The Death Knell

Chapter 2521 Earth Movement

"I actually let him run away! блядь!"

Black Widow put away her pistol angrily, looked gloomily at the fire disappearing into the night, and burst out with a classic national curse.

At this time, Pierce's office seemed to have experienced a typhoon, with broken pieces of furniture everywhere.

"Watch your language! Then come here and help me." Steve, who had fallen in a pile of debris, struggled to sit up and asked Natasha for help: "None of us expected that Crossbones came up wearing a flying squirrel suit. Yeah, I didn’t expect him to be so sharp. It’s my fault that I didn’t defeat him completely even though I used the shield.”

Natasha rubbed her hair, sighed, walked to the captain and stretched out her hand:

"Your weapon is too big. Although the sound-absorbing steel will not make any sound when wielded, the air flow can be felt by an expert. However, this is not just your problem. We don't know when he performed physical Transformation, how is your injury?"

The battle between the two sides actually didn't involve many moves. Crossbones was attacked as soon as he entered the door. Steve originally planned to close the door and beat the dog, but after a fierce struggle, he did not gain the upper hand.

That guy didn't know what kind of medicine he had taken. Even in the dark, Captain America suspected that the person he was fighting was the Red Skull. His physical fitness and ability to withstand blows were even stronger than the Red Skull's, which was simply incomprehensible.

In the darkness, he used the edge of his shield to open Crossbones' chest. However, as if nothing happened, the other party took a dagger with his backhand and severed Steve's leg artery, and took the opportunity to jump out through the hole that the Black Widow had dug in the glass.

Natasha chased after the black shadow and fired at it. It felt like she hit the target, but the opponent didn't even stagger, and sprayed fire from the boots on the soles of her feet. She just opened her arms and flew farther and farther like a bird.

"It's nothing. The ruptured artery is just a minor injury." Looking at the thigh with blood spurting out like a faucet, Steve smiled: "Press the wound firmly, and it will heal on its own in about half an hour. We have to stay in Lang now." Muro can carry out our plan before he can pass on the message to his SHIELD associates."

"You have to put on a human skin mask to play Pierce, so even if you have to go into shock, you have to endure it until after the speech." Natasha carried the captain and sat on Pierce's chair, kicked the body on it aside: "Now I'll turn on the light, and you take off his suit, and if possible, peel off his scalp and put it on, the wig is not as textured as real hair."

Steve, who was pressing his thigh with one hand and struggling to undress Pierce with the other hand, paused: "Forget about the scalp, not every American has that hobby. At least two hundred years ago, my ancestors were still digging peat in Ireland. "

Black Widow turned on the light and walked back. Captain America can be said to be the most standard American. He has to comment on everything. When he is unhappy, he even criticizes himself.

She stepped aside to adjust the broadcast equipment, which required bypassing some gateways and hacking into Fury's office.

But this method does not need to be known by the captain.

Deliberately speaking to distract Steve, she typed quickly on the computer while speaking lightly: "That's your loss. Not wearing a human skin hat only means that your life is incomplete."

As expected, the captain immediately shook his head and refused after hearing this: "No normal person would have such an experience, right?!"

"Da da da..."

However, Natasha didn't speak, only the sound of typing on the keyboard came quickly.

"...You've worn it, I understand." The captain sighed silently, and put Pierce's shirt and suit jacket on his body with his hands that were not stained with blood: "Those perverts in the red house taught you What the hell?”

"Far beyond your imagination, Steve. If you had been to the training base of the Red House, you would know that Hydra's concentration camp is as beautiful as a kindergarten." Natasha straightened up, put aside her computer and walked over to help the captain. Tie: "Are you ready? The equipment has been adjusted. You'd better not have any problems, such as suddenly passing out in the middle of the lecture."

"I'm not a kid like Tony. I've performed countless disguise missions, and there won't be any problems. I know my body well."

As he spoke, Steve moved his neck and asked Natasha to use a special potion to clean the blood splattered on the collar.

This is something called a 'high-efficiency protease'. Although I don't understand why applying a little bit of it can eliminate blood stains, the high-tech looks very powerful.

"How can there be a child with a wretched moustache?" Natasha, who was helping the captain put on makeup, rolled her eyes and made two gestures on her lips with her finger, then continued: "He looks young just because he is short. That’s all. By the way, have you ever thought about growing a beard like that of an Anglo pirate?”

"They say my ancestors are Irish and have nothing to do with bounty hunters in the Old West or Pirates of the Caribbean... Even if I jumped out of that hole and fell to my death from upstairs, I wouldn't be able to survive." Bearded one.”

The captain spoke eloquently, pressing the touch point on his neck with a firm look on his face, and Pierce's face appeared as the light and shadow changed.


"It should be over, right?" Little Spider walked out of the TV station carrying the headless machine Fury, passed by the oncoming ambulance, and said to himself: "There hasn't been another LMD for a long time, wait. Leave this to Agent Coulson and I can finally go home. Alas, I have to go to school tomorrow morning, so I’m afraid I’ll have to catch up on some sleep in the classroom.”

"If I eat all your teachers, you can rest for a while, do you want to go now?" Venom came up with a good idea and tried to add some midnight snacks tonight.

"No! What you need is a healthy diet, such as hamburgers or hot dogs. Anyway, eating people is absolutely wrong. Think about it, people have their own families. If you eat a father or a mother, their children should How sad! Even if it's not a father or a mother, it's not okay for a bachelor, because they must have a mother..."

Peter immediately became serious and kept preaching to the symbiote, while poor Venom seemed to be surrounded by a lot of flies, and his thinking was in confusion.

All kinds of thoughts of truth, goodness and beauty flooded into its mind, even changing its cognition, so that it no longer even had the thought of talking back.

He just dragged one of Robot Fury's legs down the street, and no one would care about it in New York at night, because the Venom suit was all black at this time, and Headless Nick was also all black. They were effectively invisible. .

The moonlight was not very commanding, and the wild cats were rummaging through the trash cans, and their rustling sounds sounded very strange in the middle of the night.

At this moment, the danger alarm came from the spider sense, and Peter suddenly turned his head and looked at the alley aside: "Who is there? Don't scare people, come out!"

A dark figure walked out of the darkness. He was tall and strong, also wearing a black tight-fitting uniform and a heavy and thick cloak.

There is a pair of pointed ears standing up on the side of the opponent's head, which look like two small horns. The chin exposed outside the half-face helmet looks a bit like a butt.

His voice was low and hoarse, like a devil's whisper: "Put down your hostility, young man, you know Deathstroke."

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