The Death Knell

Chapter 2456 Time Manipulation

Cable looked at the weird courier a little speechlessly, and shook his head slightly. Even he knew that it was Deathstroke's subordinate.

If he didn't vomit after seeing Deadpool's true appearance, he was either a complete lunatic, or he had vomited every day in the past and got used to vomiting, which resulted in a twisted and perverted resistance.

Because he himself also practiced it this way, in a certain timeline that has been abandoned.

Looking at Deadpool's behavior of taking the initiative to tip, it should be the latter. After all, this bitch is famous for being devoid of money and is only a little generous to acquaintances.

Want to fool Deadpool? It's easy to say, just find someone to pretend to be customer service and call him, lie to him about what prize he won, and from then on there will be exclusive courier service and so on.

Winning, limited, exclusive, discount.

These words are temptations that Deadpool cannot resist, and he will definitely agree to them.

But in fact, this exclusive courier should be a follow-up arranged by the Supreme Mage, a professionally trained agent.

Unfortunately, Deadpool didn't know that he was under the surveillance of 'Big Brother'. On the contrary, he thought express delivery was very convenient...

Shaking his head and deciding not to care about the matter between the two brothers, the strong man put the big gun on his back again and put his iron hand on the shoulder of Deadpool who was counting the money: "I'm afraid you won't be able to drink tonight. Do you know why I chose to meet you here?"

"Isn't it because this place is remote enough that gangster movies are filmed here?" Deadpool put on the mask again, his small white eyes blinked, looking very innocent, and then he laughed strangely: "I'm kidding you. Just for fun, I think it’s because you covet my beauty.”

After saying that, he twisted and danced a hula dance.

"..." Cable was speechless. Being interrupted by Deadpool, he suddenly forgot what he was going to say. He could only try to squeeze out the words from between his teeth: "There will be Skrulls soon." Fake Avengers members will pass by here, and they will want to kill you, and you will know when the time comes."

"Wait a minute, this place is so remote, why do we encounter alien enemies by chance?"

Deadpool narrowed his eyes, he felt something was wrong.

"Actually, it's not a coincidence. The meeting between you and Domino is a foreshadowing. Nowadays, many people want to catch the Super Skrull Team, so meeting them is regarded as a kind of 'good luck', and you are lucky enough."

Wade turned to look at the panda girl and Domino spread his hands: "I told you, this is a super power."

"But wasn't it your arrangement for me and Domino to meet?" Deadpool sighed [New Biquge] and rubbed his fingers towards Cable: "If you hadn't changed the timeline, I shouldn't be here This is the right place, look, are you supposed to mean it?"

"It's not interesting. The history I know is the changed history, and your appearance here is the end of the timeline. No matter where you hide now, the Skrulls who represent the big bounty will be encountered by you. Yes, this is inevitable among countless accidents, and it is also an application of chaos theory in mathematics."

Cable lowered his arm and patted Deadpool's little hand asking for money.

"I don't understand what the hell theory you are talking about. Please explain the bounty in detail." Deadpool's eyes turned into $ signs, and he was still a little interested in this.

The one-eyed and dark strong man knew this would happen, and he smiled slightly: "I can only say that the person who is chasing this team of Skrulls now is the famous billionaire, your old friend Tony Stark, and I don't need to do the rest. Did you teach it?"

"When I heard the name of this mustache, I knew that trouble was coming again. How should I spend so much money? Hehehe..." Wade laughed like crazy, and even his fingers moved uncontrollably. He made a very six-plus-seven gesture: "When will they arrive? Let me lay a mine first!"


"Three minutes? That should be enough." Deadpool rummaged around in his pocket and took out various miscellaneous items such as a little yellow duck, mayonnaise, a tickle, and a teething stick.


"Isn't it? It's not so cliché, is it? Although the countdown is very classic, it is really not suitable for playing now. Why didn't you tell me earlier?" The plastic banana in Deadpool's hand fell to the ground and rolled out. A short distance away.

"It's too late. People are already here. I'll take the first step. It's best not to participate in frontline battles in the future, you know."

Cable tapped the belt, and 'Brin' disappeared instantly, leaving only the blue light remaining on the retinas of the three of them.

"I don't understand! Falk!"

Seeing half a team of Avengers coming out of a nearby street corner, and then finding the three of them blocking each other's path in an alley, Deadpool shook his head, picked up the little yellow duck on the ground and squeezed it.

A rattling sound broke the peace of the night.

He looked at Captain America, the leader opposite: "You are Skrulls, right? Everyone's head is valuable? I have no other intention, I just don't want to waste my efforts on admitting the wrong person. I have activities tonight."

Several people on the opposite side were obviously stunned for a moment. The leader originally put on a smile and wanted to come up to talk, but the smile froze on his face.

"You actually found out, Deadpool. Originally we just wanted to pass by here, but now we have to kill you to silence you! Do it!"

After the other party finished speaking in standard English, the leader waved his hand, and these fake heroes immediately rushed over, with bullets, bows, arrows, and shields all directed at Deadpool's face.

Wade rolled around and hid behind Domino. As expected, there was no attack that could threaten him, but he found that he seemed to have been tricked by the cable again.

Originally, these aliens just wanted to get through, but in the end, they started a direct war because of their questions.

The Cable guy must be hiding something.

But I couldn't be angry because it was all money. Wouldn't it be nice to catch someone first and then sell them to Tony? One person can order one million, and there are five here. Even if it is divided among three people, it is still a large amount.

"Fuck them!" Deadpool called to the Outlaws and Domino to come together, three against five, with a huge advantage.

He drew out his long knife and rushed out, leaping into the air towards Captain America, who had thrown away his shield and was bare-handed!

Spin in the air, smile, and draw the knife.

A certain mercenary planned well. He first jumped to a sufficient height, and then used the gravity acceleration of the fall to perform a lightning-fast 'force splitting Huashan Mountain' move!

However, the next second, he flew backwards.

Because although he looks the weakest without his shield, the Super Skrull Warrior is not the real captain. The one with good physical fitness is an alien elite.

With a punch of tens of tons of force, Wade carved a deep ravine in the ground and plunged into the garbage pile at the other end of the alley. There was also the sound of cracking bones.

Fortunately, Inez was brave enough. She was able to compete with the aliens in terms of strength. At the same time, Domino, who was extremely lucky, kept creating favorable accidents, finally creating a chance for Wade.

He picked up an open can of spinach in the garbage, lifted a corner of the mask, poured it into his mouth, and then chewed it hard.


He hesitated vaguely, waving his arms like a butterfly stroke, signaling for the two women to get out of the battle line and make room for him.

Although it was only the first day of cooperation, the three of them had a tacit understanding. The two women moved to the left and right respectively, exposing him.

At this time, Deadpool had already torn off his mask while running, and then sprayed out the chewed green stuff in his mouth in his rotten true form, accompanied by drool and bleeding gums, covering the faces of several people on the opposite side.

Victory or defeat was decided at this moment, because all the Skrulls vomited, fell to their knees and lost their fighting ability.

When they see green spinach, they think of their own green skin, and when they think of being chewed by Deadpool, people with faster brains will feel sick, so that they are unable to resist this mental attack... ..

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