The Death Knell

Chapter 2530 Asking for help outside the venue

The architectural form of the longhouse is common in many countries. For example, some public bathhouses in Japan have a similar structure. Generally speaking, it is like a long bread, which can be divided into sections of rooms for different purposes.

Generally speaking, the living room is right at the entrance, which is usually used to entertain guests and light a fire for cooking.

At the back is the family's bedroom, and beyond that is the storage room, where some goods or weapons can be placed.

"Is Batman here?"

Deathstroke walked toward the back of the longhouse while talking to Sepulke. There was always a smell of herbs in the room.

"As you would expect, he has arrived in the United States and is currently in contact with Spider-Man."

The adjutant answered the question and played a short clip of satellite footage.

Inside, Batman called himself the Laughing Bat, and almost made Su Ming laugh.

"It looks like Dr. Quinzel's medicine is working well. He can even tell jokes with a straight face again. I wonder if the clown is still in his heart?" He opened the fur curtain on the door frame and glanced into the bedroom. .

Sure enough, there was a skinny old man lying on the bed in the bedroom, seemingly unconscious. His family had all gone out to face Ragnarok, but there was no way to take him to the battlefield.

There is no way to do things like going to the battlefield. Whoever's honor belongs to whom. You can't push a patient's wheelchair to the battlefield and then give him a head. That doesn't count.

"In fact, Batman was using an antidote developed by Luthor."

The lieutenant showed another video. As expected, Batman took advantage of the night to make a deal with the bald man behind Superman's back.

"Tsk, he was really crazy at that time. If Luther handed me a drink, I wouldn't dare drink it." Deathstroke walked to the bed, sat down on the bed as if he was cooking, and folded himself up like a kang. Broken leg: "Drink a swarm of nano bugs because of trouble, and then Luther will call me sister-in-law in his stomach and ask me to borrow some of his treasures."

"...The new joke has been recorded." The adjutant responded expressionlessly.

"Well, speaking of which, Bruce still told Fury my identity. I thought he would use this bargaining chip to exchange more valuable information with Lu Dan."

Su Ming touched his chin, picked up the weapon leaning against the bed and looked through it. The battle ax was made with good craftsmanship, and there were classic rune carvings on the back:

"Sure enough, he is still someone who has a lot of money and doesn't like to care about things. Lu Dan also noticed this before asking, right? The question is still stuck at the psychological point where Bruce is eager to leave."

The adjutant doll tilted its head: "But Fury knows your true identity, doesn't it matter?"

"Of course it doesn't matter. Apart from solving his own doubts, this information has no other value."

Su Ming took off his mask, put down his battle ax, and let the projection of visual communication emerge from his knees. He took out a cigarette and lit it, took a deep breath, opened the bottle of wine he brought, and took a big gulp:

"Because he has no evidence. He just heard a masked man named 'Batman' say that 'my' body is still in the cemetery. With the household registration system in the United States? There is no way Lu Dan can prove to Steve that 'I' 'It's not me, and there's no way I can prove that Mr. Wilson is Deathstroke."

A string of data flowed through the adjutant's eyes. She seemed to understand another form of human suspiciousness and nodded seriously.

"Then do you need me to help you transfer Starhawk's communications now?"

"There's no rush. I'll wait until the heroic spirits are almost dead. I'll finish smoking this cigarette. Well, there's still a little situation here." Deathstroke shook his head. He turned to look at the bedside. At this time, the old man had already opened his eyes. Eyes met with his: "Hey, old man, have you eaten?"

The answer is of course that he didn't eat it, because logically speaking, the meat cooking in the pot in the living room outside should have been left to him by his family.

If there is hot food left in the room, it means that there is someone in the family who cooks the meat so badly and adds a lot of seasonings, which means that he is an old man with a degraded sense of taste and a weak body.

That's why Deathstroke came to the bedroom to check on the situation.

Speaking of which, the common greeting hello in English is actually a borrowed word. It was brought by the descendants of the Viking pirates when the Normans invaded England in 1066. Before that, the British preferred to use good morning, good noon, and evening. It's better to use such words to greet someone, otherwise just start the conversation with how the weather is.

In Asgard, which is closely related to Northern Europe on Earth, it’s no problem if you say hello or hi in English, people will understand you.

Well, this is also useless information floating in my mind.

The old man struggled to move on the bed. His dim eyes probably couldn't see clearly the appearance of the death knell. This was most likely a flashback. A skeleton-like body sat up from the bed. It didn't look normal.

"Are you an intruder? An enemy of Asgard? Answer me quickly."

He spoke so fluently, it seemed like he wouldn't live long, and Deathstroke instantly understood what he was thinking.

"Not really, it depends on how you understand this problem." Su Ming smiled and picked up the battle ax beside the bed, handed it to the old man who sat up, and blew out the smoke: "The city is being attacked outside. Well, you can still catch up if you go now, so if you want me to kill you, just don't do it, your meat is too old, and my pet is afraid of stuffing his teeth."

The old man hesitated for a moment and gave up his plan to die in the hands of a strange stranger. Although he didn't know why, since he was awake and able to move, of course he had to go out and participate in this glorious battle.

He picked up the axe, put on the fur cup as clothes, fished out the meat from the pot in the living room, took a bite, and then ran away without even closing the door.

Su Ming shook his head. Even now, he still thinks about glory. It shows how successful Odin's brainwashing is. Everyone wants to enter Valhalla and enjoy the blessings. It's almost like poison.

"Okay, now that I've finished handling my matters, help me contact Star Eagle."

Deathstroke put out the cigarette butt and asked the adjutant to start planning. In just a few seconds, the face of the special police judge appeared in the visual communication.

"Supreme Mage?" The tough guy sat on the captain's seat. The bridge of his spaceship was obviously more than one level larger than Star-Lord's spaceship: "It hasn't been long since the last call ended. It really wasn't us, the Predators, who transported Sk. The Earth where the Lu people went.”

"That matter has come to an end. Star Eagle, can you or your sister still communicate with the Eagle God? I want to negotiate a deal with him." Su Ming raised his neck and took a sip of wine, nodding towards 'Rambo' , not even greetings.

Starhawk is a very direct and upright person. He doesn't like to talk in circles. Compared to other predators, he is more like a soldier or a policeman.

"Contacting the Eagle God is a very serious matter." Star Eagle tapped the armrest of his chair with his fingers, as if weighing something: "Can you tell me what it is?"

"Of course, I need the Eagle God to help me catch a snake. I don't need to kill it. I can just throw it into any corner of the universe." Su Ming stated the need simply. After all, the eagle is the recognized natural enemy of snakes in nature. : "In you and your sister miss Arcturus' past?"

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