The Death Knell

Chapter 250 Still coming?

My little cousin is hiding something, how can I get him to confess...

But Su Ming quickly gave up this idea.

It shouldn't be a bad thing if Gin didn't say anything, and neither did Wade or Inez, so just keep it as a surprise.

Wouldn’t it be boring to know what the Christmas gifts are in advance?

The Outlaw is also called the Outlaw. She is Deadpool's confidante, and can also be said to be his wife. Wade also bought her a big house and spent millions. The relationship between the two is unclear. But their relationship is anything but complicated.

She is a mutant and a person with strength abilities. She can knock away a rhinoceros with one punch, and she once beat up Spider-Man. Although she also carries two revolvers, they are just for show. She relies on her fists to make a living.

She is extremely powerful and very fast. She will break Wade's pelvis when she has sex, and the frequency of crushing is higher than Wade's self-healing speed.

Wade is in pain and happy every time...

As for Mandy, she was Deadpool's former manager, responsible for handling bank transactions and bill collection, but later she hung out with a few tech geeks from the Fantastic Four, discovered her scientific research talent, and later gave x The organization provides technological support.

As for "Weasel", he is the good friend who opens the bar in the Deadpool movie. He wears glasses, has long hair, and a beard. He is slovenly. He is of no use except to introduce tasks to Deadpool.

After saying hello to the people around him, Inez returned to Deadpool's lap, blowing in his ear constantly, playing with his bandages with her hands, and her big eyes kept telling Wade something clear.

d. What else is there to eat? I’m full of dog food.

"You took a big risk by traveling through time and space. If you have any questions, just say it. We still have tasks to do next."

Su Ming dropped the fish sticks in his hand and rubbed his temples.

Mandy walked to Weasel and left the couple showing affection: "We are here to take Wade back. Infinity War is going on, and there will be many things that need to use him in the future."

"Impossible, Wade accepted my mission and took my deposit. He can't go anywhere until the mission is completed." Su Ming took out a cigarette and lit it, then slowly leaned on the back of the chair. on, rejecting Mandy’s argument.

Not to mention that Wade can't leave, just a few other people have stayed behind and let them go back after Namor is put together. Anyway, the return from time travel will be at the time they left.

Mandy confirmed with Deadpool's eyes. Wade kept nodding while dealing with the brute force of the outlaw. This is the fact. Apart from the absence of color TVs and the Internet, this era is also pretty good. He hasn't played yet. Enough.

Mandy pinched the bridge of her nose and sighed: "Okay, we will fulfill the contract and leave after the contract is completed."

"Now that you are all here, you are considered a complete team. You can act independently. Wade also knows my purpose." Su Ming threw out a hand-drawn map. On it were all places where Namor fragments might exist. The nearest London has been marked with an x: "Let him take you to act alone. My request is that you need to obtain more than ten fragments as soon as possible and return them to the London Temple within two months."

Mandy took the map and checked it over: "You need to advance transportation expenses and arms expenses."

"No problem, Gin will pay."

A few minutes later a box of dollars was placed on the table, and now Mandy said there was no problem.

"Hehe... I'll leave first then." Wade grabbed a handful of money from the box, picked up the outlaw by the waist, and ran out the door. As for what they were going to do, Su Ming You can think of it with your toes.

"Hey!" The Outlaw smiled happily and let out a standard cowboy cry. She didn't shy away from it at all. She just wanted to ride this red and black unicorn.

Watching them walk out of the door, Su Ming sighed. In a few months, he would see a pile of broken Namor pieces in front of him. As for the action process, he didn't want to know.

When Deadpool goes on a mission with a woman, there will be more flirtatious talk, and Su Ming can't stand it anymore.

Before Deadpool joined the team, he could still be expected to provide some help, but in these seven days underground, it was not just Mr. Sinister who suffered, Su Ming himself was also tortured.

The sword is very sharp, but it is a double-edged sword that can hurt others as well as yourself.

"It's finally quiet..."

Holloway touched his mustache. He felt reborn and the air became fresh. Su Ming and Monaco also nodded in approval of his statement.

"Okay, although Wade talks a lot and is ugly and cheap, he is reliable most of the time. Agents from agency x help us take on some goals, so we will be more relaxed next time."

"Institution x...sounds like a place where mutants are studied."

The doctor picked up the sandwich and chewed it. He was a little confused. Although he could understand the appearance of people in the future, the situation of mutants in the future seemed not to be very good either.

Su Ming knew about Organization X, which could be regarded as a semi-governmental organization established in the United States, and was specifically designed to do dirty work for the higher ups. Although they sometimes work in conjunction with SHIELD, more often than not their missions are either assassinations or thefts.

But he doesn't care about that, as long as he has the strength and is on his side for now.

"Don't think about it. No matter how much you think about the future, you still don't know how the world will evolve. Let's do our best now." The mage agreed with Deathstroke. The world is indeed changing too fast. Maybe in a few years , ordinary people will have the ability to threaten magicians.

Even if the Ancient One Master possesses the Eye of Agamotto, she dare not say that she can foresee everything in the future. Past experiences have made Monaco understand that living in the present is the most important thing.

Su Ming raised his glass: "Come on, cheers..."

However, before Holloway and Monaco could raise their glasses, several more people suddenly appeared at the table. Both sides immediately became alert, pointing their weapons at each other.

"Stop, I'm one of our own." Su Ming covered his forehead and sighed: "Hello, Cable, Domino, and a few others..."

After seeing the environment clearly, Cable put down the gun as big as a grenade launcher: "Slade, is that you? I thought you were Wade's cousin, but in fact you are his grandfather, right? This is Year 942?”

Su Ming would never want a grandson like Wade, that would really shorten his life.

"It's true that this is London in 942, and it's true that I'm his cousin. Anyway, it's very difficult to explain. Tell me how you came here?"

Cable put his big gun on the table, pulled out the chair where Deadpool had been sitting just now, and sat down. The heavy weight made the chair make a strange noise.

"That idiot Wade said he was going to settle a score with Thanos, but I found out that there was something wrong with his broken belt. I finally found him at the right time, but Domino insisted on coming to him."

Su Ming moved his eyes to Domino. The Domino in this world is not the black girl in the movie, but a pale-skinned and good-looking woman. She has a black eye circle and short black hair with slightly slender edges. It looks very cute when tilted up.

The key is that she has a very exaggerated bust, making it difficult not to notice her.

"Well, you guys are very lucky. Wade just left. If you go out and look for it, you might be able to find it. No, if you have Domino's, you should definitely be able to find it."

Su Ming and Diansuo drank a glass of wine and told Wade's whereabouts.

Domino blushed and showed a happy expression. After saying hello to Su Ming, he hurriedly ran out the door: "Okay, let's go. I'm going to see what that annoying guy is up to."

The corner of Su Ming's mouth twitched. The relationship between Domino and Deadpool was... quite complicated, but in short, if she saw that Deadpool was messing with the outlaws, the two women would probably start a war.

With Domino's luck, it's almost certain that Deadpool will be found. I hope Wade is a fast man and it's over now...

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