The Death Knell

Chapter 2554 Fall

"Oh, we are descending again. Is the destination the earth? I hope it won't hit Mexico."

The World Tree has disappeared, and there is only a huge hole left in the original tree pool. Deadpool got there and looked down against the strong wind. Of course, he could only see endless void.

"Asgard is destined to fall to the earth, and this is generally the result in parallel worlds, but you should know where he will fall." Su Ming answered his cousin's question while cleaning up the battlefield, at least to prevent the other party from falling. The dangerous items taken from the Golden Palace's treasury were properly kept.

The silk bag is very safe inside.

Keep the miniature obelisk; keep the endless ring; keep the unknown things as well.

Deadpool nodded, he put his hands behind his back and spun around a little excitedly: "I know, it's America again, right? And it's still New York."

"Yes, in a few minutes, it will crash into the center of New York and smash Tony's building to pieces." Su Ming glanced at the information that the adjutant passed into his brain through strangulation: "But before that, there is a little more Small things to take care of.”

While using his giant sword to pick up the Ice Box that fell not far away, Deathstroke turned his attention to the giant pit in front of the Golden Palace and kicked a piece of dozens of tons of building debris over.


There was a sound of gold and iron clashing in the deep pit.

"I can let you go if you leave now, but if you want to hitchhike into the earth, you are dead." He didn't know who Deathstroke was talking to, but Deadpool knew it was definitely not Batman.

The interior of the giant pit was originally dark, but as soon as Su Ming finished speaking, a pair of green super-large light groups suddenly lit up.

The black flowed, and the sound of the scales rubbing together came, and the darkness seemed to be alive.

It was Nidhogg who dug a hole outside the city to hide himself when the Eagle God came. When the big snake showed its face, it dug a hole in the ground and dug into the fairy palace.

The big snake flew away Hela, Baldr killed the big snake, and Nidhogg had been hiding in the big pit caused by the battle, watching everything quietly.

"The Twilight of the Gods is over, and it has gone in a direction I never thought of. Mage Supreme, you are such a great human being." Nidhogg sighed, it spread its wings, and rancid venom flowed from its mouth. Next, he was still carrying some corpses that were used as food: "I will leave and never come back. The eternal resentment between me and the Asa clan ends today."

Su Ming nodded and waved his finger above his head like a helicopter taking off: "Your strength is not good enough in the universe. Be careful and don't die too early."

The huge dragon let out an unknown laugh. It rose into the sky, flapping its wings to bring strong wind, and flew towards the distant void.

Flying over the edge of the continental plate that was burning due to friction, the figure entered the main dimension and disappeared instantly.

Wade looked at the direction in which the giant dragon disappeared and became unusually deep: "Brother, what do you think we should have for breakfast?"

"I'll sign a note for you and go eat by yourself. I have other things to do, such as trying to find a way to prevent Asgard from falling into New York and find a place with a large area and a sparse population."

Deathstroke took out a pen and paper and wrote a withdrawal note, asking Deadpool to ask Gin for the money in a few days. Then he walked towards the edge of the plot, preparing to adjust the direction of his fall.


"Zola's bionic bees, did they cooperate with the list given by another group of aliens to capture all the Skrulls?"

Iron Man held a small bug on his palm and looked at it with gnashing teeth, making his eyes look cross-eyed.

The foundation of biology, combined with the mechanical and electronic assistance of physics...heresy! If only I had a torch in my hand!

The little bee didn't know anything. It was still happily crawling around in the Iron Man's palm, shaking its buttocks and dancing the 'figure 8 dance'.

"Yes, although I am a little curious about how the Kree Empire knew the list of Skrull spies, and it was not me who found the female Thor..." Carol scratched her blond hair and spread her hands speechlessly: " But as long as things turn out well, I don’t really care about the process.”

Daisy on the side smiled and said nothing, just turning her hammer over in her hand.

She has cooperated with Carol to capture all lurking alien spies in the United States. Efilar will soon complete the purification work in other areas of the earth. It is meaningless to tell the truth now.

It's enough to just look at the "anti-Deathstroke armor" that the neurotic Tony made. I don't know why he is so afraid of Deathstroke, so I won't say that the whole thing was arranged by that person.

"Captain and Falcon are also making good progress. Alexander Pierce and all the Hydras were eliminated, the Space Carrier failed to take off, and the Sky Eye project was completely destroyed. Captain America was hit in the leg. One shot destroyed the Falcon's flight equipment, but there were no other losses."

Vision floated over and landed next to Tony. Although his face was still expressionless, at least what he said was good news.

Tony threw the little bee back into the box beside him and walked towards the beautiful floor-to-ceiling windows found only in the rooms on the top floor of Stark Tower. He looked at the faint morning light in the sky that gilded the coastline, and then looked down at the city that had just recovered. People People rush to the streets to start a new day.

He smiled and winked at his friends behind him: "The key is that we didn't cause panic to the people during the whole thing. They didn't know anything. This is the best."

"Anti-intellectual remarks have been detected and I am opposed to them. Human beings should have an equal right to know."

Vision also floated towards the window, floating next to Iron Man, complaining without any emotion.

"Whether to inform the public about what happened, and if so, how to notify, that is all SHIELD's business." The mustachioed scientist waved his hand and began to let Jarvis help take off the armor, and smiled cynically: "I just You know I’m a little hungry, I want to eat a burger, who of you wants more?”

"Huh? Do you want to eat? Count me in!"

The second-generation Ant-Man, who had been lying on the sofa all night without accomplishing anything, suddenly jumped up and woke up as soon as he heard that he was about to eat, which attracted the disdainful eyes of the members of the "Avengers Science Team" present.

Tony didn't mind either. Although his group of scientists had worked all night in vain, wasn't staying up late a normal operation for people engaged in scientific research?

After writing down what type of burger everyone wanted, he specifically asked Dr. Banner how much he wanted, and then he was going to ask Pepper to order a professional chef from Wilson Fast Food for home service.

"Sir, it's an emergency." But at this moment, Jarvis suddenly popped up a projection screen in the living room: "A massive celestial body has been detected approaching the earth and will fall in the middle of Manhattan, New York within two minutes. You need to Emergency evacuation."

"What? Impossible!" Tony waved and put on the suit, frowned and began to operate frantically on the virtual keyboard: "Why was the comet detected at such a close distance? What did the people at NASA eat to grow up?"

"This is not their responsibility." Vision has seen the situation through his own network: "This celestial body appeared suddenly without any warning."

"Connect to my satellite, Jarvis. Maybe it's not a massive celestial body, but an alien warship..." Tony quickly ordered. He remained calm in the face of danger and didn't even think about evacuation. Find out what happened to this comet that suddenly appeared.

So a few seconds later, the projection screen turned, and the ruins of a dilapidated city in space appeared, like an inverted hill, with some broken walls built on the smooth side.

It's not particularly broken. At least one of the domed towers is intact and even gleaming in the sun.

"This is not a comet, it is Asgard, Thor's hometown. I have seen it." Daisy blinked in confusion, she had no idea why things suddenly turned out like this.

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