The Death Knell

Chapter 2487 Release

The key to getting along between people is communication, and language is the bridge of communication.

When communication is in place, major issues can be reduced to minor issues; otherwise, differences will become larger and larger and various conflicts will arise.

But communication between people and pets is often not that easy.

Although Wade has always wanted to communicate with his symbiote, Venom has unilaterally cut off the communication channel. No matter how the host talks to it, all it wants is to escape and ignore it at all.

The host's mind is full of shit, what's there to talk about?

What transforms into new panties? Turn into tacos and everyone eats each other? And help scratch the tumor inside the rectum?

Is this what a normal host would ask of a symbiote? !

Venom's disobedience led Deadpool to want to sell it, because he felt that the symbiote was of no use. Its existence also prevented him from freely tearing off the dead skin on his butt, and he could not ventilate up and down when burping, which was very unpleasant.

But now, he has changed his mind.

Deadpool used his toes to nudge Fury's headless body in front of him, and he leaned against the wall of the alley nearby. The light of the streetlight in the distance made his red and black mask look uncertain.

After a long while, he sighed and said over his shoulder: "You go away, I don't like you. The life of African-American robots is also life. I am a man who wants to fight for the PG13 rating. I will never tolerate my own." The organism is a racist.”

Yes, he was ready to throw away the venom.

Although he is a mercenary and has never had a bottom line, for the sake of his lofty goals, he can no longer let Venom have anything to do with him.

Venom bites Fury now when he sees it. What if it eats Tony too?

You must know that my cousin seems to like Tony very much, because he calls all the barbers Tony. If his business behavior breaks his cousin's toys, then things will be in trouble.

Forget it, I won’t make this million dollars, let this symbiote go wherever it comes from.


What? Is this freedom? Originally trapped in this rotting cancerous body, it was like being possessed by a corpse and unable to leave. I also conceived many plans.

For example, how to abduct the host to step on dog poop, so that he can take a bath, so that you can escape by taking advantage of his bathing time to shed his skin...

Isn’t it useful now? So am I really leaving?

The venom tentatively flowed from Deadpool's body to the ground. The small tentacle touched the bricks in the alley, then retracted and turned to look at Wade.

It found that it could really leave. It seemed as if everything could be controlled by Deadpool, which was very strange.

But it didn't think much about it, just like a person locked in a lunatic asylum. When you see the door of the hospital open and no one is guarding it, why don't you take the opportunity to go out and see the colorful world?

So the venom instantly flowed out from under Wade's uniform, like sticky asphalt, flowing down the drain to the sewer, and then only the sound of "plop" falling into the water was heard in the darkness.

It must have jumped into the feces soup in the sewer.

"Everyone is a master and a servant after all. Run away quickly. Don't be discovered by the strangulation." Deadpool looked at the sewer entrance with a melancholy look. Although he had no night vision and could not see anything clearly, he could still raise his head. Looking up at the starry sky at forty-five degrees: "The further away you are, the better. It's best never to come back, you will die..."

"Okay, brothers, how did I act just now?" But he couldn't be more handsome for three seconds. After a brief silence, Deadpool laughed again and spoke to the air aside: "Did I act very affectionate? Yi Zhong? Everyone was moved? Give away gifts!"

While saying meaningless words, he bent down to pick up the corpse of the Fury robot next to him, put his arm on it like a wounded person, and walked towards the taxi on the roadside.

"Thank you, big brother, for the gift. My popularity has increased a lot. Speaking of which, Fury and I have known each other for a few years, and I have never found out that he is a robot."

He shrugged his shoulders and pushed the dead body onto his shoulders:

"But it doesn't matter. You are all asking me, is it a loss to lose so much money just by releasing Venom like this? In fact, you are still one-sided. Have you seen what I am carrying?"

"Yes, a Fury, with its head removed, can be eaten directly."

"He has been the director of SHIELD for a long time, right? He must have offended many people in the past, and there are many people who want to kill him, so I will just take this body and sell it to those who want Fury dead."

"I see that the hairless agent named Coulson is smiling all day long. In fact, he must be a smiling tiger. He may have long wanted to kill Fury and take over."

"Even if he is loyal, it doesn't matter. Doesn't he want to use S.H.I.E.L.D.'s public funds to buy back the body of his old leader for burial?"

"So, this wave is an open seller contract. If you are lucky, Tony will also participate in the bidding. After all, this African-American robot is also a robot. It looks very high-tech. Scientists like things they can't understand. Everyone on earth knows this stuff.”

"AC and Iron Man acted together before, so now they should probably be at the Stark Industries Building. I can continue to take a taxi there and sell the dead Fury to him or to Tony."

After a series of explanations to himself, he clicked his tongue and raised his eyebrows at the unknown camera. This wave, this wave will definitely make a profit.

Besides, releasing a pet is also politically correct. Regardless of whether the pet will have any impact on the local biosphere, as long as you dare to release it, people on social media will dare to like it.

If he sells the venom or finds a way to kill him, then there will definitely be some 'symbiote lover' who will come to trouble him.

Mercenaries should not get into endless trouble. This is also the industry standard.

"Duponde! Open the trunk!" While thinking about those things, Deadpool shouted to the driver.

"Mr. DP, I don't plan to run the crematorium route, and if I'm transporting corpses, my car is still new..." The Indian got out of the car, holding the key in his hand, and saw Deadpool carrying the car. The headless corpse was very hesitant for a moment.

It's very troublesome to transport the body by car. Just cleaning up the blood stains on the carpet or the smell of putrefied semi-fermented matter in the stomach will make you lose money tonight.

"It's not a corpse, look." Deadpool leaned the headless Fury against the back of the car, pulled away the collar, and let the driver see the metal break: "He's a robot, just treat it like a sex doll. Absolutely legal.”

Dupont took a breath, with a sunny smile on his face, and said in Curry English: "Ah, I understand, it turns out that robots are not human beings."

"I can't discuss philosophical issues with you while holding this heavy thing. Although all philosophical movies are gross movies in my opinion, I also like them very much. After all, I am a cultural person who can climax even after watching "Rashomon" .”

Deadpool twisted his waist. After throwing away the venom, he felt that his butt was breathable again. He could feel the gentle night breeze through his uniform, which was very comfortable:

"Hurry up and open the trunk. Help me with your hand and take off his gold watch and gold chain. Yes, there are also gold teeth."

"Are there any gold accessories?" The driver who opened the trunk and Deadpool threw the headless Fury in, and then began to search the body with four hands: "But I didn't find it, and his head was gone. Where are the gold teeth?”

"Hiss! That shouldn't be the case. He is a black man. He should have a large bundle of gold chains on his body, with engraved gold teeth, and his belt should never be raised around his waist..."

Deadpool was lost in thought.

The driver shook his head and closed the trunk lid: "There is no gold and no money. I wonder if I am too sensitive. Why do you think your words are a bit racist? Or do all New Yorkers talk like this?"

"What? Racial discrimination is a very serious accusation in the United States. There is no way I can be racist, not in this life, my skinny brown friend."

Deadpool smiled and hugged Dupond's shoulders, reached out and patted his chest, and walked towards the front of the car together:

"Let's drive. I'll teach you on the way how to clean the trunk after carrying a body or carrying out a kidnapping. My intuition tells me that you will definitely need it in the future."

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