The Death Knell

Chapter 2460 Cyber ​​Desert

The scene on the other side of the portal is completely different from what Star-Lord saw in science fiction movies and TV shows.

It's too real, everything is no different from the real world, the surroundings are made of matter, and everyone has not turned into a fluorescent digital stream.

But that's not what he wanted to say.

“I thought that the world of cyberpunk would be filled with all kinds of music with an electronic psychedelic atmosphere, neon lights that can cause photoepileptic seizures, hover cars and android prostitutes all over the street, but I didn’t expect it to be like this... .”

The group of people who passed through the portal stood on the wilderness, with no hair around them. Peter squatted down and grabbed a handful of black sand, his tone full of disappointment.

"I probably understand. When you were a child, you probably watched the movie "Blade Runner" but never read the original work, so you have no idea what the scene is like outside the city." Su Ming raised his hand to feel the gravity here. It was almost It is changing every moment, but fortunately it is still within the tolerance range of human beings: "In fact, excessive concentration of various resources will lead to this situation. Have you ever seen it outside of Asgard's fairy palace? "

Star-Lord shook his head. He straightened up and patted the dirt on his hands: "I don't want to slander anyone, but Asgard has always pursued a policy of seclusion and is far inferior to Vanaheim. What do you mean by this, is Asgard? Is it all desert outside?”

The portal behind him disappeared after everyone entered. This was a one-way street. How did the Skrulls who entered here get to Earth? It's unknown at the moment, but the way out is definitely not here.

"That's not the case. After all, the World Tree is there, and everything is nourished by the radiation of life energy. However, outside the Immortal Palace, there are also undeveloped grasslands, mountains, and seas." The death knell took off slowly and looked around. , and then landed: "The more social a race is, the more difficult it is to avoid gathering together and like to collect materials."

"Let's not talk about the things we don't understand, so what did you see when you flew up just now? Ah Sneeze!"

The modified raccoon, which had no concept of the species at all, carried his big gun and slid down Groot's arm on both hands and feet. He also grabbed a handful of black sand, put it under his nose, smelled it, and opened his mouth to hit it. A sneeze.

The sand is so fine that it doesn't look like it was formed by natural weathering, but more like soil chewed by earthworms.

"You can't see clearly. We may be in the middle of a black desert. It's the same no matter which direction you go. The view in the sky is not much better. The wind and sand are too strong." Deathstroke shook his head and handed the raccoon a cigarette: " In fact, there are some problems with the physical constants here. The higher you fly upward, the more dust in the air. I estimate that after reaching a certain height, the field of view will be completely invisible."

"Sounds like volcanic ash."

Elsa expressed her opinion. She tugged on the zipper of her jacket to prevent dust from entering her arms.

"Or the radiation clouds after a nuclear war."

Gamora also answered. She rarely spoke along the way and mostly suppressed laughter. This may be the reason why she is willing to follow the Guardians of the Galaxy, because these weirdos are indeed very happy.

Although the ground was also affected by the sandstorm, he could barely see the environment dozens of meters away, but in the sky he could only see darkness.

The raccoon lit up the cigarette skillfully and took a long sip with his pointed mouth. His smoking posture was much more ferocious than the little orangutan. Maybe he was the real beast?

In the smoke, I could only hear this long-haired beast wagging its tail and saying:

"Trapped in a strange desert, um... How about we vote on which direction to go? When we die of thirst in the desert, everyone will have nothing to say, because this is the collective will. "

Hearing this, Star-Lord shook his head and quickly added: "Even if I die of thirst, fall into a pit of quicksand, and die as a mummy, I will not drink anyone's urine. I need to make this clear to you first." . Don’t let me go into shock then, you use the ‘Water of Life’ to save me, just think about it...oh!”

As if he thought of something, he rubbed his arms in disgust and pressed the goosebumps hard.

"Are you really not going to drink? I've peed a lot." Drax didn't know why, but he suddenly looked a little disappointed.

Star-Lord pursed his lips hard and looked at the green-skinned man with dead fish eyes. He was speechless for a moment.

Should you be happy or sad when you have teammates who want to piss you in the desert?

"How about I try to fly out and explore the way?"

Carol quickly interrupted the topic of drinking urine. She heard Deathstroke say the law of true fragrance, and what Peter said was very unlucky.

She patted her chest, and the double star logo became brighter again, as if to attract other people's attention on purpose.

Gamora objected, and the green-skinned woman shook the sand out of her hair, took out a red rag and covered her mouth and nose: "Even if you find the way, I guess it will be difficult for you to go back and find us, my hometown. After being destroyed by Thanos, it became a desert planet where everything looks the same."

"I'm Groot!"

Faced with everyone talking about it, Groot stood up. He grabbed a handful of sand and sprinkled it with a confident expression on his wooden face.

Rocket acted as a translator, and the raccoon quickly climbed onto the tree man's shoulders with a cigarette in his mouth and sat there like a sedan:

"Groot said that he can find a place with people, and there should be at least a village in a place with people. His plant race talent allows him to sense extremely weak water vapor, and carbon-based organisms rely on water to survive. If there is water, there may be people. .”

"This is a solution, Slade, what do you think?"

Carol really couldn't understand how the short sentence of self-introduction could be translated into such a long paragraph, but there was no problem with the tree man's logic.

Whether they are Kree, Skrulls, Shi'ar or Earthlings, they all need to drink water to maintain the internal circulation process of the body. If there is water, there will be people. This should also work in today's reality-like cyberspace. Pass.

Because the exact coordinates of this dimension are not yet available, Sepurk's adjutant has also been offline and lost contact.

The power of magic in the technological dimension has been greatly restricted, and the connection with the demons has been completely cut off. The magic energy that Elsa can use now comes from the 'electricity' stored in the blood stone on her chest.

Spending a hundred times the energy can only achieve one percent of the magic effect in the main dimension. This dimension does not completely reject the existence of magic, but it is almost the same as a world without magic.

Originally, Deathstroke wanted to let Strangler lead the way. The symbiote has a very keen sense of smell and can analyze the composition of the air, making it easy to find water.

But since Groot can also tell the concentration of water molecules in the air, let him do it.

The pioneering work in a strange dimension has really started. The current goal is to find another door for the Skrulls to leave, and to rescue Captain America and the others from Zola. It is always right to find someone first.

"I have no objection. This is indeed a good idea." Deathstroke took out a bottle of ice-cold soda from his pocket, unscrewed the cap and took a sip: "Why are you looking at me? Why aren't you leading the way?"

The next second, palms of various colors, big or small, were stretched out in front of him, and their fingers were squirming like insects.

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