The Death Knell

Chapter 2447 Future People

Peter trotted into the room to save people, while the fat snake girl loosened the snake's tail wrapped around Yondu's body with an innocent look, and anxiously brought the first aid kit.

She didn't mean to do it, she was just a little embarrassed to see so many acquaintances of Yondu coming over, and she got a little excited.

"How many times have I told you, it's not a fracture, it's just a dislocated hip joint." Star-Lord threw Yondu on the floor, stretched out his foot to step on his adoptive father's back, and picked up the limp leg: "I Put it on for you, and give it something to bite in your mouth."

"CNM, what am I biting? Are you eating dirt? You bastard, you brought so many people to see me having fun...ah!!!"

Star-Lord put his leg into the joint socket with an expressionless expression, and clapped his hands after leaving it behind: "Be careful what you say. If my employer wants to kill you, I can't stop you."

Yondu got up, dragged himself to the sofa with his hands, took the wine sent by the snake girl and drank it in one gulp, wiped the cold sweat on his head, and asked Peter in a low voice: "What's the reason?"

"Supreme Mage." Star-Lord pointed at Deathstroke and then at Carol: "A Kree Accuser-level warrior."

"What else?" After talking about the two people, the well-informed Yongdu became more serious and his posture was as straight as possible.

He looked at Elsa, who had not been introduced, and thought that she also had some great background.

But Deathstroke never told Star-Lord who Elsa was, so he could only make it up. Looking at the huge ruby ​​hanging on the other person's chest, Peter rolled his eyes: "Big rich woman."

Mage, warrior, gold master, the iron triangle combination that travels through the universe.

Yondu showed his rotten teeth and chuckled: "It's true that I loved you so much in the past. You still want to introduce business to me. That's good."

"You just made me feel pain, that's not what Earth says." Star-Lord took a few steps back, returned to Gamora, and nodded towards Deathstroke: "It seems that the old captain gave me face, Slade, what do you think? Just ask whatever you want.”

Su Ming moved his neck, and the windbreaker on his body squirmed and turned into black and yellow armor, and his appearance changed from Gordon's old man to a one-eyed young man.

He took out a bottle of wine from his pocket and sat next to Yondu. The symbiote's tentacles and his arm were put on the other person's shoulders.

"Hello, Yondu, I'm here to negotiate terms."

"Death knell, it's you who is still the host of the symbiote that hasn't been backvoted." Yondu took a deep breath and opened his eyes wide: "Now I won't feel weird even if I see the element-devouring beast, Peter. You are such a good kid!"

Those last few words, I don’t know how the cosmic translator translated the feeling of gnashing of teeth. In short, Yondu wants to kill Star-Lord right now.

This is not to introduce customers at all, but to cause trouble.


"Look over there, is that Deadpool?"

Phoenix, who was shopping in Huaxi Village at the foot of Kama Taj Mountain, said this to Wanda walking beside him.

It is a big event for mutants to establish a nation. However, although everyone has many superpowers, it is still difficult to make a living without raw materials. What's more, there is not even fresh water on the isolated island, so you can't catch fish and drink blood, right?

The Iceman can conjure ice, but he can't conjure water. The most he can do is conjure pots and pans made of ice, and then let Storm summon rainwater, while the people below hold the basins with their tongues sticking out to catch them.

But that's too tragic.

So after some discussion between Charles and Eric, they decided to send people to Kama Taj to shop, such as Antarctic vibranium, magic materials, etc. These are exclusive goods and can be used to build a new mutant. Headquarters, not too much, right?


The two girls discussed the details of the transaction with Hamil at Kama Taj, and then went down the mountain and planned to buy some small things in Huaxi Village, such as edible tentacle monsters or insects, and bring them back to open the eyes of the young students.

Then they saw Deadpool busking on the street, with a piece of cardboard standing next to him that said, "Sell yourself and go back to New York."

He found a broken bowl from nowhere, tapped the edge of the bowl with a chopstick, knelt on the roadside, and sang "Shu Lai Bao" to beg for food.

"Brother, I live on the outskirts of New York. I have guns and money at home, and my life is full of joy. Who knew that bad cousin was arrogant and ruthless, and colluded with the Master to throw me into the Ganges. I was almost killed. Ah San** a hundred times! A hundred times..."

Needless to say, it was quite rhythmic, and Phoenix could hear it bit by bit. Wanda was very unhappy. She directly cast a spell to pull Deadpool over the heads of the crowd on the street:

"What are you talking about?!"

"Wanda? Is that you? Woohoo!" Deadpool fell to the ground, hugged Wanda's calf, started crying, and wiped his nose on her pants through the mask: "I want to go back to New York. You don’t know how painful it was for me to swim back along the Ganges! I couldn’t find the door to Kama Taj! Since we went out together not long ago to have fun, please help me!”

"But you're not wearing pants." Wanda pointed to Deadpool's legs, which were only wearing strawberry underwear. The skin and flesh there were a little peeled off by the water.

"Is this important?" Wade asked angrily: "My cousin discriminates against me, and you also discriminate against me?"

"Isn't it important?" Jean Gray was a little confused. Could it be that when people come back from India, they can go out without wearing pants?

Deadpool took off his clothes and put them on as crotchless pants: "Is it important?"

People coming and going around started vomiting, cursing, and pointing. The thin-skinned Wanda didn't want to be looked at as a monkey, so she threw out the portal and took Deadpool back to the island in the Pacific.

This place is temporarily named 'Utopia', which means the ideal home for all mutants.

But after returning, no one had time to pay attention to Deadpool. Everyone, including Charles and Eric, were all watching a strange man at this time.

The man had a metal arm, a red mechanical eye, a very square face, and was carrying an exaggeratedly large firearm.

Seeing Deadpool coming back, he looked around at everyone present calmly:

"I proved my identity. Deadpool came here at this time just like I said he would. Do you believe that I am a person from the future now?"

Charles and Eric looked at each other and nodded:

"You have proved your prediction, young man, but that does not mean that everything you said is true."

"Whether it's true or not has nothing to do with you." The one-eyed man broke away from Wolverine's hand, pulled off his clothes and walked to Deadpool: "I hire you to kill someone, do you accept?"

"Wait a minute, host! I'll ask for help outside the venue!" Deadpool turned to the side and chattered into the air, huddled up and squatted down: "Viewers, who do you think this person is? He's looking at me. His eyes are so salty and lustful... Is this Thanos? Who said that? Who is Thanos?"

Before he could ask why, another voice came from behind: "One hundred thousand dollars."

"Deal! Just give me the target's name, blood type, sexual orientation, and zodiac sign." Deadpool turned around, wiped his hand on his rotting belly, and stretched out towards the other party.

"Put on this teleportation belt. Let's go to New York first." The strong man who claimed to be a man from the future threw a belt to Deadpool with a red and black logo on it. He glanced at Phoenix strangely and said to Wade. : "By the way, my name is Cable, and I will be your friend in the future."

"I'm very touched that you gave me a gift and established friendship with me, but I can only lose a hundred yuan at most." Deadpool put on his belt, it fit just right, and let out a laugh like a duck: "Quack, just say Whoever you want to kill, the sooner the better."

Cable grabbed Deadpool himself, helped him adjust the numbers, and clicked the button. The two disappeared in a ray of light under the gaze of many mutants.

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