The Death Knell

Chapter 2526 Black and Black

Fortunately, this is a supermarket. Fury generously gave Peter a T-shirt and a pair of jeans, but after all, it was just a small store and didn't sell shoes, so he had to make do with pink plush slippers first.

Peter has given up struggling. It seems that everyone present already knows his identity, so he won't cover his face for now.

He focused on the magical belt and blinked curiously, as if seeing a new toy: "Batman, what was your prop just now? Why can't the symbiote move when the button is pressed?" "

"This is 'Canary Cry'." Batman just said the item code name without giving a specific explanation: "Now Peter, I need to talk to Fury, you take care of his prisoner."

"Dark, too dark." Peter glanced at Valentina, who was holding various strange products next to him, and shook his head heavily: "Obviously she is the director's wife, but you want to describe her as a prisoner of love, sir. The world is so terrible, is marriage so painful?"

However, a certain divorced person didn't even bother to answer. He and Fury walked to a corner of the supermarket and talked in a low voice facing the mountain of baby diapers.

"Batman huh?" Hei Lu Dan was the first to speak. He still had the same dead face as if someone owed him money, and looked at the black riot armor: "Are you a scientist?"

This dark, heavy power armor reminded him of Tony Stark's Mark suit, but he didn't see anything like the Ark reactor, so he didn't know what it was powered by.

"I'm a detective." Batman whispered quietly, and the voice changer made his voice sound like a ghost: "Are you familiar with Deathstroke?"

"I've known him for almost seventy years. He beat me until I was unconscious when we first met. What's your answer?" Fury took a deep breath and looked up at the lamps on the ceiling. I don't know why, but he always felt like he couldn't raise his head. If so, tears will fall out.

"It's his style. He likes to make acquaintances comatose." Batman declined to comment.

In just a few words, he has obtained important information. It seems that the speed of time between the two worlds has been different. Half a year has passed on Earth 0, while seventy years have passed here. This is the seemingly rapid growth of Deathstroke's strength in another world. secret.

In seventy years, with Deathstroke's mind, I am afraid that the entire earth has fallen into his control.

But something unexpected is that Batman thought that a control freak like Deathstroke would become an autocratic tyrant like an emperor or a head of state, but he didn't.

Is it because there are unknown threats in this universe that I hide behind the scenes? Also, what exactly was he planning to do when he lured him here?


It all started with that batarang.

When Deathstroke separated last time, he deliberately angered himself from a distance just to get a batarang. Batman saw it at that time and the other party asked whether Catwoman's body could be taken out to play with. This was an unreasonable move. .

Death Knell from another world is different from the old Death Knell from Earth 0. He is very good at talking and won't say anything that shouldn't be said. Once he does something, there must be a purpose.

So Batman used his trick and threw a special batarang made of N metal by the Laughing Bat. Deathstroke raised his hand to catch it and walked away with satisfaction, never mentioning Catwoman again, which proved Batman's suspicion.

Communication between smart people often involves little language.

Things developed just as Batman thought. Deathstroke deliberately took this 'tracker' around, as if to test whether bats had the ability to track N-metal resonance, and then he asked Harley to drive away from the earth. 0 go and join him.

This points out all means of transportation.

He hinted to Batman that the crazy woman could travel freely to where she wanted to go, and that the car could seat people.

When Harley had enough fun in Contracia and returned to Earth-0 New York, Batman was already waiting for her in the dark living room of her home.

It is extremely difficult for others to ask Harley to do something, but Batman does not have this problem. Everyone is an old acquaintance in Gotham.

After being extorted for five hundred dollars for the ticket, she asked to fly the Batplane, saying she had never flown an airplane before and wanted to try it out.

No problem, Batman throws out the Bat-Key.

In short, I couldn't see her doing any special operations. She just sat in the driver's seat, humming a song, and kept flying forward. The world suddenly changed before she even left the earth's atmosphere.

Over the originally empty Pacific and South China Sea, a huge floating ring base suddenly appeared. That is the new location of the Batarang. According to the resonance between the 'Door' Batman and N Metal, to put it simply, follow Heart goes.

Harley didn't even use any technology to send Batman where he wanted to go.

Leaving Batman behind to communicate with Zheng Xian, who heard the news, Harley took off the aircraft, saying that she was going back to Gotham to show off to her old friends, and then she flew like that and suddenly disappeared in the air.

Even Batman can't understand the principle, so he can only estimate that it is a high-dimensional force.

It was also this time that he understood why Deathstroke valued Harley so much. Even if he ignored Diana's jealousy, he would still live in Harley's building and always take her with him when he acted.

Because she is also a road, one of the links between the worlds.

Afterwards, Batman was only happy. Fortunately, he didn't notice it and the Laughing Bat didn't notice it either. Otherwise, the last battle wouldn't have been possible.

Deathstroke seems to be very dignified on this earth. He suddenly appeared at the Tianhuan base, and the squinty-eyed middle-aged man came out to the line with a number 70 or 80 wearing various tights. It seemed that he planned to capture the intruder alive. of.

But when he said he was an acquaintance of Deathstroke, the other person's attitude suddenly changed. Not only did he dismiss his men, he also politely took Bruce to the office to drink tea and chat.

There, Batman learned most about the Earth, as well as Deathstroke's business and the origin of the title of Sorcerer Supreme.

For a moment, he actually felt like he had exchanged identities.

On Earth 0, I am a billionaire, with a big family and business, and industries all over the world, but the death knell is an outsider and has nothing at the beginning.

On Earth 40K, the death knell is a billionaire with a big family and business spread across several major galaxies, but he is an outsider. Even the aircraft was taken away by Harley. Even after preparations, he only has tens of thousands left. The U.S. dollar equivalent.

But now that I'm here, I naturally need to collect some information, and it's best to see with my own eyes where Deathstroke lives. By observing his world, maybe you can see what is going on in that guy's mind?

Karma Taj can't go. Batman has always stayed away from magic, because magic has no logic at all and is the most restrained detective's thinking. Except for animal detective Bobo and hell detective Zha Kang, ordinary people like him can't do it at all.

So he asked Zheng Xian to send someone to take him to New York.

Although the United States is S.H.I.E.L.D.'s territory, and Spear usually only cares about matters at its own doorstep, sending someone over is not a diplomatic problem. It depends on who among the "immortals" has nothing to do, so just send him over in the clouds.

Arriving in New York, Batman saw a bald black man on the TV in a roadside store window. Then a bald white man cut off the broadcast and announced something about the founding of a mutant nation. He also had a tough attitude towards confronting the United States.

Batman narrowed his eyes, traced back the original signal point through the suit, locked on the Wilson TV station, and then waited outside the door.

He knew about superheroes, and someone would definitely be involved in such a big event. In other words, someone who stopped the black man's plan must be on the TV station.

Within a few minutes, he saw the little insect coming out carrying the headless body, so he started to follow it.

This is what happened before Batman found Peter.

Generally speaking, it can even be said that Deathstroke invited him here, which can be regarded as a prediction of his prediction... But what is the purpose? What is that man's plan?

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