The Death Knell

Chapter 2445 Civilized City

The so-called landing site is a messy cargo terminal. As soon as the rear hatch of the spacecraft is opened, the scene of people coming and going outside and filled with hot steam comes into view.

There are many businessmen waiting here. After each spacecraft lands, they will rush up to ask what the goods are, and try to get the first-hand price as much as possible before reselling them.

Transport hover vehicles and personnel come and go between the spacecraft, and aircraft of different sizes rise and fall from time to time. This is just a microcosm of Xandar's commercial machine. It is unknown how many similar landing sites there are around the planet. .

Naturally, after stepping out of the spaceship, some businessmen came up to ask Deathstroke, asking him what he was transporting and if he could give him a 'landing price'.

"It's the goods that were ordered by others. Don't ask, we signed the contract! Let's move on!"

Star-Lord, who was wearing a fake beard, stood up and skillfully dispersed the crowds who were running for profit. Watching a group of aliens with different appearances walk away, he breathed a sigh of relief:

"Don't talk too much to the profiteers in Xandar. These guys kill without blood. One moment they just finished trading with you, and the next moment they may secretly report you to the Nova Corps for smuggling."

"It sounds like they don't have any honest business philosophy. Do people really come to sell stolen goods in a place like this?" Su Ming turned into Director Gordon again at this time, even the brown coat on his body was restored, and he was holding something in his mouth. He lit up a cigarette, lowered his head and walked outside the venue.

The sound of numerous spaceships taking off and landing can be heard all the time. This place is obviously not suitable for chatting, it is too noisy.

Star-Lord put his hands on his belt and answered without thinking after hearing Deathstroke's words:

"It depends on the situation. If you get some valuable gadgets, most people will go to your New London or the collector's land to sell them. But if it is a fleet-level harvest, such as robbing someone else of hundreds of millions of tons of bananas, You will definitely not accept such things, and only Shandar can eat them."

"Who would rob someone else's banana boat..."

Su Ming was a little speechless. Unless fruits are brought to certain planets, the profits in interstellar trade are very low.

Star-Lord spread his hands and said disapprovingly: "Jie Dao is like opening a blind box. Before boarding the ship, you never know what the other party is transporting. Yondu encountered such a thing. Once he took us to chew A heavily guarded fleet came down, thinking it was escorting something good, but when they opened the warehouse and took a look, they found that it was a fruit similar to a banana. In the end, they had to get Shandar to bring the goods with the ship and sell them at a low price. , barely covering the cost of fuel and ship repairs.”

"Haha, it doesn't sound like the captain is that good?" Su Ming waved to Carol who was sneaking outside the cargo yard. She didn't want to take the spaceship, but flew here by herself.

Hello everyone, our official account will find red envelopes of gold and coins every day. You can get them as long as you follow them. The last benefit at the end of the year, please seize the opportunity. Public account [Book Friends Base Camp]

Star-Lord sighed, as if he was under great pressure:

"Who says it isn't? It mainly requires vision and experience. If you make a loss-making business every time, it is possible to starve to death with a boatload of people."

"Pfft, I don't think we can. If you make the same mistake as last time, Rocket will kill you before everyone starves to death."

Gamora, who was walking aside, was amused. She also put a mustache on herself and pretended to be a transgender.

"The rocket won't kill me, because if we are too hungry, at least we can eat tree bark to satisfy our hunger." Star-Lord smiled and shook his head. He stretched out a finger and twirled it in the air: "Groot shouldn't mind. It should be used as backup food, right? By the way, did you say it is a fruit tree?"

Gamora looked up at the sky, thought for a moment and then shrugged: "Who knows, I can't understand his language, what about you?"

"I only learned an introductory lesson. It is too difficult to analyze the language of the Flower God Clan in conjunction with the tone and situation of the time. However, we still have Mantis and Rocket as translators." Peter smiled and greeted Carol who came over: " How long has it been since Captain? I envy you, you can fly faster than a spaceship jumps."

"It's not that fast. I just arrived. I have to be careful when entering Xandar."

Carol was wrapped in her bomber jacket and wearing sunglasses on her face. She looked suspiciously tapping the small terminal on her forearm, which she brought from the Kree army:

"They haven't updated my database. They should still be regarded as Kree soldiers. If they are discovered and don't want to go to jail, they will start a war with the Nova Corps. They are a team that maintains peace in the universe. I don't want to be with this people are fighting pointlessly."

The assassin girl shook her head. She completely disagreed with Carol's statement:

"That's an advertising effect. The glorious appearance of the Nova Corps is blown out by the propaganda machine. If you think about it carefully, they are an army under the rule of Xandar. They are a violent structure of a mortal country. Even if each member has a noble character, But the person who ordered them may not."

Captain Marvel shook her head and didn't refute much. After all, she had never been in an alien prison and had no knowledge of this.

"Gamora is right, Captain, you have never been to the Nova Corps' prison. For disinfection, you use high-pressure water to wash it. The cell doesn't even have a door. There are always some aliens staring at the thin-skinned and tender earth. People have no human rights protection, and even the jailers there wanted to take away my Walkman."

Star-Lord echoed this, saying he had adopted many of Deathstroke's ideas and was more inclined to promote conspiracy theories.

The green-skinned woman's little face showed a look of reminiscence, and the mustache on her lips was still curled up: "The Sovereign prison is the best. Even the cages for criminals are made of gold. Although I know it is not gold, but At least it looks comfortable.”

"Yeah, it would be better if they didn't try to stuff us into the molecular crusher..." Star-Lord also looked at the sky and sighed. He obviously missed the prison environment there, but he didn't quite I miss the execution process there.

Su Ming, who transformed into Director Gordon, took off the cigarette butt from his mouth, put it out and put it away carefully: "Okay, let's do business. Where is Yondu? Take me there, and you can continue to tell stories here, Queen Adora Everyone is here to listen.”

Adora is the queen of Xandar. She has the highest control over the Nova Corps. She is usually very low-key and rarely appears in public. All external activities are handled by the Prime Minister.

Su Ming always felt that there might be something going on here, but what it was, it was estimated that only a small number of the upper echelons of Shandar knew about it.

"That's right, Yondu has a fixed line for selling stolen goods here. I'll take you there right now." Star-Lord came to the roadside with a weird smile and looked around to see if there were any drone police patrolling: "I The woman he always thought was interested in him, but Yondu half-heartedly accepted her, which is very interesting. You will know when you get there."

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