The Death Knell

Chapter 2552 Reveal and Advent

"So in the end, you still didn't say their names."

Wade pulled out his carbon-sodium steel double sword from his trouser pocket, and faced his cousin back to back against the black shadow falling in the sky. He also took off his mask, hoping that his handsome face could gain some advantage in close combat.

"I thought your mind was also suspended." Su Ming was not nervous. He pulled out his giant sword from the ground with confidence.

"I think, therefore I am. Maybe it's because I watch philosophical movies as pornographic movies, so the live broadcast room in my mind is not shut down, and the amusement park is also running normally." Deadpool showed a smile on his rotten face and looked to the side. He spit out bloody phlegm: "Although I don't know what your plan is, you seem to be very sure that their identity is the key to killing them?"

The strangulation transmitted the slippery feeling on the back to the host's nerves. Perhaps the pustule on Wade's back exploded again, which also made Deathstroke's back sticky.

But there is still business now, and we will settle accounts with him after the gods in the shadows are dealt with.

"I usually tell you to read more books and expand your knowledge. If you really follow it, you should understand it by now."

The world was not dark, but the gods seemed to have their own shadow effects. What looked like black three-dimensional shadows rushing towards the two of them, or in other words, 'little blacks'.

The wind was filled with the smell of fireworks, which was the dust of the World Tree. It was no different from ordinary damp firewood, and it smelled equally choking.

"I read it. I subscribed to "Playboy" and "Penthouse" magazines for the whole year. I often read them with Vanessa. You can't say that I don't like to study." The gods seemed to be very close, but they were still there after half a day. Before he landed, Wade took the opportunity to insert his two knives into the ground, took out a half-eaten burrito and took a bite: "If you want to say anything else, you'd better hurry up."

"Then listen carefully."

Seeing the enemy getting closer and closer, and the weapons made of black shadows even reaching his eyes, my cousin spoke.


The most important puzzle piece, and the clue that allowed Deathstroke to pinpoint the identities of these people, was actually the domed palace that still stands in the Golden Palace today.

After successive explosions, impacts, and earthquakes, it remained unscathed as if by divine help. The 'Golden Tower', or 'Sun Wheel Palace', which used to be one of Odin's palaces, actually occupies another place in the prophecy. important position.

According to the prophecy of Ragnarok, the fall of Immortal Palace is not the end. After that, there will be stories of rebirth in the future.

The so-called Brave New World is described in the prophecy of the "Epic Edda" like this. In order for my uneducated cousin to understand it, I will first translate it into popular terms:

‘The fire that ignited the World Tree in Surtur burned in the kingdom for a long time, burning almost everything to ashes. Finally, the fire dimmed. The abnormal warming of the climate caused the ice and snow in the eternal night to melt and turn into the sea. The sea water extinguished the last bit of fire, and Asgard fell into the earth. ’

'One day, a huge island floated up from the depths of the sea. It was the remains of a former kingdom, a vibrant land. The plants on it blew with the spring breeze, and the ashes of the warriors allowed the plants to grow without fertilizing. ’

‘The god Vader, who killed the giant wolf Fenrir in revenge for his father, and Wall-E, who killed the God of Darkness, were not burned to death by the fire. They are still alive and well. Thor's sons Morty and Manny were also there, Morty holding his father's Mjolnir. They found the intact Gimli Palace among the ruins of Asgard, and moved in, formed a new race of gods, and multiplied.'

‘Sor, who drove the sun, was devoured by evil wolves. Her daughter inherited her mother’s position and name and continued to drive the sun in the sky. Light returned to the earth, and a new world flourished. ’

‘When the light comes, the cosmic tree Yuktra Hill absorbs water from the earth. This old tree sprouts new buds and grows new branches and green leaves. ’

“Two people walked out of the tree hole. They hid among the roots of the cosmic tree during the fire at the end of the world and survived by sucking nectar. When the light came, they stretched and stepped out for a breath of fresh air. They rolled and played on the grass, climbed trees to pick wild fruits, and jumped into the river to bathe when they were happy to celebrate the coming of this new world. ’

‘These two people were a man and a woman. The man was called Lifu (life) and the woman was called Lifu Shirahil (heir of life). They became the ancestors of mankind in the new world. ’

'The gods were walking on the green grass, and they felt sad whenever they thought of the past. Although Odin was no longer here, the runes remained forever, Asgard ascended to the sky again, and the gods lived a carefree life in the Gimli Palace from now on. Days of consideration. ’

The prophecy was changed a lot by the death knell, such as Hela's stupid dog not dying, etc., but even with his participation, one thing has not changed in the butterfly effect, and that is that the Golden Palace is indeed intact... .

Who secretly protected that palace? To whom does that palace mean something? The answer is self-explanatory.


Mortals and gods fought, and with each name of a future god uttered by Deathstroke, one of the shadows was given color.

Their armor had a metallic sheen, the cloaks behind them became brighter, and the dark veils were pulled away from their faces, revealing appearances that were no different from ordinary people.

If before they were just shadows that could speak, now they are living gods.

But they are obviously not happy, because as long as it is alive, Deathstroke has a way to kill it.

"So not only are they not seniors, but they are people from the future." Deadpool waved his double swords and fought against Thor's son Manny in a certain timeline, or was unilaterally blasted: "Twilight of the Gods, this is not only Are you burning the boiler for the Immortal Palace system or adapting to the decline of the World Tree?"

Su Ming asked Strangler to help Deadpool stabilize his position. The big sword in his hand flew up and down while fighting all the remaining gods:

"That's just part of their goal. Ragnarok has been carried out six times before, but the story has been restarted after each reincarnation in the past. Thor and the others were resurrected by Loki's 'story', which is totally incompatible with where these future gods are. That 'stream of time', so the people in the shadow will pretend to be gods and ghosts, pushing forward this reincarnation again and again, hoping that they can truly come to the world."

"I understand, but when you use the time stone to help them connect to reality, and they don't want to, you bitch is just hypocritical." Deadpool suddenly jumped up, turned 720 degrees in the air, and took off his clothes. His trousers exposed his rotten butt: "Eat my move and destroy everyone to death!"

His rotten and pus-filled ass did have a wet reflection, and the swooping gods suddenly retched uncontrollably and staggered in the air.

Su Ming's body was filled with colorful lights, X metal and cosmic energy, the Cosmic Cube and the Time Stone. All abilities were instantly unleashed. With such blessing and the cooperation of his cousin, he was able to cut with one sword using only brute force. He blasted Thor's other son, grabbed the other Mjolnir and crushed it casually, smiling:

"Because this is not their timeline, but one created by me. It's just another 'Twilight of the Gods' between us and them. That's it, strangulation, turning into a snake..."

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