The Death Knell

Chapter 2484 Occupy

A question mark seemed to appear on Carol's head. She didn't know why Deathstroke said that. He could clearly catch the enemy, but at the end he suddenly stopped and made a deal to let the person go.

She rubbed her face with her hands like a kitten, looking very tired. She followed the death knell and never guessed what he would do.

Through those movements and expressions, her thoughts were instantly seen through, but the mercenary just walked towards the fallen TV robot, shook his head and laughed at her:

"With mortal wisdom, you wouldn't think that the technological development of our world relies on people like Tony or Pym, right?"

"Isn't it? They are all world-renowned scientists."

The woman in red and blue uniform blinked.

The Guardians of the Galaxy had already left with the rescued hostages at the beginning of the battle, and only three people were left in the bloody laboratory.

"But Tony's Ark Reactor will not share data with anyone, and Pym's shrinking particles will not be used by others. Are their inventions really useful to human society?" Deathstroke patted the TV case and let out a metal void. Bang Bang: "And human beings have a characteristic. The most advanced science and technology are originally intended to kill the same kind. Only when these technologies become unable to keep up with the latest research, will the technology be transformed from military use to civilian use?" .”

Elsa had no objection to the behavior of the Supreme Mage. The monster hunter just folded his arms and took a nap next to a table not far away.

Captain Marvel sighed. She knew what Deathstroke said was right. When any new scientific research topic is proposed, people's first thought is whether it can be weaponized.

"So you think it's evil scientists like Zora who promote technological progress." She nodded with some understanding, propped up her chin with her fist, and walked around the room, observing the Skrull's cell culture equipment.

Deathstroke removed his mask, revealed his face and smiled: "I don't know if it has promoted the technological progress of society, but I am very sure that Zola has indeed made a lot of contributions to me. After the last time I went to negative space, I have always wanted a technological dimension of my own, and now I have it.”

"..." Carol was speechless. Is this all for yourself?

It seems that the car was purchased to pave the way for this matter, just to allow the Guardians of the Galaxy to take away the troublesome Captain America and others, lest any of them wake up and be entangled in this matter.

Everything makes sense, Deathstroke saves people just by the way, his goal has always been this space.

'However, he told me such a confidential matter and asked me to stay and watch. Does this mean that he trusts me? ’

Thinking about it this way, I feel a little shy.

Seeing Carol blushing inexplicably and turning her head away with a guilty look, Su Ming continued to speak his thoughts:

"So I let him go and kept him outside, using the resources of Hydra or aliens to let him develop. When the time comes, I go over to cut leeks, and I'm already looking forward to his next invention. "

"Now, human implants, hover cars, personal terminals, various high-tech entertainment projects, advanced neon lights, etc. have been tried out by this human city for a long time, indicating that these technologies may be accepted by the entire human race. , Therefore, it will not take long for my lieutenant to reverse engineer these technologies, replace the rune text encoding with common binary encoding, and then sell the improved products on the earth. This will promote the advancement of human science and technology."

“To judge whether a country is developed, we need to look at the proportion of illiterate population; to judge whether a civilization is developed, we need to look at the popularity of technology or magic, and whether knowledge is concentrated in the hands of a very small number of strong people, or whether everyone has the choice to evolve. Chance."

Speaking of which, Su Ming suddenly felt a bit like the Red Skull.

In the past days, Schmidt also gave Zola a bunch of research tasks, and then walked away regardless, and went to ask for the scientific research results a few days later, regardless of how hard and difficult Zola was.

Every time he snatches away the dwarf's achievements and scares him again, the poor doctor is like a perpetual motion machine, endlessly extracting scientific research value.

After Germany was defeated and the Allies implemented Project Paperclip to carve up the captured German scientists, the person who did so became the predecessor of S.H.I.E.L.D., and Zola has been living in fear.

He was assigned scientific research tasks one after another by the Americans, and then the results were taken away again and again. When he died, his entire net worth was only a few clothes and a few pairs of trousers, and a little honor to leave his name in a book.

He has no home, no relatives, no pets, no friends, and none of the private property that a normal person should have. He is essentially a scientific slave imprisoned at SHIELD headquarters.

It's a bit pitiful, but it has nothing to do with Deathstroke, anyway...

This time the wool-gathering team has been replaced!

Now the death knell has given him freedom and no restrictions on scientific research projects, which is so precious.

He also thought very liberally. It was just free-range anyway, and Zola couldn't escape from the 40K universe. When he came to see him again in a few years, he could just take whatever scientific research results he had.

Arnim Zola has never been a warrior. He does not have enough fighting skills, does not understand strategy and tactics, and does not have the mentality of a warrior.

When he saw the heavily armed Deathstroke appearing, even though he had put on an immortal mechanical body, his first reaction was to retreat and release his dogs, and the next step was to run along the network cable.

I have to say that agreeing to negotiate terms is undoubtedly a smart choice, but it just hurts face a bit.

"Then you let Star-Lord and the others take away several members of the Avengers, intending to pretend to be Zola and continue to operate this dimension?" Speaking of which, Carol liked it a little bit, at least playing in the sewer. Very happy.

"Zola also understands this, so he wisely left his home appliance body behind, didn't he?" Su Ming pulled the robot's arm, and the folded tubular limbs became soft: "He is being beaten by those here. The Aryans are mythical, and you can think of this machine as the authority of a king."

He silently ordered Strangler to invade the machine. Small black tentacles flowed along the edge of the TV and poured into it from the gap. The TV screen was lit up again, with black and white snowflakes.

"Adjutant, transfer a split program to take over this mobile terminal." Deathstroke asked the adjutant to take over. After all, she was the only professional counterpart.

"Please maintain your current position for fifteen seconds." A clear and sweet voice sounded from the other end, and a translucent progress bar appeared in front of Death Knell.

When the green light in the progress bar gradually filled up and the number changed to 100%, the robot supported by Deathstroke on the ground completed its restart and stood up. The appearance of the adjutant's doll appeared on the TV.

She was wearing a beautiful lace dress and holding a small parasol. Behind her was the fire pit in the Sepulke control room that radiated energy.

"The takeover has been completed, the self-destruction device has been released, the split program is online, and is being connected to the Rune heterogeneous network for information integration. Code conversion and adaptation are in progress. The estimated time is 77 hours."

Su Ming asked Strangler to withdraw his tentacles, stood up and stretched his neck:

"Do what you want. After it's over, the monopoly chaebol that controls this place will contact the Wilson Group and continue to issue orders as Zola. By the way, Zola doesn't know if she has watched too many Japanese robot anime. He actually calls himself Zora Z...Does Z mean the evolved type? Do you want to be called Adjutant Z?"

The doll still had the same expressionless look, and her eyes flashed: "I am an Autobot from Cybertron, and Adjutant is my name. No matter what kind of performance enhancement I get, I am still me. Also, behind the name Adding a separate letter just doesn't match our style, can you imagine what Optimus Prime Z looks like?"

"Tsk, that's right. We are indeed not passionate enough to support the Z affix."

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