "The earth is the earth of mankind, isn't it?"

"That's true. Okay, I guess you have something to do, but what about Coulson, that middle-aged man in crisis?"

Tony did not delve into this point. Although he was a scientist, it was also impossible for him to give up the earth to some crazy artificial intelligence program.

Colson suddenly appeared at the door behind Tony with a perfect smile:

"Mr. Stark, Director Howard told me a lot about you, such as your first love. How about we talk about it on the way?"

Tony raised his hand to cover Peter's ears and pushed him out: "No, no need to chat, work, work, the last footage of them that can be found in the traffic video was in the apartment in Komori Hills, we have all been there There, let’s start from there.”

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