The Death Knell

Chapter 2463 Sleepless in New York

Thick, cold, fishy.

The inside of the insect's head shell is not an environment suitable for leisurely sightseeing. Although it is as spacious as Tony's garage, the parasites working inside the giant beast's body are obviously not high-end sports cars.

It's all Carol's fault. I had to talk about matryoshka dolls before. Marvel is a very evil place, and whatever you say can happen.

There are also many kinds of other small bugs living in this monster's body. It is about the size of a tank. Apart from its disgusting appearance, it is not difficult to deal with. Moreover, the passages they drilled out make movement a lot easier.

Walking inside the soft and smelly monster, Carol curled her lips all the way. She obviously didn't like the walls that squirmed and the nerves that danced like the subway.

Su Ming could only open his own way, using the chain saw to cut off the parasites blocking the way, and then walked into the holes they drilled, getting closer to the brain of the giant beast step by step.

Or the command center?

Seeing the majestic cranial cavity wrapped in countless cables and pipes, with the semi-mechanical brain maintained by drones coming and going, Deathstroke was silent for a moment.

"Can this also read the memory?"


Strangler gave an affirmative answer. Although this hardware is completely different from that on earth, it should not be a big problem.

This purple-black brain looks about the same size as the Bird's Nest Stadium. The blood vessels and cables are constantly twitching with the heartbeat of insects. Not far away from the drone entrance, there are busy small planes transporting various metal materials to maintain this place. operation.

This seemed to be a bug-shaped mining vehicle. Su Ming suddenly discovered this.

Dr. Zola modified the bug and threw it out of the city, letting it gnaw at mountains or unusable wasteland.

It eats large rocks, and the waste residue turns into black desert and is expelled from the body, while various metal elements remain in the body for further refining and casting. These drones are responsible for assembling the implants and cyberening them. Remodeling and more.

The belly of this insect is most likely a chemical refining site. After all, almost all types of metals can be refined using electricity and acid and alkali.

This is the right thing to say. The application of biological weapons and the production of chemical factories are Zola's academic scope, and they are also in line with Hydra's crazy style.

For example, the laser weapons that attacked the two men before were completely different from the blue plasma they used to create with cubes during World War II. They must have come from other technology trees.


While thinking about that, he ordered the symbiote in his mind to take action. Although this huge cyborg brain looked very spectacular, as I said before, the environment here is not suitable for sightseeing.

The symbiote surged out of his body, and the small bean sprouts instantly turned into a huge wave. The black wave filled every inch of his field of vision, and then pushed forward.

Along with various explosions and chewing sounds, some pitiful information flowed into the host's mind.

"Tsk, tsk, the wisdom of a bug." Deathstroke looked a little regretful, patting Carol on the back and gesturing for her to fly away together: "The bad news is that this bug only remembers eating and sleeping. The good news is that I know where it is. city, and Zola’s laboratory is there too.”

The brain was destroyed, but the insect did not die for a while. It struggled violently, which was spinning for the two people inside its head.

It was rolling all over the ground, constantly bending its head and tail, just like the near-death reaction of an ordinary bug after being poisoned by pesticides.

Fortunately, it didn't have a hundred feet, and it didn't read the actor's self-cultivation, so after flopping in the sea of ​​sand for a while, it gradually became quiet.

"Let's go to the city now. Since Zola's laboratory is where it is, Captain America and the others should also be imprisoned there." Carol wiped the blood on her face and strangled the brain-eating process. It's like the most primitive kind of juicer, commonly known as "hard squeeze", which makes blood and water splash everywhere.

However, Deathstroke was now clean, with not even a speck of dust on his body.

"You're right." Deathstroke turned around and saw the big wooden ball that was half buried in the sea of ​​sand. He flew over and lifted it up like a bird cage: "Just carry them like this and fly together. Let's try it at sublight speed first." Test the waters and follow me.”


"The Skrulls in the raft were rescued? Dr. Hansen was injured and unconscious? Lost a terrifying weapon?" Deadpool touched his chin and smiled after listening to Coulson's words: "I listened to every word I don’t understand, and now I have to find a middleman to cash the check, bye.”

The mercenary, who has little interest in saving the world, plans to take the two women on a night-long carnival with the idea of ​​becoming rich.

Normal people know how to choose, right? Even if the earth is about to explode, and you have to choose between saving the earth or playing a multiplayer game with two beauties, there is no doubt that you should choose the latter.

Even if in the middle of the game, everyone is wiped out together, wouldn't it be great?

Deadpool considers himself a normal mercenary, at least much more normal than his cousin, so when faced with the hints from Tony and the female Thor, as well as the gentle solicitation from the hairless agent, he did not show the slightest hint of temptation, but directly hugged him Domino and Enoz's arms, turned around and left.

"I'll add money!"

Tony waved the checkbook in his hand. Now any force should unite. After all, there are said to be three hundred thousand Skrulls on the planet.

Even if this power is 'disgusting power', it is still useful.

However, money is not everything, at least not now. Deadpool is like a tiger that has just had its fill of food. Even if a rabbit runs across in front of him, he has no intention of chasing it.

He turned his head and made a heartfelt gesture to Tony in a smart way, and bid farewell to the rich man loudly in the alley:

"Thank you for naming me. Although I am not a lady from Huichun Store, I will definitely take your order next time. We have made enough today and are going to have a good time, hehe!"

Watching his footsteps clattering into the darkness, Tony took a deep breath: "Times have really changed. Today's mercenaries are of extremely poor quality and have no professionalism at all. What does it mean to earn enough? This Are you talking humanly? Isn’t the more money the better?”

"Mr. Stark, how much money do you have?" The poor little bug on the side crossed his arms and looked at Deadpool's disappearing back: "Is it like what Fortune magazine said, rich people are in the same breath? A lot of money has been credited to your account in a short time?"

Iron Man put away his checkbook and raised his mustache: "I don't know how much money I have. I am not interested in money. I never take money with me when I go out."

Coulson asked his agents to send the Skrull prisoners to another prison, the Obelisk, while he stayed with the cavalry. He shook his head and walked to Tony, still with a smile on his face: "It looks like You’re so rich that you overfeed the thugs.”

"...Thugs? Yes, you reminded me, I can still hire people. Peter, do you still have contact with your classmate who awakened with super powers? I heard that she dropped out of school."

"I told you not to call me by my real name..." Xiaochong covered his face, lowered his head and wordlessly took out his mobile phone from his pocket, betraying his classmate's real name: "You're talking about Jessica. Right? She has indeed dropped out of school and rented a house in Hell's Kitchen, saying she was going to open a detective agency."

"That's easy. Contact her and tell her that there are stupid people here and a lot of money. Come here quickly." Tony took out a cigar and started smoking happily: "Next, we just need to negotiate a deal with the X-Men and let her If the old bald man takes action, the Skrulls are actually easy to find."

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