The Death Knell

Chapter 2560 MIB Headquarters

The old man continued to flip through his newspaper, and the puppy beside him raised his head, looked at the two of them with dark eyes, and sniffed to smell the smell.

"How do you know I'm F?"

Gouzi spoke, with a human expression of doubt.

"We naturally have intelligence channels." The man smiled slightly, reserved and polite: "Actually, I have always admired the great cause of MIB, but on the other side of the ocean, this cause started a little late."

"How can you find this place? The explanation is not simple. Do you have a letter of introduction from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or other official documents that can prove your identity?" F stood up from the kennel, and the small quilt covering him slipped off, revealing it. Also wearing a small black suit.

"No." The man didn't panic at all. He just squatted down and opened his palms in front of Gouzi: "Look, I have no fingerprints. We are all non-existent people. For such a person, is a letter of introduction useful?"

The slightly white palms were indeed smooth. The people in black had only removed their fingerprints. This man didn't even have any palm prints at all.

Seeing this, Agent F breathed a sigh of relief.

Because this is a test. If the other party really shows some identification, he is a liar.

Everyone has to deal with alien affairs. This kind of thing cannot be known to ordinary people. Of course, all traces of its past existence need to be eliminated. Even it itself is undetectable.

"Don't wander around. I'm contacting BOSS now. She has the final say whether to see you or not."

"Thank you." The man took out a hot steak like magic and pushed it in front of the dog with the plate: "A small gift, please be sure to accept it."

"Ahem, don't tempt me. I'm an agent in black with extremely strong willpower." The dog stretched out his hind legs and hid the plate behind his kennel without leaving a trace. Then he pulled out a big brother-looking figure from under the quilt. The communicator came, and pressed the call button with his front paw: "I am Agent F, help me pick up Agent O... Madam, two Chinese people came to my door. They said they wanted to come to learn and communicate. ...No, listen to me, they know our existence, and they also called me and your codenames...Okay, I understand."

The dog's mouth moved rapidly. After making a phone call, the communicator was covered with its saliva, but it wiped it with its sleeve and pointed its little paws at the elevator at the end:

"I agree to see you, but I should be searched and checked according to the rules. I hope you don't mind."

"No problem, we came here with sincerity and we don't have any weapons." Su Ming stood up, winked at Hermione, and the two of them walked towards the elevator.

The elevator went down quickly, at least a few hundred meters deep. Soon the darkness outside the glass suddenly lit up, and everything suddenly became clear.

Hermione blinked and looked at everything below curiously. This place was more like a busy airport than the headquarters of some mysterious organization, because in addition to the staff in black suits, there were also all kinds of strange-looking people. Aliens, check in here and choose the human appearance they will disguise themselves as.

The bright hall was very noisy, but it was chaotic and orderly. Everyone was busy doing their own thing, and the aliens seemed to be very cooperative.

On the large screen hanging in the distance, many familiar faces would appear from time to time. It turned out that many of those celebrities and stars were agents, or simply aliens.

"Sure enough, the underground is completely different from the ground. It's like entering another world." Hermione said to the professor with some emotion. She put her hands on the transparent glass and looked very happy.

After all, she was only a teenager and still a little girl. Even if Deathstroke intended to broaden her horizons, she would certainly be interested in seeing so many different aliens living peacefully with humans at the same time.

"Yes, do you suddenly feel that the universe is very close to us?" Su Ming smiled and touched her head, then looked at the ceiling of the elevator: "Okay, the host is already waiting for us, don't lose your etiquette. "

This implies that she is under surveillance and listening, so be careful what you say.

Of course she understood, and she quickly calmed down and returned to a calm state.

In the lobby below the elevator, there stood a white-haired mature woman who looked very good-tempered. She was waiting there with a polite smile and a group of thugs.

The elevator door opened silently, and then various sounds reached their ears through the radio, more like an airport or a train station.

"Flight 1444 to Andromeda II has started checking in. Passengers are asked to go to aisle 4."

"Hello, passengers who arrived on Earth on Flight 2702 from Ceres, please queue up at counter 20 for visa procedures in an orderly manner. Please refer to the specific entries in the travel brochure for matters that need to be paid attention to while staying on Earth."

"Notice, agents, please pay attention. In the third men's room on the right wing of the fourth floor, there is a Cabaret star who has passed out due to overeating. Repeat..."

A world where aliens and humans coexist suddenly appeared in front of them.

But these have nothing to do with the death knell, and the main purpose of coming here is not to visit the zoo.

The mature woman smiled and extended her hand and greeted her warmly. The atmosphere of the first meeting between the two parties was very friendly. Then the men in black with her swarmed up and scanned the two of them with various strange devices. .

"No problem ma'am, they're all human and they don't have weapons."

The search lasted only a few seconds before one of the men in black reported the results.

Only then did the woman laugh, beckoning everyone to leave with her eyes, and shook Deathstroke's hand vigorously: "Welcome to friends from across the ocean, I am the manager of the MIB US branch, you can call me Agent O."

"It's an honor to meet you, madam, you are so young and beautiful, I was speechless just now." Su Ming smiled politely, since both of them were telling lies anyway.

It's amazing how MIB welcomes strangers, especially those who come directly to their door.

If Agent O hadn't been able to figure out what force was behind the two Celestial People, he might have been hit with the memory erasing rod just now.

But it doesn't matter, Deathstroke is very sure that this old lady will definitely agree to his conditions. No one can refuse the Supreme Mage. If so, then find a way to make him agree.

"It's been a hard journey, but I'm sorry, we didn't receive any notice of your arrival." The female leader turned around and made an invitation gesture to lead the two of them to the office. At the same time, she was spying on transportation methods and background. , arrival time, she wanted to ask all about it.

"It's not hard work, it's all about serving the people." Deathstroke pretended to be false. Batman couldn't get the information out of himself, and this woman was even more useless: "In China, we believe that visiting people's homes is more solemn. I hope I didn't offend anyone. you."

The woman pursed her lips covertly, looking disappointed, but then turned around and said with a smile: "Haha, no offense, after all, we are all pragmatic, but I don't know your purpose yet, please come into the office to discuss in detail."

"Haha, please." Su Ming also smiled warmly, as if he was unsuspecting, and accepted the invitation with a smile.

The leader's office is located at the highest point. You can see the movement of the entire hall from here. It can be said that you have a high view. But in fact, this is a sealed box. If O gives the order, several laser turrets will definitely come out of the corner. That kind of thing.

In this way, the two parties sat down separately, with their own ulterior motives, and began to talk endlessly. Hermione yawned out of boredom.

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