The Death Knell

Chapter 2498 The Light of Humanity

"How much is this?"

Underground in Limbo, Deathstroke stretched out two fingers and shook them in front of Balder's eyes.

The warrior with only a blood hole in one eye socket and even the eyelids dug out was bandaging himself with a piece of dirty cloth. At the same time, he was looking at Hela with his remaining eye warily and had no intention of answering the death knell's question.

Although he only wore a piece of insect skin around his waist, his whole body was as dirty as a mud monkey, and he exuded a stench no less than that of Wade, but he pressed his back against the wall and tried his best to gain a more advantageous opponent. The posture means that at least his sanity has recovered.

The remaining eye still glanced at the gap between the three Deathstrokes from time to time, looking into the dark insect tunnel, as if planning to escape.

"The Supreme Mage is asking you a question, answer him, my stupid brother." Hela used the black stone spike in her hand to pull Badr's head: "Or do you want to die again?"

"Ha." Badr was unmoved and even laughed out loud: "Then just do it. My sister whose origin is unknown, you came to me specifically to kill me again, right?"

Deathstroke smiled and shook his head, and slowly squatted down, holding the God Killer in the shape of a scimitar in his hand: "Yes, Balder, the God of Light, you are really a clever little guy, we do have something to do with you. .”

"I refuse. How can the warriors of Asgard be used by the mortals of Midgard? What a joke!"

Badr refused very stubbornly and did not even listen to Su Ming's conditions.

Just speaking was not enough, he immediately turned his head and looked aside to enhance his "disdain" expression.

"Oh? I just like tough guys like you. If I don't beat you out of your tentacles today, it will be considered as if you haven't eaten bugs." Su Ming stood up, and while moving his wrists, he ordered: "Godkiller, sewer Dredge, young god, you will eventually understand that there are many times when life is scarier than death."

"Please calm down, Mage Supreme, and let me talk to my brother again."

At the critical moment when a conflict was about to break out, Hela stepped forward and started acting according to the established script.

The Supreme Mage looked 'very angry', but he was pulled by a woman who looked like a demon on the side. The demon spoke surprisingly softly and comforted him, saying: "Teacher, please calm down, you dug out one of his eyes. It’s normal for him to be a little emotional.”

"Let me go, I'm going to let him know why the anus is so red today!"

He shouted this, but the 'thin' mage was still dragged away by the 'powerful' demon girl. Inside this underground ear chamber dug by a giant insect, only two siblings, Hela and Badr, were left. .

The pale woman, the dark man, they looked at each other, silent, everything seemed to be still, motionless.

five minutes? ten minutes? I don’t know how long it took in the dark place. Badr sighed first, covered his eyes and asked:

"Did he use my eyes to regain his sanity? Maybe I should thank him."

"Yes, you have been eating the weird creatures here all the year round, causing your sanity to be drained away by the existence behind them. The long-tailed demon you saw before is the lord of hell here, and she restored your sanity through some rituals."

As soon as Hela raised her hand while speaking, black stones poured out of the ground. They were as soft and malleable as plasticine, and they quickly formed a throne for her to sit and rest.

"I thought you wanted to torture me, but since you had no such plan, why did you come to me again?"

Badr rubbed his head in pain. His blond hair, which was originally as bright as the sun, now looked like greasy felt in a butcher shop:

"It would be easier for me to continue to live in confusion than to see myself today."

"You are the God of Light in the Immortal Palace and will always be so." Hela crossed her legs and told the made-up reason in a lukewarm tone: "And Odin just died. Since you are alive, as a As the eldest son of God, you must go back and take over the throne."

"What? How could father die?" Balder showed a horrified look as expected, his back bent down, as if he had been hit hard in the stomach: "He is so powerful, who can kill him? You You’re lying to me!”

The goddess didn't speak, just looked at him coldly, letting him go crazy where he was, like looking at a clown.

A long time later, when she saw Badr giving up all hopes and squatting there and smashing the wall with his fists, she said: "He did not die in battle, but died like a coward in the eyes of his family, regardless of you." Believe it or not, but it’s true.”

The God of Light stood up, closed his remaining eye, and slowly shook his head:

"I believe you. No one will tell lies that can be exposed so easily. You are the king of the underworld and a warrior, so no matter how bizarre it sounds, it should be true."

"As smart as ever, Badr, I'm happy to see you recover as well." Hela said she was happy, but she didn't even smile: "Then what do you think of Odin's death?"

Badr looked at the top of the dark worm tunnel. It was as smooth as a mirror, and the strange grease and mucus made the rocks shine.

He thought for a moment, then raised his head and looked at the top of the dark tunnel. His voice was slightly trembling, like nostalgia and sadness:

"I have been away from Asgard for too long. I have spent hundreds of years in the underworld alone...I only remember that since my father sacrificed his eyes, he has used less and less violence. , however, since he chose an dishonorable way to die, it means that he may have a newer understanding."

"In this case, you think his death is not glorious, so it is even more important to inherit the position of God King. Now Gangnir is in the hands of Loki. Do you want Asgard to be controlled by a despicable villain? "

Hela showed her fox tail and spoke to persuade her younger brother.

However, Badr, who represented the light, immediately shook his head and completely disagreed with Hela's words:

"Loki and Thor are also our brothers. Maybe they don't know you, maybe they already know you, but there is no reason for you to describe your brothers like this. The sons of Odinson are not despicable people, only heroes."

"Even if Loki designed to kill you?" Hela finally showed a smile and turned her hands to look at her black nail polish: "It was he who gave the mistletoe to Hodel, who arranged the evil plan. Just to get rid of you, you know? After your death, Odin was angry with Hodr, so he ordered him to fight Surtur alone, and in the end he was burned until no trace of his soul was left."

This was a secret that the goddess had kept for hundreds of years. Balder was killed by a blow from the Evergreen Sword and died in a daze, and Hela never told this story to his soul.

At this time, it was all told. The version Deathstroke told Carol before, she recited it all to the brother in front of her.

Then she held up her white pointed chin to watch the excitement, wanting to see how Badr, who now knew the truth of the matter, would choose?

After hearing Hela's words, the expression on the newly minted one-eyed man's face was hard to describe.

First there was surprise, then anger, then confusion, and finally calmness.

This process lasted for about ten minutes. He walked around for a while, leaned against the wall for a while, and finally squatted back.

"...Father doesn't have to do this."

As he spoke, he shook his head slightly, as if he disapproved of Odin's actions:

"I forgive Loki. He is my brother after all. He was still young at that time. Maybe he just wanted to do a prank to prevent me from taking away his Thor and just went too far. As for my brother Hodel, poor Guy, he’s not actually wrong, he’s just trying to make friends.”

Hela: "..."

She was a little speechless. Could it be that her murderer could be forgiven? And what about this light of humanity? So dazzling!

Fortunately, everything was as expected by Deathstroke. He said that such bright-minded people are the easiest to deal with. The next line was...

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