The Death Knell

Chapter 2458 Deep in the Tunnel

This tunnel is broken in some places, suspended in the air in other places, and has countless forks. If an ordinary person enters this tunnel, just the dark environment and the strange sounds coming from nowhere will be enough to scare them away. Drive crazy.

But Deathstroke is an exception. He is very good at underground fighting. He is very comfortable entering underground buildings such as ancient tombs or sewers.

"I don't like it here. I always feel cold on my back." Rocket held a gun that was bigger than others, squatted on Groot's shoulders, touched the wooden head and spoke: "We are walking in an underground maze. , and there seemed to be something following behind me.”

"I'm Groot."

The tree man took one step forward and several steps ahead of the others. This tunnel was very spacious and he could straighten up here. The expression on his face seemed to be disapproval.

The raccoon spat to the side, squeezed his black eyes, and turned to look at the darkness spreading behind him: "Don't believe it, if we are not attacked later, I will give you Peter's underwear."

As he spoke, Rocket took out a piece of cloth from the tool box he carried with him.

"What? So you took the bear underwear I threw away?" Star-Lord, who was following Deathstroke, opened his eyes wide and looked at the raccoon in disbelief: "I treat you as a brother, but you stole my underwear. Are you a pervert?"

Rocket shrugged nonchalantly and clicked the teeth in his pointed mouth: "I picked it up. It was hanging on our plasma vacuum cleaner that day... Wait, I realized what the problem was and why. Will you take it off at the vacuum cleaner?”

"This is my ship! I am free to take off my clothes wherever I go." Star-Lord snatched back his shorts and stuffed them into his pocket: "Gamora, don't get me wrong, things are not what you think. .”

Gamora, who was on alert with her own pair of daggers in hand, just grunted in response.


Just as a few people were chatting and laughing, a black tentacle suddenly appeared on Deathstroke who was walking in front. This tentacle passed through the crowd and plunged straight into the darkness behind him.

With a crunching sound like the opening of a coconut, Strangler dragged a titan lizard about the same size as a rhinoceros back. The creature's head had bloomed like a broken watermelon, and blue blood was flowing everywhere.

"It looks like there are a lot of these things in the underground environment. We didn't find them when we came here last time. This is another change." Su Ming glanced at the corpse. The genes of these lizards were useless.

Apart from high-speed reproduction and dark vision, strangulation is not needed, and other abilities are very ordinary.

Carol's body exudes light of cosmic energy as a means of lighting for everyone, but it is obviously the light that attracts these beasts. She is a little hesitant now, because without a light source it does not mean safety. Instead, she was attacked in the dark. Others People are more prone to confusion.

There must be no problem between Deathstroke and himself, but Star-Lord is an ordinary person no matter what, and raccoons are nocturnal animals, but Rocket insists that he is not a raccoon but a human.

"Are we not there yet?" She asked Elsa, who was at the front of the team as a guide.

The huntress held her assault rifle and knelt down to check the marks on the ground: "The footprints and smells are very messy. This underground network extends in all directions. I have to use divination again and again. Don't rush me."

"Huh, okay, but we are really pressed for time, and we don't know what the situation is like on Earth." Carol pursed her lips, and the double star logo on her chest dimmed a little.

"All developments are as expected." Su Ming took over the topic. He patted the woman on the shoulder, his tone full of calmness: "Although you may not know it, I am receiving information from Sepulke. Now My cousin and the others have obtained some Skrulls and are having a meeting to study each other’s plans.”

Star-Lord nodded, as if he understood: "So how do you know the content of their meeting here when you are here? I don't know what Sepulk is, but it should be a military satellite? Can't you hear what's going on on the ground? The voice, right? Does it depend on the mouth shape..."

"Not long ago, I asked Hamill to throw Deadpool into the source of the Ganges in the Himalayas, and let my cousin do high-speed rafting while taking a bath." Deathstroke explained his plan to Peter as he moved forward: "Because of the altitude Due to the relationship with glaciers, the water is often very cold. After he goes ashore, he will definitely take off his clothes to warm himself by the fire or do exercises to maintain body temperature. This is the mercenary's attempt. Only 'that area' of his body's organs are free of cancer, so he He attaches great importance to protecting the place, so the probability of him taking off his pants to warm up to the fire is very high."

"So?" Carol blinked.

The death knell stopped at an unremarkable place:

"So as long as he is warming up by the fire and someone activates an illusion magic, such as conjuring up a lot of gay Asan strong men, he will probably drop his pants and run away. As long as he returns to the United States, he will Ordering a new uniform through the courier service, I only need to install eavesdroppers on the uniform and analyze it together with Sepurk's images, and I will naturally be able to know a lot of things."

In fact, we have to take into account the time spent by the mutants in the middle. They were given an island to build a country, but they were not given resources, so they would most likely have to go out to purchase before dinner.

The newly built country also needs magic protection. At least Mysterio will take the initiative to propose this, and Storm will definitely support it. So if you want to buy magic materials, you have to go to Huaxi Village.

As for which mage arrives in the village, he will probably meet Deadpool trapped there, and since they are all acquaintances, they won't mind taking him for a while.

And Cable's next action, because it spans time and space, has almost no secrets in front of the time stone holder.

But the Guardians of the Galaxy don’t know anything about the mutants, so there’s no need to say more.

"Dark, it's too dark. Isn't he your cousin? As for..." Carol shook her head repeatedly and exhaled speechlessly.

"It has to be like this. If I give him a communicator or something like that, he will definitely harass me with endless nonsense and perform all kinds of vulgar tricks in front of the camera." Deathstroke nodded and put his hand on Carol's head: " Spying and eavesdropping, not so much.”

Star-Lord also grinned: "As long as you are happy."

"Okay, it's almost time. The situation on Earth is better than imagined. Not only do I know how the greenskins smuggled across the border, but I also know who was raped." Su Ming smiled and ended the chat. : "Carol, blow up the tunnel behind you. There are Skrulls coming from the front."

Star-Lord took out his pistol, Drax flexed his chest muscles, and Vanessa also took a few steps back to the formation, everyone was ready.

After hearing Su Ming's instructions, Captain Marvel didn't hesitate at all. He turned around and punched the ceiling of the tunnel. Large pieces of gravel flew down along with the dust, ensuring that everyone would not be attacked from both sides in the blink of an eye.

But more than ten seconds passed, and there was still silence ahead, with no one appearing at all.

" you feel wrong?"

Drax raised his big hand like a cattail fan and scratched his bald head, showing a silly smile.

Although they both have no hair, his IQ is far worse than Luther. Would Deathstroke make a mistake in the sewer? That is impossible.

"Don't worry, let the Skrulls fly for a while." Su Ming even took off his mask, took out a cigarette and lit it: "Since there are more and more signs of Skrulls activities around, then according to According to the pattern of trace distribution, we are close enough to their activity range."

The difference between intelligent creatures and beasts is simple to put it plainly. Take Carol's blowing up the ceiling of the passage and causing a huge noise.

Unintelligent beasts like titan lizards will definitely run away when they hear this. Their ancestors avoided volcanoes or earthquakes in order to ensure the reproduction of the group. This is an instinct engraved in their DNA.

The Skrulls are different. If they hear this kind of movement nearby, they will definitely be alert and come to check, because they can think, which can also be said to be a guilty conscience.

To alert the snake from the grass is a folk wisdom from thousands of years ago in China, and it is also applicable in the universe.

Not long after the cigarette was lit, and even as the warm breath passed through the lungs, a message came from the strangle. It smelled a strange smell, with many sources, and it was moving quickly, approaching here.

"Get ready. The people are coming, but don't smash their heads. I'll bring them to you."

This time it really came. A few seconds before Deathstroke finished speaking, there was light and sound from the tunnel ahead. Teams of Skrulls appeared in their small purple-painted floating vehicles. caught everyone's sight.

The thrusters behind Star-Lord sprayed out airflow, and he rose into the air, firing at the opponent while maintaining high speed.

The rest of the Guardians of the Galaxy, basically all melee types, shouted in unison and followed Carol and Elsa to charge towards the Skrull convoy.

Rocket is also of this type. Don’t look at him holding a big gun every day and think that he is a long-range shooter, but in fact he is more inclined to shoot at close range, which is the kind of safe shooting that puts the muzzle of the gun on other people’s heads. Way.

Seeing everyone fighting with the enemy, only Su Ming was still standing there, and he gently flicked the cigarette ashes aside.

I really understand why Batman likes Edge OB.

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