The Death Knell

Chapter 2506 Climbing a Big Tree

Mysterio didn't come with Deathstroke because the half-year period was getting closer and he still had a lot of chores to deal with in Hell's Border.

The war in hell is still going on. Mephisto, who is currently the most powerful, is besieged by other hell lords, and his escaped son Blackheart plays an unknown role in it. Now hell is a mess.

In order to avenge their father, Satana and her brother Hellstorm also joined this protracted bloody battle with their own small piece of territory, so as an ally, Mysterio may be busy next.

Teleporting into a magical dimension through technological means does not mean that it is completely unworkable, but it is just that it is easier to make mistakes.

For example, a person is stuck in a wall, or some body parts are missing during the teleportation process.

But for Deathstroke, these are not problems.

After being teleported and thrown into the underworld of Helm, he stabilized his body in mid-air with the help of his cloak. He did not fall to the ground or crash into anything. The dark green gloomy sky was flashing with thunder as always, like a welcome. His applause.

"I hope that the recovery of Z space this time will allow the adjutant and others to make progress in space technology, and at least reduce the roar of sonic transmission a little."

The death knell floating in the air seemed to be talking to himself while identifying the direction.


Although it is no longer afraid of strong sound waves, the sound of the sound still makes the symbiote unhappy. It has been suffering from Pulk's technological transmission for a long time.

"Hela's Hades is in the east, and the souls falling from the sky have stopped. We should go north." Deathstroke touched the black bean sprouts on his shoulders, and then followed the rules of up, north, down, south, left, west, right and east in one direction. fly.


Strangulation means that it doesn't even know what direction to take here. Isn't the underworld a simple hell?

"Functionally speaking, it's almost like hell." Su Ming communicated through thoughts and strangulation while flying, and the red eyepiece left a stream of light in the dark green sky: "But if you really want to dig into the details, this is more like a joint-stock system. company of."


Strangler saw the information. The underworld of Heim was generated by the World Tree, so it was the World Tree that created this dimension. It was originally a place where 'fallen leaves' were placed to 'fertilize' the souls of the dead.

But the souls in the universe eventually flow to the garden of death, where they enter reincarnation. The small cycle created by the World Tree cannot ignore the influence of the goddess, so there is still a 'share' of death in the underworld of Heim.

Later, Odin unified the ten realms and unilaterally declared the Asir's sovereignty over the ten realms, and approached Death to negotiate terms. I don't know what they negotiated, but I only know that the final result was that he established the Heroic Spirit in Asgard. The palace, that 'Heaven of Warriors' can intercept a large part of the heroic spirits and will not return them until Ragnarok.

And Hela was finally created by the story, entered the underworld of Heim, and began to gather a large number of souls who died less gloriously, turning into another army that was not controlled by the former parties, and became the de facto ruler of the underworld.

When Ragnarok falls, everyone in the Immortal Palace will die, and their souls will fall into the underworld, burning along with the World Tree and turning into fertilizer for the next reincarnation.

"Don't read it wrong. The story of the Nine Realms in the Marvel Universe is quite different from the Nordic mythology in my mind." Su Ming reminded Strangler not to mix all the information together and read it randomly: "Don't do it then. Eat randomly.”


Strangler said it knew, and it had understood Baldr's plan.

World Tree is one of the ancient gods of the earth, and is of the same generation as Ao Shutu, if they can be counted as humans.

As a plant god, it also has its own roots and legs. Its original shape is an ash tree, which is a common street tree in the north of China. It is famous for its strong branches and dense leaves.

Today it has three main roots, each located in different countries.

The first tree root can be found below Asgard, passing through layers of clouds and reaching the conceptual bottom of the realm space.

Su Ming has also been there. Next to the root of the tree is the Well of Urd. According to legend, its spring water can emit a pleasant light, illuminating the Kingdom of God and the entire Universe Tree.

Anyway, he didn't feel it. What he saw last time was a puddle with a lot of wool soaked in it.

The three goddesses of destiny are also the guardians of the roots of the cosmic tree. In addition to weaving destiny and making predictions every day, they are also responsible for watering the tree, repairing the bark, and doing other chores.

The second root is in Jotunheim, the home of the Frost Giants. The exact location is unclear.

After all, Deathstroke has never read a comic with a frost giant as the protagonist, not to mention that the place is frozen all year round, and the ground is frozen harder than stone. Who knows where the tree roots are frozen in the ice.

Just know that the roots are there.

The third tree root is located in Nidaville, deep in the country of the dwarves. The root system breaks through the space and falls from the sky. It is connected to a high mountain covered with ice and snow. There is a large cave under the tree root.

A black dragon named Nidhogg was trapped in the cave and chewed the tree roots like chewing gum when he had nothing to do. According to the prophecy, when it bites off the roots of the tree, that day will be the day when Twilight of the Gods falls.

Now Badr's plan is to enter the country of the dwarves through the underworld, and then climb up from the root of the tree in the opposite direction until he climbs into Asgard.

It sounds like this behavior is like a legendary epic of mythical heroes. I really have to admire the idea of ​​these gods. Just to return to Asgard, the process is the same as the Twelve Trials...

Why choose Dwarf Kingdom? Mainly because the dwarves like to dig holes and mine everywhere. They have many tunnels that lead to the underworld. They don’t know how they can travel through space. Anyway, it’s quite magical, like the secret passages that only Loki knew about. Similarly, you can travel to and from different countries covertly.

Su Ming, who was flying in the sky, soon saw the figures of Hela and Badr, and then he wrapped himself in the cloak again and followed them silently.

"It turns out that there is a tunnel leading to my underworld in the dwarf country. I finally know how you escaped." Hela used the black stone to support the two of them to move quickly on the ground, like a moving giant python. At this time, she was using Looking at Badr with a playful expression, he raised an eyebrow and asked: "But where exactly is the opposite side? I have to consider whether to block it."

"I also discovered it by accident. For details, you have to ask the dwarf master who opened this hole thousands of years ago."

Badr came to a black hill, and the hole on the mountainside was also black. It looked like a black hole in the universe, not like a mining tunnel:

"Opposite it is the sea of ​​Nidaville, so you don't have to worry about anyone accidentally entering your country. Don't block it for now. My sister, maybe I can use it later."

The goddess smiled slightly and made a sign to see off the guests:

"Let's say goodbye here. I won't go to the country of dwarves. You have to walk the rest of the way by yourself."

"Then goodbye, dear sister, I will find out what happened in Asgard, then solve Loki's problem, and then pick you up and enter the golden palace together."

Baldr hugged Hela affectionately, then turned around and jumped into the cave entrance. The darkness instantly swallowed him up, without even a trace of light coming out.

"Tsk, how should I put it? Although he is very smart, he is also smart and reckless. These two contradictory characteristics are combined in one person. Does your brother have symptoms of split personality?"

Su Ming broke away from his invisibility and appeared next to Hela. He looked at the magical cave entrance and asked with interest.

"Several of my brothers are sick, and I have known this for a long time." Hela patted the wrinkles on her clothes caused by the hug, and turned her pale face to Deathstroke: "When will we follow? At least make sure that Badr is there. Don’t die on the road before entering Asgard.”

To this question, Deathstroke just nodded calmly:

"You can do it at any time. He can't see our two mages with his naked eyes. I dug out one of his eyes just to cause him to lose part of his sense of space. After all, he is not me and lacks the perception of reorganizing space in his mind. But I’m curious, Baldr said that the opposite side is the ocean, so in addition to turning your cloak into a battle armor and an evening dress, can it also turn into a swimsuit?”

"You are not a mage at all, and a mage wouldn't ask such boring questions." Hela raised her hand and tapped her chest with her finger, and a hollow sphere made of green fire enveloped her: "A real spellcaster has absolutely no Swimming is necessary.”

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